Galai Daoga failed to defeat the Taiping army on the east bank in one fell swoop, but forced the Taiping army to retreat towards the beach on the left rear, which was very conducive to cavalry fighting. fastest update

The three Manchurian cavalry of Niulu charged in one go, but failed to completely smash the Taiping army on the east bank of the Huangsha River, which made Hahamu a little disappointed. The year before last, when he led 3,000 Manchu troops to the south for reinforcements, he defeated Li Dingguo's interception by more than 20,000 people at Sanjiangkou in one fell swoop. That battle also completely shattered Li Dingguo's attempt to conquer Guangdong twice. It was very dripping. After all, Li Dingguo was a general of Nanming who had slashed the Prince of Qing Dynasty. He was able to defeat him. Hahamu still feels supreme honor.

Unfortunately, Karai is incompetent!

Haha Mu takes the performance of the three Niu Lu Manzhou Erlang in his eyes. Not long ago, he was very disappointed with them, but after the charging horn sounded, these young people with the blood of their fathers flowing in their bodies were very unfamiliar in horsemanship. , but they were very brave. The reason why they failed to win the battle was simply because of the incompetence of the commander of Kalai Dauga.

Well, perhaps, the Taiping Army was braver than expected. Hahamu had to admit that Shang Zhixin and Tayinbu's defeat was not without reason. The Taiping army in front of them, who still persevered even though they suffered heavy casualties, was indeed a strong army. They seemed to have a vigor in them, and this vigor was not much worse than that of the Manchurian warriors.

In the mirror, Haha Mu once saw a senior general of the Taiping Army waving the flag while counting arrows in his body, shouting loudly for his subordinates to kill the enemy. This situation made him unconsciously think of the battle of Julu.

At that time, Ha Mu was still very young, and he was just an ordinary swaying tooth under the account of Prince Rui. In that battle, he saw with his own eyes the unyielding figure of the Ming army who was still holding the flag and shouting to kill the enemy.

In the future, Ha Mu learned that the unyielding figure was a high-ranking official of the Ming Dynasty, and his name was Lu Xiangsheng. The people of the Ming Dynasty pulled out a whole basket of arrows from his corpse.

Brave people are always respected by their opponents, and Haha Mu respects Lu Xiangsheng back then, too. He also respected the warriors of the Taiping Army, but he only respected the dead warriors.

There are some regrets in his heart, but Hahamu is not too disappointed. The victory has already tilted towards the Manchurian warriors. He clearly saw that the battered Taiping army was retreating into the grave he had chosen for them in his heart. Even though the Taiping Army was still struggling and did not want to retreat to the tomb, under the oppression of the Manchu warriors, they had no other choice.

"Is the Green Camp coming up?"

"General. Guangzhou General You Dahai led more than 2,000 people to arrive."

"Where's the Superintendent?"

"Hu Qili's department has not yet crossed the stone bridge, and the news came that they are rushing to repair the stone bridge, and they will not be able to catch up in a while."

"Hmph, we can walk on this stone bridge, and the Green Camp can walk, but he can't walk on the beacon!"

Hahamu sneered, since he dispatched troops, Hu Qili, the sergeant who dared to frame the warriors of the Eight Banners for fleeing without a fight, has been leading his men behind him to **** grain, grass, and loads, and did not dare to come to see him. Seeing Li Soltai's face, Hahamu also had no intention of taking Hu Qili's operation. Lest the instability of the supervising standard cause chaos. But now the personal soldiers took their own arrows to pass on Hu Qili and led the superintendent to catch up to participate in the war, and he dared to find an excuse to delay, it seems that this person really does not want to live!

Hahamu made up his mind to kill Hu Qili after the battle, keeping such a person is always a hidden danger. In the past, the reason why the Ming army was repeatedly defeated by the Qing soldiers was that, in addition to the invincibility of the Eight Banners in Manzhou, wasn't it also because the generals of the Ming army were dragging each other down and hurting each other's friendly forces!

The military law of the Qing Dynasty is not a decoration, and the Qing Dynasty is not the Ming Dynasty, and there will never be a guy who does not obey the order!

Haha Mu's fierce light flashed, and the order went on: "Blow the trumpet. Let the two Niu Lu from the white flag go up, and the green battalion soldiers also go up, and all the Taiping bandits must be forced to death before noon!"

After receiving the order from Hahamu, Karai Daoka was taken aback. The 5 Niu Lu and the Green Camp have all gone up. What if they can't rush down and get into a deadlock with the Taiping bandits?

As the commander who led the army at the forefront, Galai knew that the Taiping army on the other side was extremely tenacious. Although it suffered heavy losses, it was far from collapsed. They have also realized that the Qing army is forcing them to death. For this, they struggled frantically, and Manzhou Erlang had to pay some losses every time he forced them to death. However, their madness is futile. They are destined to be forced into that Jedi, so there is absolutely no need to press the entire army now. Although doing so can quickly drive the opponent into a corner, it will cost more losses.

Dogs will jump over walls when they are anxious, and rabbits will bite people when they are anxious. If these thousands of Taiping troops are desperately carried, the Qing army will not only pay more losses, but also delay time. If the war hits at night, It is very likely that the Taiping Army will take advantage of the night to escape some of the troops and horses, and they will not be able to complete the battle in one battle, which will add variables to the subsequent capture of Xiangshan County.

The people from the Galai Daoga sect raised their concerns to Hahamu, but Hahamu ignored him and insisted that he immediately lead his troops to attack. .

Seeing that Hahamu's attitude was so resolute, and there was a hidden threat that he would use his military law if he didn't obey the order, Kalai Daoka did not dare to persuade him any more. After all, the commander was Hahamu, not Kalai. Although he is also a true leader, Daqing speaks of military law. If he disobeys the commander's orders on the battlefield, the king and the lower shell may be engaged in military law, and the court will not blame it afterwards, so he does not dare to take risks. Insist, in case Haha Mugong avenges his personal revenge, he has nowhere to speak.


The newly built Guangzhou Green Battalion is not very effective at all. Most of the more than 2,000 so-called elite soldiers brought by the chief soldier You Dahai are all newly recruited masters. Whoever was ordered to deliver food to the Qing soldiers, never thought that the Qing soldiers also wanted food and people.

You Dahai also knew that these soldiers were useless, but he did not dare not to obey the orders of the Manchu general, so he took the man to him. The newly-appointed chief officer who had recovered his life in the river battlefield came to his senses. He personally led the personal soldiers to supervise the formation, and pressed the more than 2,000 master soldiers to rush to the Taiping army line of Very hardworking and very Work hard.

Haha Mu was worried that Karai Dao Kar would not be able to do his best, and he also led his own soldiers to go into battle in person. He ordered his own soldiers to pick up the heads of the dozens of Taiping soldiers who were not blind, and use the tips of their knives to show off their horses in front of the Taiping defense line.

This strategy of attacking heart seems to have worked. The morale of the Taiping army in front of him was obviously degraded, and he was pushed back a lot by the Manchu cavalry and the green battalion soldiers. In the end, Hahamu got his wish and saw thousands of Taiping troops retreat. the tomb.


There are more than 400 subscriptions in the chapter of anti-theft, and only a little out of 200. If this subscription is delayed, how can bones have the opportunity to participate in the explosive power list! (The minimum entry condition for the list is 500!)

Mother, please do your best, and I will fight too!

Even if you don't sleep, you have to pick Haha Mu's head on the bamboo pole!

It should be noted that this person, Dasu and Donic are the three high-ranking Manchu officials who massacred the most Han Chinese in the late Shunzhi period! (To be continued.)

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