Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 353: Full Tartar is here!

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Everything that happened in the woods by the shore was shrouded in darkness and was silent, and no one knew what happened just now. Please search (product% book ¥¥) to see the most complete! fastest updated novel

In the Huangsha River not far away, there was a faint sound of boat oars rowing across the flowing water. Under the moonlight and stars half-covered by dark clouds, I saw two black-penned boats speeding forward, reaching three or four miles downstream. At that time, a fork appeared ahead, and the current Wu Peng boat had not stopped and rowed to the left side of the tributary.

The two Wu Peng boat people took turns paddling, and after about half an hour, the boat in front suddenly pulled to the shore, and the boat in the back hurried to the shore when they saw it.

A man with a red scarf on his head jumped from the boat in front and tied the rope to an old willow tree on the shore. Then he squatted on the ground and sniffed the air with his nose like a dog.

Seeing the freshness, the people on the back bank whispered and scolded: "Brother Hu Guang, what do you smell? Could it be that there is still a **** peeing here?"

"Go! Go! Go."

The Hu Guang brother in front turned around and scolded them in a low voice: "A bunch of young boys know shit, there are horses in Tartar, and it has just rained, if there are horses around, the smell of horse urine is very strong, and the old You can smell it from afar."

The few people in the back all felt reasonable after hearing it, and they all followed Hu Guang's example and sniffed the air, but they couldn't smell anything. The shadows of the trees swayed in all directions, the water of the Huangsha River behind him murmured slightly, and the surroundings were quiet.

One person retracted his nose in frustration and whispered, "My nose is not a dog's nose, I really can't smell any shame."

"You are the dog."

The companion on the side pinched the man angrily. The man who was pinched was about to look like he was in pain, but suddenly he saw Hu Guangmeng lying on the ground and swung his hand back: "Don't make a sound, there is movement!"

A few people were startled, they all lay on the ground immediately, they didn't dare to move, they listened carefully, and there was a slight noise coming from the front, which seemed to be a "squeaky" sound.

Leading the team is a small flag. Called Zhou Quanbao, he gently poked Hu Guang and asked him in a low voice, "Brother Hu, what's the sound?"

"It's like the sound of a horse eating food."

far away. Hu Guang didn't know what the sound was, but he was sure that there must be a horse in front of him, because he smelled the stench of horse urine.

"You guys don't move here, I'll crawl over to take a look."

Hu Guang made a gesture. I told everyone to stay still, but I climbed towards a dirt **** in the forest in front of me. He didn't dare to run over directly, because if there was someone in front of him, it would be easy to be noticed by the other party.

Zhou Xiaoqi knew that although Hu Guang was just an ordinary sergeant in Shuiying, he was very capable, so he did not stop him.

Hu Guang, a native of Chaozhou, served as a soldier at the age of eighteen. First he was a soldier of the Zheng clan in Fujian. Later, he was defeated by Hao Shangjiu, who was also a Ming army, because he followed officials to Chaozhou to grab food. After being captured, he became Hao Shangjiu's soldier. After he came back, Hao Shangjiu was defeated by the Qing army again. He and some companions surrendered to Wu Liu and became Chaozhou Green Battalion. Later, it was unfortunate that Xinhui was captured by the Taiping Army, and turned into the Taiping Army. The water camp of the Taiping Army was built with Hu Guang and other Chaozhou soldiers and some fishermen from Xiangshan Mountain as the backbone.

Speaking of which, this Hu Guang is really an ominous person, which one is unlucky with, and for this reason, when he was in the water camp, the camp officials often made fun of him about it. Hu Guang was not angry either, only said that he would not be unlucky again in the future. The official saw that although he was a little old soldier, his water skills were not bad. So let him help teach new soldiers in the battalion, awarded a sergeant rank. This time, the water battalion cooperated with the pro-military battalion to investigate the intelligence of the Qing army, and Hu Guang was one of them.

Because of the rain during the day, the woods were very rotten. Hu Guang was struggling to climb forward, and his body was covered with muddy leaves. He crawled forward along the grass and quickly disappeared in front of everyone, and no one could see where he had climbed.

Zhou Xiaoqi led a few of his subordinates to lie on the bank, his heart was pounding, and the tension seemed to make his chest explode.

Zhou Xiaoqi's brows were even more tightly wrinkled: Could there really be Manchu Tartars in front of them?

I don't know how long it took. The grass in front of him suddenly moved, and when everyone's heart was about to jump out of their throats, Hu Guang's head was exposed from the grass.

Hu Guang climbed up in front of Zhou Xiaoqi and said in a low voice, "There is a road about a mile ahead, and there are several horses tied to the road, so far away, I can't see clearly. Son, it should be their horse." He didn't mention the Green Camp soldiers, because everyone knew that the Green Camp in Guangdong had no horses.

A soldier whispered: "Since the Qing army has been discovered, it doesn't matter whether he is a man or a second tartar, let's go back and report it."

However, Zhou Xiaoqi shook his head: "Our mission is to find out the exact location of the Manchu Tartars. Now we have only found a few scouts. We don't know if they are Mantartarians or Han Jun's Second Tartarians. How can we report when we go back like this?"

"We have come out with dozens of teams. We are afraid that we will be the first to discover the Qing army. In any case, we have to find out the bottom of the Tartars. Otherwise, what are we going to do?"

Several other soldiers did not agree to go back and report in this way.

Hu Guang said suddenly: "If there are these few Tartars, why don't we touch them, catch a live one and ask, if you are lucky, you can catch a few real Tartar heads to repay the credit!"

The Taiping Army did not count the head of the Han army and the head of the Green Camp, but the heads of the Manchu Tatars were able to count, and one topped several. Therefore, Hu Guang's proposal made everyone eager to hear it. , There are several people on the other side, there are 9 of them, but there are not many of them, and they quietly touch them, and they are prepared to fight, and the odds of winning can be 80% to 90%.

"Done! I've been in the army for a few months, and I've long wanted to get paid for a sergeant."

"Go, if you really succeed, and the flag is raised, I can do it too!"

Of course, Zhou Xiaoqi had no problem with his subordinates. He also wanted to raise a general flag to do it. Immediately, he took them to the **** where Hu Guang had gone before, ready to start at the right time.

When crawling forward, Zhou Xiaoqi suddenly turned his head and said to Hu Guang, who was on the side: "I saw Brother Hu silent all the way, and I heard people say what happened to Brother Hu in the past, only that Brother Hu is a soldier who is afraid of death. very!"

Hu Guang smiled slightly, didn't say anything about himself, just said: "We Chaozhou people have always been tough~www.wuxiamtl.com~ But it depends on who you are, you can't be tough with your own family."

A few people had just climbed to the small dirt slope, and before they could touch the road, they suddenly heard the sound of horse hooves in the distance. Zhou Xiaoqi's expression changed, and he waved everyone to lie down and stay still.

Everyone didn't expect this change, all of them were tightly attached to the ground and did not dare to breathe.

In the dark of night, the Qing troops who were tying their horses and feeding them on the road in front of them had already turned their horses, and not far north of them, a hundred horses were rushing towards them. And farther back, there is clearly a large group of people moving here.

In the grass, everyone did not dare to come out, only a pair of eyes stared at everything in front of them nervously. These Tartars were not scout horses, but the vanguard of the Qing army.

Everyone turned their attention to Zhou Xiaoqi and asked silently what to do. The only choice now is to quickly retreat to the riverside boat, and hurry back to inform the commander that the Manchu Tartar Brigade is here!

"Go, go back!" Zhou Xiaoqi ordered.

Hu Guang suddenly grabbed him and said in a low voice, "You bring people back to report, and I will continue to stare at them here to see where they are going."

Zhou Xiaoqi was startled: "Brother Hu, this is too dangerous!"

Hu Guang smiled: "Don't worry, I walked along the river, the Tartars couldn't find me, but I did. I plunged into the river with a fierce guy, and they couldn't do anything about me."

Zhou Xiaoqi hesitated for a moment, Hu Guang's water ability is stronger than any of them, Hugh said that the North is full of Tartars. It would be good to have Hu Guang staring here.

"Brother Hu, be careful, I'll take someone back."

"Come on, the Tartar is late."

After Zhou Xiaoqi led the people away, Hu Guang lurked in the forest by the night, his eyes fixed on the front. (To be continued.)

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