Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 352: Be a companion on Huangquan Road

There are hundreds of large and small water coefficients in Panyu, but the two largest are the Lutou River and the Huangsha River. In fact, strictly speaking, these two rivers are the same river, but one is upstream and the other is downstream. The upstream Huangsha River flows through the entire Fragrant Hills, and joins the Jiya Waterway and Xiaolan Waterway in Panyu and flows into the Lion Ocean in the east.

In the early years, Xiangshan and Panyu were not bordered. In the Yuan Dynasty, the two counties were still separated by more than ten miles of sea. During the Hongwu period, the northern area of ​​Xiangshan began to silt up into land, and then it was really connected to the mainland. Because of this, after the demise of the Southern Song Dynasty, a large number of descendants of the royal family and officials of the Southern Song Dynasty lived and settled in Xiangshan (island) across the sea in Panyu, so there are many Zhao villages in Xiangshan now.

After receiving the information that the Qing army was about to attack Xiangshan, Zhou Shixiang immediately carried out a large-scale mobilization. This mobilization was not only the mobilization of military forces, but also the mobilization of the people of Xiangshan.

In view of the consistent virtues of the Qing army, Zhou Shixiang did not dare to pin the safety of the 100,000 Xiangshan people on their kindness, so he had to mobilize the people to move to a safe area, especially the people who were the only way for the Qing army on the northern front. How to evacuate them, otherwise it will be a disaster waiting for them.

The Longyan Township in the northwest of Xiangshan Mountain was the only way for the Qing army on the right road, where the Taiping Army also resettled the most people in the back camp. Zhou Shixiang asked Song Xianggong to personally go to Longyan Township to command the retreat. All the tens of thousands of people in this area were transported across the river safely.

The area of ​​Liangzi Township is the only place where the Qing army on the middle road and the Qing army on the left road must pass. The people in this area, Zhou Shixiang, instructed to evacuate to Xiangshan County. If the remaining scattered villages cannot participate in the evacuation in time, they will be evacuated to the nearby mountains.

Except for the people who were evacuated to Xinhui, for others. Fragrant Hill is not really a safe zone. The primary goal of the Qing army was Xiangshan County. Once the county was captured by the Qing army, 100% of the people in the city would be bloodbathed by the Qing army. Therefore, the transfer of a large number of people to Xiangshan County, to a certain extent, is not to make them safe, but to let them fall into the Jedi, just like asking you to enter the urn. Even the former Shanzhai far behind was not safe because Xiangshan didn't have enough depth to defend against the Qing army. Once the county town falls, the loss of the former cottage is inevitable, and bad luck awaits the people of Xiangshan.

Therefore, many people objected to the relocation of the people to the county seat. What they mentioned the most was moving all the people to the county seat, so that no one could escape when the Qing army came. If they do not move, the people will be scattered in various townships and villages, even if they will be massacred by the Qing army. In the end, a small part of it will survive. Not to be killed, after all, the people are more familiar with the terrain around their homes than the Qing army. The Qing army really came, how could they find a place to hide. All come to Xiangshan County, that is, if you want to hide, there is nowhere to hide.

It's not that Zhou Shixiang didn't consider this point, but he still insisted on the evacuation despite all the opinions.

There are 30,000 to 40,000 people in the northern part of Xiangshan, and almost all of the Taiping Army's rear battalions were placed in the north, so Zhou Shixiang had to move them, even to an unsafe place. In this way, at least for the Taiping Army, he, the commander, can explain it.

Just think. No one cares about the safety of the wife and children. Can the husband (father, son) in the army work for him Dashuai Zhou with peace of mind?

Regardless, letting the people in the north be slaughtered by the Qing army would definitely be a serious blow to the morale of the Taiping army. Zhou Shixiang could not accept such a thing happening.

The three-way attack of the Qing army is the biggest crisis since the Taiping army was formed. It also determines whether the Taiping army can really leap over the dragon gate, affect the overall situation of Guangdong, and then affect the overall situation of the anti-Qing Dynasty, and become a rising force in Lingnan. .

Therefore, this battle must be won. Before the battle begins, Zhou Shixiang needs his subordinates to maintain a high fighting will and determination, rather than worry about his wife and children at home. For this reason, even if the transfer of the people involved a large amount of manpower and materials of the Taiping Army, he would take action, not for anything else, but only so that the soldiers who were about to follow him and the Qing army in a life-and-death struggle could have no worries.

If the Taiping Army can't win this war, whether it is transferred or not, the people of Xiangshan are destined to have a tragic ending.

Perhaps it was Zhou Shixiang's intention to move all the people to one place. He took these people as hostages to force his subordinates to fight to the death. Just like Xinhui, for the sake of the relatives in the city, men must fight to the death, and there is no option to retreat!

Zhou Shixiang was also very conflicted about how to view his actions, but he knew that he had only one choice, and that was to fight to the death.

When he died, the Taiping Army was over, and the Taiping Army was over, so would the people of Xiangshan, and even Daming would be over!

Everything is over.

To stop all this from happening, the only way to kill Hu'er is to survive.


Under the influence of the typhoon, the evacuation of various township offices was intermittent. By the 19th, more than 20,000 people had been resettled in Xiangshan County. Although people from time to time drag their families and their families to the county seat, the number of people is getting smaller and smaller. Many people could no longer escape, and were chased by the Qing army and killed thousands of corpses lying on the road.

As the gust of wind stopped, the Huangsha River under the night was quiet, without any turbulence.

In a jungle on the shore, many people and clothes were vaguely seen lying there. In addition to people, there were more than a dozen handcarts in the forest, which were full of clothes, bedding, pots and pans. This is a team fleeing from Panyu to Xiangshan. They are all from Zhaojia Village. There were more than 200 people when they first escaped, but now there are less than half of them.

The leader of the team is a middle-aged man, his name is Zhao Dabiao. According to the old people, Zhao Dabiao's ancestor was a high-ranking official who escaped from Fujian with Emperor Duanzong of the Southern Song Dynasty. After the World War I at Yashan, his ancestor and hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians threw themselves into the sea to die for the country. When he was thrown into the sea, he was reluctant to let his grandson, who was only a few years old, die together, so he asked someone to take him away. Later, this grandson went to Xiangshan with the descendants of the royal family of the Southern Song Dynasty, and changed his surname to Zhao, and since then there is a family of Zhao Dabiao. Specifically, which minister of the Southern Song Dynasty was the ancestor of Zhao Dabiao who threw himself into the sea to die for the country, it is no longer possible to test.

This team has been tortured since the day they escaped from the village. They were discovered twice by the Qing army, and they lost half of them as a result. The rest of the people were exhausted by the pursuit of Qing soldiers and the invasion of wind and rain, but Xiangshan County was still far away. Both adults and children were exhausted. They chose to rest overnight in the woods by the Yellow Sand River, so that they could recover some strength and continue their journey tomorrow.

Everyone was asleep, but Zhao Dabiao still patrolled inside and outside the forest in a strong spirit. A pig-killing knife was attached to his waist, which was taken from the butcher's house next door for self-defense when he was fleeing. On the way, he used this knife to kill a Qing soldier who wanted to rob his daughter-in-law.

It was early autumn, and it had just rained heavily, the temperature in the woods was very low, and the ground was very wet. The Zhuang households were reluctant to take out the clean quilt for fear of getting the quilt wet, so in order to keep out the cold, everyone leaned against each other to keep warm. Rao is so, the body is also soaked in water, when I wake up tomorrow, I am afraid that many people will suffer from the cold.

Zhao Dabiao strongly resisted the thought of wanting to make a fire to ward off the cold for everyone, and took a look around. After finding no suspicious movement, he yawned and touched the cart and lay down on the spot to rest. He was really sleepy, his legs were swollen from running away for days, and a large piece of skin was torn on the soles of his feet, making it painful to walk.

In a daze, Zhao Dabiao felt that something was covering him, but when he opened his eyes, he found that his daughter-in-law Qiao'er had put a sack over him.

Zhao Dabiao felt a warm feeling in his heart, looked at his daughter-in-law a little moved, and asked her, "Where's your mother?"

"Mother and third sister-in-law are together."

Qiaoer stretched out his finger and pointed not far away. Zhao Dabiao looked there with his arms propped up, and his mother really slept with the third sister-in-law and others. Listening to the snoring of the third sister-in-law, it seems that the old people are sleeping soundly.

Zhao Dabiao smiled and said to Qiao'er, "Go to sleep too, you have to get up early tomorrow to drive. The rain has stopped. If we don't go faster, Tartar will catch up with us."

"Understood, I'll go to sleep now."

Qiaoer nodded and agreed, Zhao Dabiao glanced around again, then closed his eyes and continued to sleep, but this sleep soon fell asleep. In the dream, he dreamed that Qiao'er was finally pregnant, and his old Zhao family finally had incense.

It was quiet in the woods, and only the snoring could be heard from time to time. After an unknown amount of time, several figures suddenly moved on the ground, and then quietly stood up.

Looking at the place where her son and daughter-in-law were located by the faint moonlight, Mrs. Zhao showed a loving smile, then sighed in her heart, squatted down and touched a small bench in her hand, and then pulled the third sister-in-law beside her to lift her legs to the place. Go deep in the forest.

There were also several women who went with the Zhao family, all of them elderly. They walked very slowly and moved very lightly, for fear of being discovered. It was not until after walking a long distance into the dark forest, Zhao Shi stopped under a big tree that several people could not hold.

"That's it, this tree is very strong, enough for some of our old bones." Zhao shi said and put the small bench on the ground.

The third sister-in-law asked the other person, "Can you see it?"

"Okay, it's fine."

After a few old women said, they took out the cloth strips and threw them on the big tree, tied the knot and pulled it up.

An old woman looked back at Lin Zi and hesitated, "Let's just go?"

Third sister-in-law's eyes reddened: "Our old arms and legs~www.wuxiamtl.com~ really can't walk, we can't hurt the children any more."

"The third sister-in-law is right. We have discussed not to drag the children down, so these old sisters are together on Huangquan Road. It's okay, there is nothing to think about, in case the children find out that we are gone , but it's going to die. I'll go first."

As she spoke, an old woman stepped on the small stool brought by Mrs. Zhao and put her head in the noose, and then gently kicked the stool over. Suddenly, her throat was tightly restrained by the noose and she couldn't breathe. , She instinctively struggled a few times, and after a while, she didn't move again.

The remaining old women stared blankly at the old sister who took a step forward. After being silent, Mrs Zhao suddenly said to the old woman beside her: "Her third sister-in-law, the way she hanged herself is really scary."

The third sister-in-law did not speak.

Zhao Shi sighed, and tremblingly put her head on, kicking off the bench she had been sitting on for decades.

After another period of silence, the third sister-in-law also stepped on the stool, one, two, until the last one.... (To be continued.)

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