Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 301: The thief is going to hit Guangzhou

Zuo Qing was silent, he didn't understand why Li Suotai insisted on wooing Wu Liuqi for his own use, in case Wu Liuqi refused to come to Guangzhou or the court's transfer order came one step ahead of Wu Liuqi, but he didn't know how Li Suotai ended.

Could it be?

A thought flashed in Zuo Qing's mind, secretly thinking that Li Suotai did this, I am afraid it is also a plan to alienate. Regardless of whether he can persuade Wu Liuqi to come to Guangzhou as the admiral, or whether he is still serving as the governor of Guangdong, the letter sent to Chaozhou is a stab between Shang Kexi and Wu Liuqi. Shang Kexi doesn't doubt Wu Liuqi, but Wu Liuqi is afraid to doubt himself how Shang Kexi sees this matter. Once there is a rift between the two, Li Suotai will be considered to have completed his major event.

Hong Shiming didn't know much about the situation in Guangdong. He came to Guangzhou only for the Guangdong township test. He couldn't ask about the affairs between the civil, military, and political officials in Guangdong. He just thought that Wu Liuqi was really a good general. It is undoubtedly a good thing for Daqing. I also saved it in my heart and sent a letter to my father about Wu Liuqi and his method of banning the sea, and let him see if Wu's actions could be promoted in the coastal areas of Fujian and Zhejiang. In this way, Nanming Erzhang and Haikou Zheng were entrenched in the coastal areas of Fujian and Zhejiang. Shi, like rootless duckweed, can no longer harass the coast. Without the riots along the coast, my father could concentrate on deploying troops to the southwest. At this time, the two thieves of Nanming Sun and Li were strife, and He Chou Daqing could not take this opportunity to set the world and create the foundation of the world in one fell swoop.

Wang Huacheng and other generals of the Green Battalion were still full of opinions on Wu Liuqi, and they were jealous of the Governor-General Xu Yu's Guangdong Admiral and the Tenth Battalion soldiers, and they were all angry, but the Governor-General had already decided, and they also I dare not say anything against it.

At the time of the banquet, everyone was quite full. It was the first time for the generals of the green camp to have dinner with the Governor, and they all felt honored.

Li Shuitai was concerned about attracting Wu Liuqi, so he signaled Li Guibao to see off the guest. Hong Shiming also said goodbye to the post house to rest, and everyone just walked to the door of the flower hall. There was an emergency call from outside.

"Urgent report, Shunde military intelligence report!"

Hearing the "military emergency report", all the military attachés of the Green Camp subconsciously stopped their steps, and Li Suotai and Zuo Qing also moved in their hearts. Invariably, they thought: Could it be that there is news from Hu Qili?

On second thought, it was wrong. Hu Qili was leading the troops to chase down the Taiping army that attacked Zengcheng. It was impossible for them to go to Shunde, which is hundreds of miles away. !

The two were startled.

"Urgent report, Panyu Daliang Foreign Affairs Commission Qian Zong Hu is urgently reported!"

Shunde emergency report has not stopped. Then came the Panyu emergency report.

Two urgent reports came at the same time?

Everyone in the hall was stunned, knowing that something big must happen.

Shunde reported the letter to a pacesetter of the Governor. Under the leadership of the Governor's guards, he rushed straight into the Houhua Hall. When he saw the generals of the green camp in the hall, he was stunned and didn't know which one was the Governor. The guard next to him called him. Immediately, he hurriedly knelt down in front of Li Suitai, who was wearing a ruby ​​top, took out an emergency report from his arms and held it up high, and said anxiously, "Shunde hastened the military situation, please take a look at the Governor!"

The Panyu emergency dispatcher who came in front and back was a post soldier. He was not led in by people from the Governor's Palace, but by Zhu Guorong, the prefect of Guangzhou.

The post soldier in Panyu was quite a shrewd person. Seeing the people in Shunde in front of him kneeling down in front of Li Suotai, he also stepped forward and knelt down on the ground, holding up the emergency report: "Hu Mingyi, general manager of Daliang Foreign Affairs Committee of Panyu, makes an urgent report. , Lord Governor, please take a look!"

"Quick, bring it here!"

When I heard it was an emergency military situation, and it was two copies, Zhu Guorong, the prefect of Guangzhou, also came, but his face was very ugly. Li Suotai made a sudden shock, and his face became solemn. He asked the guard to bring two copies of the memorial and let Zuo Qing hold one. He picked up a copy, opened it, and glanced at it, but his expression changed greatly. The hands holding the report trembled, and the more he looked back, the more ugly his face became.

Zuo Qing was also shocked when he saw Li Suotai's ugly face. He only knew that the Sanjiangkou line of defense had been broken by the Xinhui Ming Army, so he hurriedly asked: "My lord, but Sanjiangkou is at a loss!"

"Not Sanjiangkou."

Li Shuitai handed the report to Zuo Qing, tried his best to calm his anger, and said lightly to a group of subordinates who looked uncertain: "The governor Hu Qili reported that the Taiping bandit set up an ambush in the Lutou River to defeat our army, and he led the governor. Biao fought bravely with the bandits, and Naiko's troops were more than ten times stronger than him. Although he rushed to kill the bandits, he was unable to repel the Taiping bandits, and the Han army that arrived later was also annihilated by bandits.... He also Said that my Manchurian white flag soldiers were also photographed in Taiping's fierce flames and did not dare to confront them. Seeing that things were irreversible, Hu Qili had to retreat... Most of the Guangzhou Green Battalion who had marched with him collapsed, and the chief soldier Lin Jinzhong The following commanders and more than 20 people were killed."

Speaking of this, Li Shuitai suddenly sneered, "Hu Qili led the superintendent and retreated to Shunde. Before the report, he said that he had taken in more than 600 disbanded battalions, and now he is preparing for the war, vowing to fight the Taiping bandits. The **** battle... do you believe this?"

Without waiting for everyone to react, he picked up the wine glass on the table and smashed it on the ground, angrily said: "Joke, where did the Taiping army come from tens of thousands of troops, did he Hu Qili lie to the governor and ignorant! He clearly underestimated the enemy and fell into the ambush of the Taiping army. In order to shirk the responsibility for defeat, he even said that my soldiers in Manchuria are also afraid of the enemy like tigers. This fellow is really hateful. It is in vain that the governor has always believed in him, and repeatedly entrusted him with important tasks, but he is extremely incompetent. Kill it, kill it!"

Li Suotai was so angry in his heart that his face was contorted, so frightened that the pacesetter who reported the news from Shunde knelt on the ground and did not dare to breathe.

Wang Huacheng and other generals of the green camp all looked at each other in dismay. They were horrified by Hu Qili's defeat, but also by Lin Jinzhong's death in battle. At the same time, they couldn't help but gloat at the misfortune. , Now that he has suffered a big defeat and dares to put the responsibility on the head of the Manchu soldiers, isn't this clearly courting death!

What Taiping bandits defeated the army?

However, Hong Shiming was at a loss~www.wuxiamtl.com~ was puzzled. It did not mean that the territory of Guangzhou was already owned by the Qing Dynasty. Did people serve the Qing Dynasty, how could this cause Taiping bandits?

He wanted to ask Zuo Qing what was going on, but he saw Zuo Qing shook his head violently and shouted: "Sir, no, no! Victory and defeat are common things in military affairs. Your lord will never blame General Hu for a momentary defeat. But he returned to Guangzhou to fight again, but why did he retreat to Shunde instead of Guangzhou? Why did he put the blame on the Manchu soldiers for the defeat, so he was not afraid that the Manchu soldiers would confront him afterwards, and he was not afraid that the Governor-General would chop him off!"

Li Suotai snorted angrily: "He ran to Shunde because he was afraid that the Governor would chop his head off!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard Zhu Guorong say: "Sir, what General Hu said is true. Hu Mingyi from Daliang Town sent an urgent report saying that after the Taiping army had defeated the officers and soldiers, they divided their troops and burned, killed, and looted in Panyu. The main force of tens of thousands has already advanced to Daliang under the leadership of Xiucai, the leader of the bandit thief, and it is obvious that they want to capture Daliang and advance to Guangzhou!"

The thief show is going to fight Guangzhou? !

Zuo Qing stayed there. To be continued.

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