Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 300: Hometown people also kill

Wu Liuqi?

Zuo Qing was taken aback: Although this person is a good general, he is still a gratifying person. Can the Governor dig him over?

However, he was very happy to see Li Suotai and wanted to use Wu Liuqi as a good future to support the Guangdong Green Camp. Zuo Qing did not disappoint him, so he agreed: "Wu Liuqi is capable of both literature and martial arts, and the two water and land divisions under his command are all brave and good at fighting. Last year, he reported to the governor that his ban on the sea in the Chaoshan area had been very effective, which had prevented the Zheng family from committing another step in Chaoshan. Years ago, the adults personally asked the court for him.\\(^o^)/\\| Jing@dian*小#say\\|more\\|new\\|the most\\|fast|\\(^o^)/”

Hearing this, Li Shuitai nodded and said with a look of relief: "When it comes to banning the sea, I have to say that Wu Liuqi has a long-term vision and has come up with a good way. It is a disaster for the people, and it has never been more of Zheng's idea of ​​dyeing his hands in Chaoshan, and he has made great contributions to the stability of northern Guangdong. As the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, I have such a capable person under my rule, how can I not ask the court for credit for it."

Although Hong Shiming was the son of Hong Chengchou, he had been studying at home. After he became a jinshi, he went to work in the Ministry of Rites, so he didn't know much about the wars in various places. What is the prohibition of the sea, how to prohibit the sea, and what are the benefits after the prohibition of the sea. His face was dazed.

Zuo Qing returned the favor and thanked him for explaining the matter of the Eight Great Families to him before, so he smiled and said to him: "My Chaoshan area in Guangdong borders the territory of Zheng's in Fujian, and it is also a land of fish and rice, so the Zheng's has always been watching Chaoshan, thinking that it wants to occupy Chaoshan. The land of food sources. Chaoshan area is more concerned about the Zheng family's mischief, or informs them, or provides them with food and salaries. Officials and soldiers must not prohibit them. Chaozhou chief Wu Liuqicai suggested to the court to ban the sea... Forbidding the sea is to set up a lower boundary stone on the seaside, and the government clearly states that anyone who crosses the boundary stone will be killed without mercy. If anyone dares to venture out to sea, they will be caught and killed. In this way, the sea will be uninhabited. After the Zheng's ship docks, there is no food and grass supply for the people on the shore, and there is no guide. Naturally, it is impossible to go deep. You can hear the news. Zheng Jun can only return without success after several times."

"It turned out to be so forbidden to the sea, this is a good way to draw wages from the bottom of the pot. It can not only consolidate the place, but also isolate the enemy, and kill two birds with one stone. Wonderful, wonderful!"

After hearing this, Hong Shiming also admired Wu Liuqi's method of banning the sea, but he didn't know what Hongqing said in a few words, but he couldn't explain Wu Liuqi's achievements clearly, and he didn't know how many lives were behind the banning sea sobbing on the boundary stone. .


After proposing to the Qing court to ban the sea, Wu Liuqi took the banning of the sea as a top priority. He sent his Qing troops to patrol the coast day and night to hunt and kill fishermen who were forced to go out to sea because of their livelihood. absolutely. At the same time, the stone sign he set up by the sea is also airtight, with one every mile.

Wu Liuqi issued a strict order to the Qing army under his command, all Han people who crossed the line. No matter who the opponent is, there is no need to report it. The Qing army must immediately kill them on the spot. If the Qing army is soft, it will be the same crime as the fishermen who crossed the border.

In the early days of the sea ban, the Qing army would sometimes accept bribes, and sometimes they would be open to female fishermen and children. After all, many of the Green Battalion soldiers were from Chaoshan, and they could not give a **** about their fellow villagers. Open the net. However, after Wu Liuqi's order that the military and civilians were guilty of the same crime was issued. The Qing army no longer dared to be merciful, and all the previous accommodation disappeared.

After being relocated to the mainland, the Han people from the sea had no means of food and clothing, so many people had to risk their beheadings to sneak into the sea in order to fill their stomachs, but they were all killed by the Qing army. Man is dead. The women stared at their starving children who had no food to feed and had to go back to their dead husbands. As a result, tens of thousands of Chaoshan women, like their husbands, were killed by the Qing army at the seaside, and the women's heads were placed on the boundary stones and lined up with iron wires, just like their husbands. Poor Han people who want to go to sea.

Wu Liuqi began to ban the sea in September last year, and now the first level of the blockade in the Chaoshan coastal area is densely packed with blood dripping. More are bone skeletons, and any fresh human head will soon be eaten clean by birds and beasts. Those weathered bones, Wu Liuqi, did not ask anyone to take them away, but they were still there. Every night, there were clusters of glowing fires on the boundary stones, like ghost fires.


While admiring Wu Liuqi's strategy of banning the sea, Hong Shiming became interested in the good general mentioned by the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi. He asked Zuo Qing, "But I don't know where this General Wu is from?"

After taking a bite of the dish, Zuo Qing raised his head and said casually, "I'm also from Chaoshan."


Hong Shiming twitched the corner of his mouth, took a breath, and thought to himself how this Wu Liuqi could be so cruel to his hometown?

And thinking that this person is ruthless and ruthless, he can be called a hero. The so-called chaotic times use heavy code, and only this kind of person can shake the place.

"Lord Governor, Wu Liuqi's Chaozhou chief military officer was recommended by King Pingnan to the court, and he has always followed the lead of King Pingnan. Although he is in the same vein as us, he does not share any affection with us~www.wuxiamtl .com~ When the lord selected the battalion and construction of the superintendent, Wu Liuqi refused to hand in a single soldier. King Pingnan ordered him to send 500 soldiers first, and then he gave his navy division. How can he be able to fight and govern the army, he will never be of the same mind with the Governor-General. The Lord is praising him here, but I am afraid that he will be thinking about how to pacify the King of Nan in Chaozhou."

The one who said this was Lianzhou Green Camp guard Wang Huacheng. His remarks immediately resonated with several other Green Camp military attachés, saying that Wu Liuqi was a snob and might not be willing to be used by the Governor.

Zuo Qing originally had this idea. If Li Shuitai stayed in Guangzhou, he would be able to convince Wu Liuqi because of his status as the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, but now there are rumors in Beijing that another person should be replaced as the governor. Sooner or later, he knows, how can he be willing to let Wu Liuqi be used by Li Suotai to drive him, and Wu Liuqi himself is willing to take refuge in this Governor-General who is about to leave?


Hearing the quarrel of the generals, Li Shuitai snorted, and said, "He Wu Liuqi is an official of the Qing Dynasty, not an official of Shang Kexi!" After a pause, he confidently said to the crowd, "The matter of adjusting Wu Liuqi. It's not difficult to do. The emperor will not reject it. Well, I will send someone to Chaozhou to send a letter to Wu Liuqi. As long as he can come to Guangzhou, I will do my best to keep him as the admiral of Guangdong and make his green battalion full. Ten battalions. If so, he will come to my aid." (To be continued.)

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