Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 295: Hong Chengchou's son

In the flower hall of the main hall of the Governor's Mansion in Guangzhou, the smoke was shrouded in smoke. Several officials were smoking and gossiping with each other, but all of them were absent-minded and looked outside the hall from time to time, as if they were waiting for someone.

"Your Excellency Governor is going to the banquet of General Ha Mu, and I'm afraid that I won't be able to come back in a while. I'm afraid we will have to wait a long time. How about a couple of laps?"

A middle-aged man in his mid-thirties, who was not tall but had a shrewd face, said with a smile to the others that everyone in the hall was dressed in official uniforms, but he was dressed in satin and looked like a businessman. Like an official, but listening to the tone, I am afraid that it is someone who is quite close to the Governor.

"Come on, you, Li Guibao, are a close confidant of the Governor's mansion, but we are subordinates of foreign officials. How dare you make circles in the Governor's mansion like you?"

An official wearing the top of the third grade said with a smile, and turned the snow-white lining of his cuffs outwards. This person is the governor of Guangdong, Si Zuo Cangzheng Zuo Qing. He was originally a subordinate of Li Qifeng, the first governor of Guangdong. In the sixth year of Shunzhi, the court dismissed the governor of Guangdong and replaced Guangdong and Guangxi with the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi. The envoy was merged into the Governor's Yamen and became a subordinate of the Governor Li Suitai, in charge of Guangdong's money and grain affairs.

The official sitting on the second chair next to Zuo Qing looked quite young, only in his twenties, but he wore a fifth-grade top. He was the only one present who did not smoke. Seeing that the smoke in the hall was too much. Da, he frowned and walked to the window. He smiled bitterly: "You guys are really choking when you smoke. Sigh, I'd better open the window to get some air, or I'll be choked by you guys."

"I choked Young Master Hong. Forgive my sins. We are all used to smoking in the north. This place in Guangdong is very wet. If you don't take a few puffs, everyone will feel uncomfortable."

Li Guibao laughed, got up and walked to the door and called out, "The tea is cold. Don't add some heat to the adults."

The servants who were waiting outside listened to Gui Bao's instructions, and quickly came in with a teapot and added hot tea one by one.

That Young Master Hong and Gui Bao came all the way to Guangzhou, so it's not surprising that he is oily. He chuckled and sat back again.

The other people were a little surprised when they heard Gui Bao calling the young man to be called Young Master Hong. They all looked at this five-rank official again, and their eyes were full of doubts.

Zuo Qing also guessed who this Young Master Hong was. Although he also participated in politics from the third rank, he was also ranked first in the Governor's Yamen, but Li Guibao never mentioned to him who this Young Master Hong was. In his eyes, he couldn't help but complain about Li Guibao.

Seeing this, Li Guibao knew that he couldn't hide it from them, otherwise Zuo Qing would have to remember his revenge, and it's not something to keep secret, so he introduced to the crowd: "Everyone, this Young Master Hong is the master of the Five Departments. Lord Hong Chengchou's eldest son. He was also the 30th jinshi in the second grade of the Yiwei Division last year, and the emperor personally conferred the director of the Ritual Department, Hong Shiming."

As soon as the words fell, the people sitting, including Zuo Qing, couldn't sit still. They stood up and bowed their hands to Hong Shiming. There were those who were fortunate enough to meet, and there were those who had admired Dao for a long time. All of them were extremely compliments.

"You don't have to be like this, my father is my father, but I am me. When it comes to official positions, I am still an official. How dare you be such a generous gift!"

Hong Shiming smiled and greeted everyone, but he was quite proud. His father can be said to be the founding hero of Qing Dynasty, and now he is responsible for the southeast war for Qing Dynasty. When the Yongli regime of Nanming was pacified in the future, his father Fengwang and Gonggong would not be a problem, even he would have an unlimited future.

"Young Master Hong is a Beijing official, how can you compare with these foreign officials like me? In the future, Young Master Hong's future is not as good as our group of people. Maybe Hong Gongzi will help us one or two in the future. Not to mention."

Zuo Qing said with a smile on his face, and signaled everyone to quickly put out the cigarette bags, so as not to choke Hong Shiming. Everyone hurriedly put down their cigarette bags and put out the fire.

Hong Shiming took advantage of it in his heart, but nodded apologetically to everyone on his face, and asked everyone to sit down and talk.

After everyone sat down, they couldn't help but wonder what the son of Hong Chengchou didn't do in Beijing as the head of his etiquette, so what did he come to Guangzhou for?

Everyone was confused, but they didn't dare to ask each other how they would do such taboo things.

It was rare to sit in the same room with Hong Chengchou's son. Zuo Qing also wanted to curry favor with the great son of Hong. He thought that this person was born as a jinshi last year, so he must have been excellent in his studies, so he had to find an introduction for Hong Shiming to show it. , so he flattered him so quietly, how could he not know in his heart, he will definitely bear this feeling. Just as he was thinking about how to speak, there was a sound from outside.

"My lord is back."

Accompanied by the voices of the servants, the Governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, Li Shutai, stepped into the flower hall. Xu Shi was drinking at Hahamu, and his face was a little red.

"Slave Gui Bao greets the Governor-General!"

Li Guibao stepped forward and gave Li Suotai a thousand calls.

"Xiaoguan has seen the Governor-General!"

Zuo Qing and other officials also stepped forward to salute Li Suotai. After everyone saw the salute, Hong Shiming stepped up to salute.

Li Shuitai laughed, lifted Hong Shiming up, and said very kindly, "Nephew Hong, please get up quickly, please get up quickly!" After saying that, La Hong Shiming walked into the hall, and he sat down and signaled for Hong Shiming to be next to him. . The servants stepped forward and poured wine and tea for him.

"How is your father?"

"Thanks to the Lord's concern, my father is all right."

"Okay, okay, your father is the pillar of the Qing Dynasty, and he is the Optimus Prime in the southeast. If he is healthy, the southeast will be good, and the Qing Dynasty will be good."

Li Suotai did not say anything against his heart~www.wuxiamtl.com~, but sincerely hoped that Hong Chengchou would be healthy and knew exactly what Hong Chengchou meant to the Qing Dynasty.

After a few more chats, Hong Shiming said: "Xiaguan is here in Guangzhou because the imperial court will hold the Guangdong township examination. I stopped by Hunan to meet my father, and my father asked me to bring a letter to my uncle."

"Oh? Where's the letter?"

Hearing the letter from Hong Chengchou, Li Soltai leaned forward involuntarily. Hong Shiming took out the letter from his arms and handed it to Li Soltai. When Li Suotai took it, he couldn't wait to release the fire seal and looked at it word by word.

Li Guibao, Zuo Qing and others knew that there was definitely something important in Hong Chengchou's letter, so no one made any noise, holding their breath and waiting.

After a while, Li Shuitai closed the letter and put it on the table, took a sip of tea, then smiled bitterly, and said to Hong Shiming and Zuo Qing and others, "Someone in Beijing wants this official to move to Fujian. When they went to Zhejiang, they only said that Mingsun and Li were at war with each other. The imperial court was about to use troops in a big way, and great credit could be taken at their fingertips. This official moved away, hum, I'm afraid they can't clean up this mess!" To be continued.

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