Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 294: You have the ability to smash

The main force of the Qing army's infantry was crushed across the board, but Shao Chengguo led the rest of the cavalry battalion in a **** battle with the Qing army.

During the breakout, Shao Chengguo's mount was broken by a blind officer of the Qing army with an iron hammer. After falling from the horse, Shao Chengguo was almost crushed by his mount. , This is to avoid the bad luck of being crushed by a horse.

He didn't care to take a look at the horse that was screaming and neighing, and he didn't care about the huge pain in his waist after falling from the horse due to the heavy blow from the ground. Shao Chengguo nervously waved the knife in his hand in all directions. After coming up, he hurriedly waved his knife and shouted, motioning his subordinates who were scattered and surrounded by the Qing army to move closer to him.

A bearded Qing soldier of the Qing army horse team saw Shao Chengguo shouting and knew that he was a commander of the Taiping Army. He bullied him for losing his horse. The heavy spear stabbed in the air, but was pulled down by Shao Chengguo on the ground, and he was cut off by the long knife before struggling.

"Stinky boy, your hands are very hard. Come on, do you dare to take a hammer from me!"

Li Blind was quite upset that Shao Chengguo could not be knocked down with a single hammer. Seeing that Shao Guocheng had the strength to kill a cavalryman of the horse team after he had fallen from the horse, he immediately got angry and ran towards Shao Chengguo with the hammer regardless. His appearance was indeed terrifying, with his **** face blinded by one eye, and carrying a blood-stained hammer with his bare upper body, the Taiping soldiers in front of him had no courage to stop him.

Li Blind wants to fight Shao Chengguo one-on-one. Shao Chengguo was too lazy to pay attention to him, no matter how brave he was in the battle until now. This will also be a little weak, how can it stop the heavy hammer of the blind general. What's more, his most important mission now is not to be a hero and fight against the generals, but to lead the remaining subordinates to break out of the Qing army's siege, bring them back alive, and leave the seeds of reconstruction for the cavalry!

"Dog. Blind son of a mother, you have something to come!"

Shao Chengguo scolded, but turned around and jumped over the two corpses and ran behind. A look at Shao Chengguo running. He was also scolded as a blind man, and Li blind man was trembling all over with anger, and he was also violent. Carrying a hammer, he killed Shao Chengguo regardless, and he was only willing to smash Shao Chengguo out of his head with a hammer.

Seeing that the blind general was still chasing after him, Shao Chengguo simply ran with him. This blind man is highly skilled in martial arts. I don't know how many cavalry soldiers were killed under the sledgehammer. Bringing this person away will undoubtedly reduce the casualties of more subordinates. Shao Chengguo thought so, but he didn't think about whether he could escape from this blind man's hammer alive.


Most of those who joined the cavalry battalion were quick-handed sergeants selected from each battalion, and most of them were veterans who had joined since the Taiping Army set up its battalion. These veterans are placed in several battalions of the newly formed army. With their military exploits and qualifications, it is not surprising that all of them can be small flags or even general flags. However, in the cavalry battalion, they can only be ordinary soldiers. In addition to giving relatives more rice grains. These veterans don't get any perks.

It is the choice of these veterans to be an ordinary soldier without being an official. Outside Xinhui City, they had seen the troops of the Shang family rush into battle, and they had the same idea as Shao Chengguo, that is, the Taiping army must have its own cavalry, otherwise it will be overwhelmed by the Qing army's cavalry in the future. resist.

If you want to have your own cavalry, someone must first put up a cavalry stand and carry the cavalry's banner. The new recruits and the descendants cannot be trusted and cannot bear this burden, so they can only be carried by the veterans.

Although their riding skills are still very unfamiliar, although their horse fighting skills are still very poor, they are working hard and trying their best.

Familiar companions fell down one by one, and the familiar faces were gone, but they failed to make this riding camp, which had only been established for less than a month, collapse.

They have a strong belief, we are the Taiping Army, we are the cavalry of the Taiping Army!

They also have sustenance, and their parents, wives and children will be proud of them!

"Kill, brothers and dog. Day's clear demon!"

The more than 100 remaining soldiers of the cavalry battalion depended on each other and struggled with the Qing army with all their strength.

Deputy battalion officer Wang Hua was dead, and he was trampled to death by the Qing army cavalry. His death did not cause the remaining cavalry soldiers to collapse, but instead strengthened their belief in fighting to the death.

Zheng Guodong saw that the cavalry of the Taiping Army resisted extremely tenaciously, and some of the fallen ones also gathered together to fight stubbornly. In just a short time, he had already lost dozens of subordinates. The horse team was built by the Governor with a lot of money, and it cannot be discounted casually.

The screams of killing on the other side of the Lutou River continued. Zheng Guodong didn't know how the battle was going, but he was also a little nervous when he found that the general Hu Qili and the artillery team were gone.

We can't drag it on any longer, we have to fight quickly!


Shao Chengguo really couldn't run anymore. The blind officer in the Qing army was really a mortal under the stars. He didn't know where the strength and speed came from, and he kept chasing after him. He could see the big iron hammer several times out of the corner of his eye. .

Can't run anymore!

Shao Chengguo smiled bitterly in his heart, he knew that his physical strength had been exhausted to the extreme, and he really couldn't run anymore.

"Don't run away, dead blind man, have the ability to take Lao Tzu's life!"

Shao Chengguo sat down on the ground, his body was weak and weak, and he couldn't even hold the knife.

"Hey, stinky boy, run again! ... Just because you want to run out of Lao Tzu's palm, to tell you the truth, I ran out of forty miles in one go!"

Seeing that his opponent was powerless to sit down, and looking at his posture, he completely gave up resistance. Li Blind was not without complacency, and he didn't say anything big. He really ran forty miles in one go, but he was caught The cavalry of the Qing army ran after him, and this time he ran after others.

Seeing Li Blind approaching him with a grin on his face, Shao Chengguo sighed, knowing that he could not survive under the opponent's hammer.

He tried to get the knife for last resistance, but after holding it for only a few seconds, he threw the knife down, he couldn't hold it.

"Blind man, hurry up and give Laozi a treat!"

"Cheng, seeing that you are also a man, I will give you a good time!"

Li Blind laughed, took off the hammer from his shoulders without breathing, and then walked to Shao Chengguo who was waiting to die. He was about to smash the hammer down, but a sneer came from his ears. Voice: "Blind man, you smash it down!"

"Who? Who dares to scold Lao Tzu without opening his eyes!"

Hearing that someone called him blind again, Li Blind became angry, raised his hammer and looked around, his face turned pale——A circle of Taiping troops had surrounded him, and hundreds of spears were pointing brightly. he!


After the deputy battalion officer Wang Hua was trampled to death by the Qing army horses, and after the battalion officer Shao Chengguo disappeared again, another deputy battalion officer of the cavalry battalion, Bao De, took over the command and led the rest to continue fighting against the Qing army.

Baode was injured, and he didn't know how much he was. Just as he was using all his strength to cut off a spear that was stabbing at him, suddenly, his body became weak, and he fell down from the horse. on the ground.

"Fall off!"

A Qing soldier saw Bald fall to the ground, thinking that he could take advantage of it, without saying a word, he jumped over and faced Bald with a spear.

"Officer Bao!"

Seeing that Baldur was in danger, the riding battalion shouted anxiously. The soldier closest to Baldur ignored the spear that his opponent had already stabbed, and was about to rush over to block the spear for the battalion officer.

Bald fell to the ground, seeing that the Qing soldier's spear was about to stab him fiercely, and he didn't know where the strength came from. He knocked him to the ground, turned around and threw himself on top of him, and then they rolled and fought with their hands and feet together.

After rolling on the ground for a while, the Qing soldier was much taller and stronger than Bowde. But he was hugged firmly by Bald from behind, his hands were around his neck, and his legs were crossed around his waist.

Bald was a little dizzy when he was thrown by the tall Qing soldier. He wanted to fall from him several times, but he strangled him with a ruthless force. A spear pierced abruptly, but it turned out that the two of them rolled in front of the other Qing soldiers.

Seeing that the Qing soldiers were raising their knives to chop, Bao De hurriedly turned the taller Qing soldier onto himself. Yes, so when they saw Baode blocking the tall Qing soldiers in front of him, the Qing soldiers of the personal soldiers were hesitant and dared not to attack. The Qing soldiers over there did not care. Seeing that these Qing soldiers did not make a move, the horse team immediately rushed to two people, one with a knife and the other with a spear, and they were about to stab Baode and the tall Qing soldier on the ground.

"Your... mom...'s horse team..."

Gao Qingbing saw that the gang of horsemen were going to kill him, his face turned green with horror, and Baode also closed his eyes and waited to die. Get up, and then step back together nervously. The Qing soldiers of the two horse teams didn't know what they saw, and they ran away without a moment's delay when their faces changed drastically.

The reinforcements of the Taiping Army came, and Shao Jiugong led 400 personal soldiers to the **** in time. Hundreds of infantrymen were not enough for Zheng Guodong to order a retreat, but there was never a single Qing army on the battlefield, but he gave the retreat order without hesitation. He knew that the infantry would definitely collapse. If you divide your troops and block your way, you won't be able to run if you want to.

Li Blind's second idiot didn't know where to go, and Zheng Guodong, who was eager to run first, couldn't care about him. Seeing the cavalry running away and the Taiping reinforcements coming, the personal soldiers under Li Xingzi had no choice but to turn around and run back. They also ignored their captain, Li Xianzi.

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