Hail the King

Chapter 1057

The latest chapter of Hail The King, the 3 volume is not ringing for three years, the blockbuster 1009, the greedy Pigg, the astronomy

A huge size, beyond the Chambord City First large creature [Black Tornado] a ten-fold huge bird, appearing from the top of the sky, just a blink of an eye, less than 100 meters from the ground.

This bird has a pale red, radiant flow, and a small Whirlwind that is almost invisible to the naked eye. As it spreads out, there is a huge swing of two kilometers long, which appears everywhere in the huge body. Soft but with great support.

Even Sun Fei is a bit stunned.

Such a huge bird has surpassed the limits of all people’s imagination.

When it flaps its wings gently, the hurricane is raging, and hundreds of meters of tall waves are picked up, rolling back to the sea, revealing the beaches and reefs that have been covered by sea water, some pitiful short sea animals and fish- Class, directly fanned.

What makes Sun Fei even more shocked is that the aura that this huge bird has revealed is actually at the Demi God Level.

This is a Demi God bird.

It’s terrifying, this one is already comparable to Chambord City’s entire Magic Beast Corps.

Next to it, seeing the Chambord people being completely shocked, Foxx High Priest and Beastfolk Race Expert showed a smug smile.

For so many days, they have been ridiculed as a kind of goodwill, and now they have finally pulled back a city and shocked the Chambord.

In a twinkling of an eye, this little red bird, like a sunset color, landed on the coastline.

Even on the vast beaches, the huge size still makes it a bit of a turn.

Sun Fei keenly observed that in the moment when his feet fell on the beach, its huge body had half the color, suddenly turned into a white sand, and the other half became a part of the forest in the distance. Different shades of green.

“There is a chameleon’s ability to change color.” Sun Fei couldn’t help but marvel.

This is the talent of animals, changing their own color according to the environment, can capture the natural enemies of Evade, and also help to prey.

This is the first time that Sun Fei has seen the magic beast with this talent after crossing to Azeroth Continent, and it has appeared on such a huge guy. It is really incredible, and Sun Fei soon discovered that this one The discoloration of the bird is not so simple as a simple color change. He can even use Isolate Expert’s aura and Refined Spiritual Power Investigate, as if it really disappeared.

“It’s name, called Lianna, is an extremely rare flying beast. It has a temperamental life and has a life span of more than 400 years. It is one of Behemoth Beastfolk’s most loyal partners. It was her a thousand years ago. The parents of the same family, carrying thousands of Behemoth Beastfolk across the ocean, found [Exiled Lands].”

Foxx High Priest introduces to Sun Fei.

At this time, the whole picture of Lianna is in the eyes of everyone.

This is an anatomic to swan bird, with a beautiful and soothing body. The entire body has an elegant beauty. The huge black eyes are flowing with soft and beautiful brilliance, as if it were Stars in the night sky. Intoxicated.

“Hey, Steve Nash, Beast God, bless, you are finally alive, Stern Your Excellency has been waiting for you all the time… Hey, these guys? Mankind? Mankind, how come here?”

Jumping over a dozen Beastfolk from the back of the giant goose Lianna.

These Beastfolks look the same all the same.

For the first guy, the strongest, three-meter-high, muscular, thick-skinned, Beastfolk with a simple flaxen gown that covers the body, has two sinuous and curved cavities at the corner of his mouth, more than thirty centimeters long The thickness of the finger is directly spread out of the mouth, almost touching the nose. A face looks like a Pig-headed, the nose is huge, and the nostrils are like two black holes.

Seeing Foxx High Priest and the others time, the Pig-headed person was extremely cheerful, but when he saw Sun Fei and the others time, his face could not help but reveal the alert and doubts.

“This guy, it should be Pigg Pigman in the legendary.” Sun Fei and other Chambord City people thought of it.

“Arteste Clan Head, this time I came here to introduce you, these are the distinguished guests from the continent of Chambord King, this is Glory’s King of Chambord…”

Foxx High Priest and the Pigg Pigman are obviously familiar. Laughing introduces them one by one, and details the origins of Sun Fei and the others.

It turns out that this Pig-headed brawny is the Clan Head of the Pigg family, one of the Beastfolk Race Strong races.

Among the legendary, the Pigg family’s combat power, in Beastfolk, is not how to excel, but Pigman’s strong reproductive ability and environmental adaptability make the Pigg family occupy a very high position in Behemoth Beastfolk. It is one of the Strong races.

Of course, also legendary, eats a lot but never works, is also one of the Pigg family’s specialties.

The facts also confirm this rumor.

At the beginning, Pigmen, such as Arteste, was slightly alert to Sun Fei and his face with a look of distrust.

However, when the ass fine Oleg watched the color and took out various food and wine gifts from the storage ring, less than ten minutes, the Piggs completely put down their guard, and opened the shouts out, while talking to Chambord. laugh.

The level of enthusiasm is like a brother who has been separated for many years and finally reunited.

Too much no exercise!

“It seems that bringing Oleg this flattery is really a very wise decision.” Sun Fei nodded secretly.

Going to [Exiled Lands] this time will definitely encounter some difficulties.

After all, the race is different, the passage of the millennium time, the difference between each other, the feeling of being Destined, Foxx High Priest and the others, does not mean the entire Beastfolk race, the phenomenon of rejection must appear. At that time, it depends on Oleg. There is no need to face the assholes to get it.

The group set foot on the broad and soft back of the giant goose Lianna, the drunk Pigg Clan Head Arteste, opened the pig-like scorpion, sang a Beastfolk War Song of the sang Liaoyuan, and issued a command.

The giant goose fanned the wings and rose to the sky.

This process is extremely smooth, without any feeling of bumps, as if walking on the ground.

The giant goose has a wide back, and even if it is three or four hundred people who are not crowded. Under the proposal of the ‘passionate’ Pigg, everyone just sat around in a circle and opened their mouths to eat shouts out. Oleg performed extremely Generous, took out a lot of fine wine and food.

Sun Fei also took this opportunity to continue to draw people’s hearts.

The Pigg family’s position in Behemoth Beastfolk is not low, and the population is quite large. If you can win it, there will be no harm to the next [Forgotten Lands] trip.

This time, a variety of food, fruit, meat, wine, and so on brought thousands of tons, not afraid of waste –

Second more.

{Floating Astronomy thank you for your support, your support is our greatest motivation}

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