Hail the King

Chapter 1056

The latest chapter of Hail The King, the 3 volume does not sound for three years, the blockbuster 1008, huge shadow, floating astronomy

The Foxx family High Priest explains.

Between the words, the battle between the two sea beasts in the distance has ended.

A crocodile looks like a black armor. The monster with six pairs of fins is defeated. The loser’s end is only deathly. Its huge body is torn, and the stinking Blood will completely dyed red for more than ten kilometers. The broken limbs are everywhere, the pungent smell is soaring, and even the beach is dyed red, the scene is extremely terrifying.

Everyone had to fly up to the air with his nose.

“What to do next? We can it be that we want to cross this sea?” Sun Fei frowned.

In any place in Azeroth Continent, the sea has always been synonymous with danger. In front of this ocean, the shallow waters already have such terrifying sea beasts, which are deep into the ocean, and may also encounter terrible existence. A sea beast from True God Realm is in danger of being covered by the whole army.

“Do not worry, someone will pick us up.”

Foxx High Priest mysterious smiled: “Daytime, the beach is relatively safe, we are camping here now, before sunset, someone will pick us up the sea, [Exiled Lands], not far from here.”

Sun Fei heard what was said, in heart.

At the moment, there was no more question. For the time being, I found a beach that was not polluted by the blood of the sea beast.

Along the way, Torres and the others are extremely hard, and when they have time, they will grasp the cultivation. It seems to be stimulated by the strength of Beastfolk Expert. Now they have a rest time, but they don’t relax for a while.

Martial Goddess also entered the World of Diablo to continue cultivation.

The level of her magic archer has reached the top, reaching the Hell Difficulty 100 level, which is equivalent to the Mankind Scorching Sun Level Great Perfection Realm, which can no longer rise, and the Paladin lineage has risen to the Hell Difficulty 88 level and will soon reach its limit.

To Sun Fei’s surprise, Elena was inconsistent with himself in this regard.

Although it is impossible to continue to improve after reaching the Hell Difficulty 100 level, Martial Goddess has unexpectedly opened the skill system. You can get the skill point by killing monster and get some amazing skills.

These skills don’t exist in the World of Diablo Seven Main Profession, which is terrible, mostly related to Arrow.

This is obviously a cultivation road that is very different from Sun Fei.

Sun Fei is studying some of the books he carries with him in the tent.

After seven Main Profession Clearance, I got a puzzling Clearance reward, but I can’t continue to improve my strength. Sun Fei had to find a way to increase the amount of Strong, and hunting undead Fiend to get mysterious Drifting Energy is one of them. So far, it has been a rich harvest, both [Paladin mode] and [Barbarian mode] have been promoted to Demi God Mid Step.

However, this method of substitute strength has a fatal flaw –

Hell Fiend is not inexhaustible.

Today, the Hell Fiend Zombies, who are imprisoned in the big circle of Anzi Imperial Capital outside and Anzi Empire, have been killed by Sun Fei, and the number has dropped drastically. They also slowed down the pace of evolution and it is difficult to appear. Emperor Grade Zombie.

Drifting Energy, which Hell Fiend Zombie can offer, can only be upgraded to Demi God by up to one of the remaining five Dark Profesions, which is already the limit.

Of course, there is also a way.

If Sun Fei is willing to break the Light magic spell on the Anzi Empire border and let the power of undead spread rapidly, then you can get the endless Zombie, the endless Drifting Energy.

It is a pity that as a previous life, after receiving the socialization of the civilized society, he is absolutely unable to do anything like this.

For Sun Fei, if there are no other creatures that offer Drifting Energy, it means that he has to find another path to improve his strength.

So, recently, during a period of time, Sun Fei put a lot of energy into studying [Demon King’s Sharp Sword] and other collectible continent Martial Arts books, in the hope that there will be other discoveries.

At the same time, how to promote True God from Demi God is also a problem that Sun Fei is trying to explore.

Since Feix High Priest Nash claimed that the Beastfolk family had ever seen True God and even the God King Level, Sun Fei left his mind.

Unlike the Azeroth Continent, which has been destroyed by the millennium war, the Beastfolk family is in [Forgotten Lands]. Although the conditions are tough, there is no war or alien destruction. It is reasonable to say that the ancient Gods should be preserved. And Demons Era’s Martial Arts books.

If you can borrow these books from Beast Temple, you might be able to find a way to promote True God.

On the beach in the distance.

The brute force Beastfolk warriors such as O’Neill and Nowitzki are competing to improve their strength in this way.

Foxx High Priest doesn’t know what to do. After entering the hide tent, he rarely shows up. Maybe he is doing some daily Prayer and cultivation of Beastfolk Priest.

At noon, after everyone gathered together for lunch, Foxx High Priest arranged a huge totem symbol of about 100 meters on the white beach.

“This totem symbol is used to show where we are,” Nash explained.

Sun Fei thought about it and observed the totem pattern for a while and continued to study.

Time flies, most of the afternoon, everyone is still in their own cultivation.

Right until in the evening, the large creatures in the ocean are getting more and more fierce, and in the distance, there are more and more huge black figures.

This should be as Foxx High Priest said, at night, amphibious sea animals have to climb the coastline for some rich nightlife.

Dangerous, began to slowly invade the coastline.

At this time, the huge totem symbol on the beach suddenly burst into a very soft golden-colored flame, rising into the sky and straight into the Han.

“Come on, everyone is ready, pick us up, come.” Foxx High Priest was excited.

The crowd packed up the camp and tied the tent.

Sun Fei is curious to see the boundless ocean in the distance. I want to know what kind of means the Beastfolks can use to carry this many people across the vast ocean without disturbing the terrifying sea beast.

However, what surprised Sun Fei was that the people who arrived did not appear from the sea.

Instead, from the top of the crowd, it descended vertically like a helicopter.

When a huge shadow obscured the glory of the setting sun and the time appeared very quickly from the sky, the messengers of Chambord City could not help but exclaimed –

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{Floating Astronomy thank you for your support, your support is our greatest motivation}

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