Hail the King

Chapter 1015

The latest chapter of Hail The King, the 3 volume has not been heard for three years, the blockbuster 967, is Man who has let Gods and Demons flee? Floating astronomy

Update time :2012-11-14

In an instant, in the cracking sound of Rock, the endless black fog is like the ink falling into a basin of water, which quickly spreads, the thick evil spirit is suffocating, and the crack under the Sealed Grand Egg is coming. The bigger the gap is, the more the gap is over a kilometer and the length reaches a gap of four or five kilometers.

Endless ink mist rushed out of the cracks.

“mankind, you will pay for your actions.”

A Wrath of Wrath spurted out of the crack, followed by two crimson-colored beams of light, as the two Sharp Swords tore the black curtain, among the blurred black fog, a burly figure that was more than a kilometer in height climbed from the crack. Out, the two crimson-colored beams of light turned out to be its dawn.

“According to the records, Hell Seventy-two Demon God is the most ruthless expert of Gods and Demons Era. It must be reported, and it is a hot and powerful way to devour people’s souls. There are several outstanding strengths, all of which are True God Level. Expert, I don’t know which honorable Demon God appeared in front of me. But according to the size of this Sealed Grand Egg, this Hell Demon God should be among Seventy-two, with relatively strong strength. One, after a millennium seal, I don’t know how much force it has left?”

At this time, Sun Fei suddenly didn’t feel as nervous as before. In heart, he kept thinking about some legends about Hell Demon God, trying to find their weaknesses and playing a role in the upcoming battle.

Opposite, the Demon God’s more than a thousand tall body finally appeared entirely from the Sealed Grand Egg.

Although Space has begun to fill the evil fog of ink, but Sun Fei’s eyes are like electricity, and the eyesight can still be clearly seen. This is a honorable head with a double-horned body and a body like a leopard. The giant monster, between the big mouth and the mouth, a group of corrosive black fog spewing out, even the Space Wall Barrier is sizzling, it seems to be broken at any time, it has a binocular crimson, no barley As if it were two craters that are about to erupt, there is a terrible force.

Maybe it was sealed for too long time, it looks a bit skinny, malnourished, full of black long hair, also mottled moss, the skin surface is somewhat stony, a little movement, stone The dust is falling.

“Haha, a thousand years, a thousand years, I finally regained my freedom. I smelled the smell of freedom. I smelled the taste of mankind. It is really nostalgic, Haha, Hahaha, pitiful damn mankind, Prayer. Let’s go!”

The monster mouth spit.

It refers to the continent language of the ancient Gods and Demons Era, which is extremely gray, emphasizing that it is also a bit blunt, and it seems that it does not speak for thousands of years, making it a bit uncomfortable.

Sun Fei breathed in the air and instantly entered the battle condition, throwing all the distractions to one side, and the war was high.

Who knows the next period of time, this monster is not eager to attack, but like a big spider crawling on the outer surface of the Sealed Grand Egg, the Teleport, the scared tongue, the one at the side The darkness of the ink is getting thicker and thicker, and there is a tendency to drown its huge body.

Sun Fei frowned slightly.

It seems that something is wrong.

The next moment, he was shaped like electricity and took the initiative to attack.

[Immortal King Stone Crusher] The volley is continuously waving. [Whirlwind], one of the most powerful techniques of [Barbarian mode], has been blasted. Since the [Immortal King Set] has been fully assembled, the composition of Set is also revealed at this moment. Come out, the road is like [Fist of the Heavens] The general lightning falls from Void, four small hurricanes tear the Space, and the opponent is surrounded by the middle, tearing and strangling.

The extremely corrosive ink mist is used madly by Sun Fei, but it is too close to the body by the [Resist] of the [Barbarian mode] [Magic Sealing Domain].

In the twinkling of an eye, Sun Fei put the Hex Demon God envelop of the Ox head Leopard body in his own domain.

The endless lightning landed from Void, slamming on Hell Demon God, and the hurricane that whirls around, tearing Hell Demon God’s body in the same moment.


[Whirlwind] The golden-colored dragon that blew out hit the monster accurately.

Among the violent explosions, this huge body, which is as high as a kilometer, is unparalleled, and did not make any struggling and resistance. It was like a porcelain statue in a hammer, completely shattered, and pieces. Chipped ,facing splashes in all directions, and then quickly disappears in the [Magic Sealing Domain], leaving no trace of ash.

“Hey? So…it’s it easy to get rid of it?”

His Majesty the King, who has been thoroughly engaged in a tough battle, did not expect it to be such an ending. This Hell Demon God has its own watch, and the strength shown is actually not as good as a Scorching Sun Level. Great Perfection Expert, it’s not an opponent of its own full blow… Could it be that this guy, who has been suffering from Alzheimer’s in a long period of a thousand years, is rushing out to die?

With a sneak peek at the sights, the Sun Fei spirit has been hit hard to avoid accidental changes.

However, throughout the Sealed Space, it was very quiet and there was no fluctuation.

“How is this going?”

Sun Fei’s brow wrinkles, dashing eyebrows slanting into the shackles, thinking for a moment, difficult to understand.

He was about to enter the broken Sealed Grand Egg in front of him, but it was here, in the distance more than ten kilometers outside, there was a very imperceptible space fluctuation.

I saw the distance, a dark black to the almost glowing ink, is breaking the Sealed Space Wall Barrier, and escapes.

“Where to escape?!”

Sun Fei shouts out, flashing and chasing away.

At this moment, His Majesty the King suddenly understood everything –

The damn Hell Demon God, who created a seemingly powerful avatar to attract his attention, has escaped from the Sealed Grand Egg in a flash, breaking the Sealed Space Wall Barrier and fleeing – obviously, one The seal of the millennium and the slamming of the wall have broken the seal at any cost. In fact, this Demon God almost has reached the point where the lights are running out. The strength has dropped to the extreme. It is not the atomic of the Demi God of Sun Fei. This embarrassing guy has no plans to fight Sun Fei, nor dare to do it. It just wants to escape here as soon as possible and find a place for Restoration strength.

Sun Fei reacted to time and it was a bit late.

Sealed Space’s Wall Barrier flickers like a pond water pattern, the black light group disappears, and a golden-colored Sword Qi hit by Sun Fei seems to have hit it, with a faint scream, but no Know if you have completely killed this Hell Demon God.

Sun Fei wants to chase again, but has lost track.

Space turbulent flow How many things can’t be determined, just like finding a needle in a haystack, it is simply doing nothing.

“Forget about it, anyway, I have escaped five, and it doesn’t matter if I add this one. It has already weakened to the extreme, and I was hit by it. It is estimated that the injury is not light. I want the strength of Restoration, at least maybe thirty or fifty years. Don’t worry too much. But to put it this way, I am now a man who has let Hell Demon God run away from the wind? Haha ”

His Majesty the King comforts himself.

This battle has made Sun Fei wake up a lot. The so-called ancient Gods and Demons Era to the Experts may not be really irresistible. These guys are also life bodies. If you drink too much, you will get drunk, and the knife will hurt. In the face of their time, don’t be too nervous, so as not to be embarrassed by the other party – today’s battle, if Sun Fei is too lifted up this Hell Demon God, go all out and not be escaped by the other side.

However, in this way, the other Sealed Grand Eggs in the Sealed Space, in the short term, there is no danger of breaking.

Sun Fei breathed out a sigh of gas, which was considered a job.

Next, to satisfy curiosity, perhaps go to the Southern Region to see the crazy Goblins.


Third more

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