Hail the King

Chapter 1014

The latest chapter of Hail The King, the 3 volume does not sound for three years, the blockbuster 966, solved with battle, floating astronomy

Update time :2012-11-14

First of all, it is natural to start with the five almost broken Sealed Grand Egg.

Strengthening the seal requires a divine light attribute force. This is absolutely impossible for Sun Fei. [Paladin mode] has already advanced to the Demi God Level Mid Step, and is the most light force in the world, which naturally meets the requirements.

“Fist of the Heavens !”

The Paladin skill opens, Sun Fei opens up his [Great Prophecy Domain], a golden-colored beam of light descends from the sky, and slams into the front of a Sealed Grand Egg about 30 kilometers in diameter. -colored 涟漪 漾 巨 巨 巨 巨 colored colored colored colored colored colored colored colored colored colored colored colored colored colored colored colored colored colored colored colored colored colored colored colored colored colored colored colored colored colored colored colored colored colored colored colored colored colored colored colored colored colored colored colored colored colored colored colored colored colored colored colored

Suddenly, like the horse cell that was smashed by a stick, the original God’s Blood chain suddenly swayed wildly, glittering golden-colored and blood-colored brilliance, covering the entire Sealed Grand Egg. Like a huge python, it is tightening the entangled enemies.

“Ah… damn, who is outside, dare to destroy the good things of Joey Barton?!”

Suddenly, from the Sealed Grand Egg, there was a wave of turbulent spirits, like a terrifying beast in the ear of Roar, standing in the distance between Torres and Drogba, caught off guard, directly by this hurricane The fluctuations blew out a hundred meters away, showing its terrible degree.

“Stop, stop immediately, otherwise, I curse you with Hell’s force… ah, no…”

In this threat of spiritual turmoil, Sun Fei’s face is unchanged, still madly stimulating the power of sacred, [Fist of the Heavens] densely like a white plasma, constantly hitting the Sealed Grand Egg On the naked eye, the God’s Blood chain has become crystalline and shiny from the faint, with a strong vitality. Under constant turmoil, the Sealed Grand Egg, which is more than 30 kilometers in diameter, is alive and a third. .

Soon, the madness of the crazy Roar was no longer able to come out of the Sealed Grand Egg.

The Seal of First Sealed Grand Egg is strengthened and finally finished That’ll do!

It seems that I feel the Fate of my companion. Among the Sealed Space, the other Sealed Grand Egg trembles gently.

Sun Fei changed his face, did not dare to have the slightest delay, poured a few bottles [Full Rejuvenation Potion], Restoration of [Paladin mode] Stamina and MP, and then began to look for strengthening the next seal.

So reciprocating.

When I came to the front of Fifth’s collapsed Sealed Grand Egg, it was a whole day. Even Sun Fei felt a deep fatigue from the depths of Soul, World of Diablo’s Profession’s skill. No need for cooling, as long as the MP is enough, you can use is unlimited to perform, and it is based on this, Sun Fei can continue non-stop, for any other Light Priest, even if is the strength above Sun Fei, and absolutely Strengthen so many Sealed Grand Eggs in less than a day.

Torres and Drogba, standing in the distance, looked at His Majesty the King in a monster-like look.

They are now experts who are already a savvy domain. The more powerful they are, the deeper their understanding of Martial Arts is, the more they understand the horror and power of His Majesty the King.


I don’t know if it is an illusion. Sun Fei stood in front of Fifth’s breaking Sealed Grand Egg. I felt that this huge guy seemed to tremble with a little fear and resentment.

The next moment, when he is ready to open the Domain, display [Fist of the Heavens] time, and suddenly, among the Fifth Sealed Grand Eggs, there is a burst of violent Refined Spiritual Power Wave. Like the flood, facing is raging in all directions.

Also at the same time –

Kacha Kacha!

A gapy Flawed voice rang in this Silent Space.

This faint voice is like a giant hammer in the heart of Sun Fei and the others. Everyone’s face is discolored and tense.

Because of the Fifth Sealed Grand Egg, the crack on the surface of the Rock is frantically expanding, a God’s Blood chain is being broken, and the golden-colored God Rune is dimmed at a speed visible to the naked eye. Finally disappeared completely.


A smoky, ink-like haze spurted out of the cracks in the giant stone eggs.

“No, the seal is going to be broken,” Sun Fei in heart sank and turned to Torres and Drogba shouts out. “Get out of here, go and protect Professor Cain and Arak, don’t get caught up in these black mists!” Between the golden-colored [Great Prophecy Domain] has been fully expanded, and countless [Fist of the Heavens] flames have been combined into a sea of ​​plasma, madly on the Sealed Grand Egg.

At the same time, Sun Fei also used the power of the rules of the Domain.

“God said that everything that is cracked will be closed, all evil will be dissipated, and all Darkness will be washed away by Light!”

Under the illumination of Words Like Law and golden-colored Domain, the crack on the Sealed Grand Egg disappeared quickly and instantly closed, and the dark mist of ink ejected from the gap was instantly annihilated. In spite of the illumination, the strength of the Domain is vividly displayed in this moment. Among the [Great Prophecy Domain], everything Sun Fei said is the law of Heaven and Earth, as the most solid prophecy, in an instant. can be realised.

However, with the force of Sun Fei Demi God Level, the Domain can only be extended to two kilometers, only a small part of the Sealed Grand Egg, which is more than forty kilometers in diameter, can hardly stop this terrible change. Where other golden-colored flames can’t shine, the cracks that break open are gradually increasing, and the black paint spray is getting more and more. This black light fog is extremely corrosive and entangled in the God’s Blood chain. On the top, the horrible noise of the sour water, which exacerbates the break of the blood chain.

“No, the seal is to be broken!”

Sun Fei in heart Anxious, full of golden-colored Holy Energy Domain, the vast Demi God Level force radiates like a flood, but the Sealed Grand Egg is too big, it is difficult to fully envelop.

The Hell Gods and Demons, which were sealed in it, apparently felt the danger coming, and made a way to consume Source Power very much. They wanted to break free before Sun Fei strengthened the seal, and its behavior was already unlimited. Seeing that the crack above the Sealed Grand Egg is getting bigger and bigger, the black mist has covered most of the seals, and countless God’s Blood chains have been smashed.

“No, it’s too late…”

Sun Fei took the initiative, not trying to strengthen the seal, immediately opened the distance, poured a bottle [Full Rejuvenation Potion], adjusted his condition to the best, Summon out [Immortal King Set], holding [Immortal King Stone Crusher] giant hammer, waiting for it – since it can’t stop Fiend’s birth, solve it with battle!

Second more

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