Gundam SEED’s Final Destination

Chapter 579: : Junius Falls (8)

Inside the Zaku phantom driver, Noel saw that Gaia, who was repelled by him, had no fluctuations in his heart. When he turned around, the beam machine gun installed on his shoulder started to fire.

and in front of the beam.

The pitch-black Assault that Swain was driving hurriedly turned to avoid the beam.

Drop drop —

The sound of radar locking came again.

Noel retracted the beam machine gun, and Zaku's phantom flipped in the air.

Below, Gaia Gundam, who suddenly learned to be smart, started a long-range attack.



The beam penetrated into the universe from below, and the violent explosion accompanied the vibration of the body from the bottom of the body.

"Oh shit!"

In the flashing red cockpit, Noel couldn't help scolding.

Although the upper part of the body dodged the beam cannon, the lower body did not completely dodge.

The body's two thighs were melted by the beam cannon attack.

The performance of the Zaku Phantom is indeed the strongest among the Zaft production machines, but it still can't keep up with its own reaction speed.

Or for now, the only body that can keep up with Noel's reaction speed is the covenant that has been modified several times.

The alarm in the cockpit is constant.

Turning his head, the dragon cavalry with high spirits floated again and locked Noel's body.

"Stop me!"

It was also at this time that Luna and Asuka finally reacted.

The two of them joined forces and rushed towards the Divine Will Gundam.


The beam cannon in Lunamaria's hand was activated, and the high-energy beam penetrated the battlefield.


Two dragoons were melted.

Asuka waved the beam saber and rushed to the front of Fubuki Shenyi.


Lunamaria was amazed at her victory.


However, in the next second, a violent collision with the body came from behind, and the body fell out of balance.


Before she could react to adjust the body, a violent explosion suddenly came from the falling body backpack.

And in the position where Luna just stood, Gaia Gundam changed from quadruped form back to MS form.

"Death to me!"

Stella's beam rifle locked on the red body that fell towards Junius.

"Don't you think I don't exist!"

However, before she could pull the trigger, Noel, who quickly adjusted the flight attitude of the body, shot the beam ahead of time.



Gaia Gundam, who was briefly distracted, was hit by the beam and fell down with thick smoke.


Asuka looked at the falling red Zaku warrior, and couldn't help but panic.

"What are you looking around for?"

However, in the next second, a woman's voice sounded from the cockpit.

This voice is extremely familiar, although the tone is cold and cold, but for some reason, this voice still makes Fei Niao's heart panic.



As soon as the bird's voice fell, a violent impact came from the outside.

Shenyi Gundam lifted his leg and kicked Pulse Gundam away.

Sitting in the cockpit that was constantly flashing red light, Asuka looked at the distance in front of the screen that kept pulling away, his eyes were confused and at a loss.

"Heaven Comes"

Just about to raise the gun and pull the trigger, God's will suddenly paused.

Nia Matisse frowned slightly, some pictures of Mohu flashed in her mind, and a sad feeling emerged from the bottom of her heart.


However, this trace of sadness was quickly replaced by irritability, and in the roar of filial piety, the anger 100mm beam cannon mounted on the head of the gods was lit up.


The high-energy beam penetrated the battlefield and flew towards the falling Pulse Gundam, as if to completely smash this irritability and sadness.

In the cockpit of Impulse Gundam, Asuka watched the rapidly falling beam cannon, and the fear of death gradually covered his nerves.


The next second, a green body dodged and appeared in front.


The flames and shock waves of the explosion awakened Asuka's thoughts.


Yin Zak was furious when he saw the body covered in thick smoke.

During the roaring filial piety, the Zaku Mirage accelerated and rushed up.

The beam rifles on the shoulders were pulled one after another.

While forcibly forcing the Shenyi Gundam back, the body quickly approached the Shenyi Gundam, and the long-handled beam battle axe fell angrily.



Divine Intent Gundam raised his shield to block the long-handled beam battle axe.

"You are courting death!"

During Yin Zak's roar of filial piety, Zaku's phantom engine contributed the most, and he swept his hands hard to lift the shield of Divine Will Gundam away.

At the same time, the body turns around and sweeps the legs.



Looking at the leg that was blocked by the shield, and the Goddess Gao who quickly adjusted the posture of the body, Yin Zak couldn't help but cut.

Then he adjusted the position of the body, wielding a long-handled beam battle axe and chased after him.

It is worth mentioning that the Dark Strike Gundam did not participate in the siege of Noel and others at this time, but chose to help Diaka below to clean up the remnants of Keen.

"Aslan, are you alright?"

In the cockpit of Pulse Gundam, Asuka looked at the body that had lost half of its shield and hurriedly asked.

"I'm fine, Yin Zak, he gave it to you!"

Aslan answered hastily, and drove the body towards the bottom.

The quality is still too great.

The more they work here, the more people on Earth will be rescued.

Under such circumstances, how could he rest.

"You are teaching me to do things!?"

Yin Zak retorted while fighting Shenyi Gundam.

However, the only answer to him was silence.

"Damn it, I'm the captain, you bastard!"

While scolding, Yin Zak poured out his anger on Shenyi Gundam.


Aslan looked at Aslan, who left after speaking, and felt a little irritable in his heart.

After looking at the God's Will in the sky from a distance, he gritted his teeth and followed.

bang bang —

ding ding ding —

Just then, a mutation arose.

The steel-blue warship in the distance suddenly fired a retreat flare.

Colored light shines in the darkness of the universe, illuminating the fragments of Julius VII.

This homing signal was also witnessed on the bridge of the Wisdom of Wisdom.

"They finally believed..."

There was peace of mind in Durandall's tone, who saw everything in his eyes.

"Maybe for other reasons. UU Reading"

However, unlike Durandal's peace of mind, Thalia's tone was somewhat stiff and solemn.

"Another reason?"


Facing Durandal's rhetorical question, Talia, who was staring at the values ​​on the dashboard, just answered two words slyly.

The closer it is to the earth, the more massive objects will be attracted to it, and the faster the person standing on the rock will fall to the surface with it.

Hearing their conversation, Cagalli woke up and looked out the window.

Just now, I was focusing on Julius VII on the screen, but I didn't expect that the blue earth had unknowingly occupied most of the window view.

"Following Julius VII like this, the battleship will also be pulled by the earth's gravity."

Cagalli looked at the screen with restlessness and unease.

Although Julius VII shattered into several pieces due to the efforts of the MS fleet, its size was too large to be melted by the atmosphere even if it shattered.

"For life, I'm afraid we have to choose..."

Thalia said calmly: "...the ones that can be saved, and the ones that can't be saved."

Cagalli couldn't understand what she said and looked at her face. Durandal also called suspiciously.


Thalia turned her head, and the corners of her mouth showed a dashing and heroic smile that didn't look like a woman: "It happened suddenly, can you ask the Speaker and the representatives to move to the Voltaire?"


In the face of this sudden request, Durandal couldn't help but be surprised, and Cagalli frowned in confusion.

As if to answer the two's silent inquiries, Thalia announced awe-inspiringly: "This ship is about to enter the atmosphere, and the mission target will be smashed with the bow cannon before the critical point."

This time it wasn't just the Speaker and Cagalli, but even the crew members gasped.

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