Gundam SEED’s Final Destination

Chapter 578: : Junius Falls (7)


Seeing Chaos Gundam approaching, Aslan hurried to remind him.

"I know!"

However, his reminder was not favored by Yin Zak.

Along with Yin Zak's scolding, Aslan took the lead in attacking Chaos Gundam.

During the continuous shooting of the beam in his hand, Chaos Gundam was forcibly hit back.

Afterwards, Yin Zak, who was 'ordered', rushed over with full of anger.

Soon, under the restraint of Aslan's beam, Chaos Gundam "automatically" moved closer to Yin Zak.

The two bodies were instantly connected.

Looking at the enemy body that was approaching Chi Chi, Sting turned around and raised his shield to prepare for defense.


Yin Zak's eyes turned cold, and he turned the battle axe and waved towards Chaos Gundam vigorously.



The physical battle axe directly severed the shield coated with the anti-beam coating.

Chaos Gundam hurriedly raised his gun to cover, and at the same time retracted his armed barrel to support himself, and began to retreat to the rear.

Drop drop —


However, in the next second, the beam battle axe that Aslan threw came to Chaos Gundam's side.

With the beam tomahawk flying by.

Chaos Gundam's leg was cut off.


Seeing that the Chaos Gundam was injured, Orr hurriedly drove the Abyss Gundam to open the muzzle, aiming at Yinzak who was about to attack again.


Seeing this, Aslan hurriedly spoke to remind him.

At the same time, he raised his gun and locked the Abyss Gundam.

"You are too long-winded, I am the captain!"

Yin Zak scolded, driving the Zaku Phantom to speed up to avoid the beam.

At the same time, he turned around and pulled out the shield beam tomahawk and threw it towards Chaos Gundam.


The Chaos Gundam arm, which was just about to raise a gun to fight back, was cut off by the beam battle axe.

Abyss Gundam was also forcibly repelled by Aslan's attack.

In the blink of an eye, both Chaos and Abyss were damaged to varying degrees.

Diaka brought the meteorite crusher to Junius's location and started to activate it.

I really watched this series of actions completed in an instant, and it was too late to hold my breath.

Although it sounds like the two people are not on good terms, the two Zakus have shown a superb tacit understanding.

He was fascinated by the almost gorgeous battle. It was the enemy plane that he and his teammates fought so many times and failed to hurt even a single shot.

Now, in just a few seconds, the two of them are approaching the dilemma of being unable to fight.

"Is that the combat pilot who fought Yakinduvy?"

The words of admiration could not help but blurted out from Shin Asuka's mouth.

Speaking of Captain Yinzak, no one does not know his outstanding exploits in the Battle of Yakinduwe, and he is even more famous among combat pilots.

At this moment, seeing Aslan Sara's combat skills with his own eyes, Asuka realized that he was really on a par with Captain Meier.

"Al, Sting—!"

Seeing that the two were frustrated and suppressed one after another, Stella couldn't sit still any longer, and hurried over in a Gaia Gundam.

"You think I don't exist!"

As soon as Gaia Gundam took action, Noel reacted, and Zaku Phantom raised his gun and pulled towards Gaia Gundam one after another.

The successive beams of light completely blocked Gaia Gundam's path forward.

Drop drop —

Also at this moment.

Suddenly, a radar-locked alarm came from Noel's cockpit.

Turning his head, the only eight dragoons left in Divine Will came from all around and locked Nuoer.


Countless beams poured towards Noel.

The beam network forcibly interrupted Noel, who was about to pursue Gaia.

"Do you think I'm one of those rookies!"

While Nuoer scolded him to avoid the beam, he turned around and raised his spear to continuously pull towards the dragoons.


Under the watchful eyes of Asuka, Luna and others, Zaku Mirage started to fight back in the dragoon beam rain.

The phantom of Zaku is like a petrel in the rain, drifting agilely, without any beam hitting the body.


At the same time, two dragoons were shot down by the beam.

Drop drop —

Gaia Gundam below also seized the opportunity at this time. Stella in the four-legged beast form was extremely fast, and jumped up after coming under the phantom of Zaku.

"The guy in the way, give me death!"

Look at the body rushing up from below, and the beams flying around.

Nuoer's eyes froze, and the red eyes filled his eyes instantly, and the pinhole-sized hole reflected everything in his mind.

In the slow world, the quadruped Gaia Gundam's attack became extremely rough and tasteless.

"piss off!"

With a loud roar, Zaku Mirage raised his shield to block the beam, and at the same time Gaia Gundam just approached, he raised his leg and swept away.

rice ball reading


Gaia Gundam was hit in the head by Noel and fell instantly.

Then, Zaku Mirage turned around and raised his shield.


When the beam particles were scattered, the sword was drawn, and the divine intent was blocked by Zaku's phantom.

"Even if there is no new machine, I can still beat up your group of garbage who can only besiege!"

After that, Nuoer's brain suddenly hummed.

His heart was beating violently, and all of a sudden, blood roared in his body like a collapsing Yellow River.

The blood vessels burst out, and the originally red eyes gradually turned blood red.

The originally slow world became blurred, and suddenly, Nuoer seemed to have seen everything that was going on in Divine Will Gundam.





Under the disbelief in the eyes of Asuka and others, Zaku Phantom raised his gun and pulled the trigger without looking back.

The end of the two beams is the dragon cavalry floating and flying. This scene is as strange as the dragon cavalry running over and hitting the beam.

Looking at Zaku's phantom's unreasonable attack, Nia Matisse raised alarm bells in her heart and hurriedly retreated.

There is an unspeakable sense of crisis for no reason.


With the suppression of the performance of the body, Shenyi Gundam forcibly pushed Zaku Mirage away, and then the few remaining dragoons locked the body in front of him.


"This guy!"

In Niya's stunned eyes, Zaku's phantom began to retreat backwards just before the dragoon network was formed.

Although it was still shrouded in by the beam, but out of the core area of ​​the beam attack, Zaku Phantom easily escaped the attack range of the Dragoons.

Drop drop drop —

Noel, who had just left, had not breathed yet, and the sound of radar locking came from below.

"Go to hell!"

Gaia Gundam in MS form charged at Noel with a beam saber.

She doesn't care what kind of red death Noel is, or what else, as long as she kills him!


However, just when Gaia Gundam's beam saber was about to hit the Zaku Phantom, the front of the beam saber suddenly lost its target, or deviated from the target.


Before Stella could react, Zaku Mirage took the lead and kicked Gaia Gundam's shield.

A powerful force kicked Gaia Gundam back again.

The fierce battle that suddenly erupted on both sides made Asuka and Luna completely reduced to spectators.

For a while, they didn't know what the meaning of their appearance was—

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