Su Han looked at the dancer wearing a fox mask with a frown on her face.

Because she couldn't see through the specific cultivation level of this woman. Su Han felt that she didn't exist, illusory...

This feeling was very strange.

However, Su Han could feel a familiar breath from this woman, and she felt that she had seen it somewhere.

Suddenly, Su Han thought of the Paradise Hall where Jin Yuanbao took Su Han some time ago.

The staff who received Su Han inside was also wearing a similar mask.

At this moment, Su Han also roughly guessed the true identity of this woman, and understood where he had felt that familiar breath.

It was the mysterious breath that forced Su Han to fall asleep in the small world of Paradise Hall at that time.

"Su Han"

"Elder of the Sutra Library of Huanyun Sect"


The masked woman directly said Su Han's name and true identity.

She even said Su Han's cultivation level. After she finished speaking , Su Han's pupils shrank, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

"You investigated me?"

Su Han's face changed and his tone became cold.

Sensing Su Han's aura, the masked woman replied:"No need to investigate, what I saw in your dream"

"Don't worry, I have no ill will towards you."

The masked woman was also very afraid of Su Han, because she could feel how powerful he was. When he invaded her dream, she almost lost her mind.

She was also afraid that Su Han would suddenly attack her, so she quickly expressed her attitude.

After all, with her cultivation strength, she had no chance of winning against Su Han.

"I just know your name and identity information."

"Don't worry, I don't know any of your secrets."

This was also the truth, because when she was in the Paradise Hall, she didn't dare to inquire deeply, and at most she only knew some basic information and origins.

""I came to you because I want to cooperate with you."

The masked woman said straight to the point.

Su Han slowly picked up the teacup in front of him, took a sip, and said lightly:"What cooperation?" After the words fell

, the masked woman said word by word:"Overthrow Daqian."

Hearing this, Su Han's eyes flashed with surprise, and he asked with a smile:"What's the benefit for me to cooperate with you to overthrow the Daqian royal family?"

Just now Qian Yueer told him that he would make him the royal family's son-in-law.

Then, another person came to overthrow Daqian with him.

It was too dramatic.

For Su Han, none of them were interested, and it was a waste of time.

"I can support you to be the new emperor."

The masked woman said very seriously.

Hearing this, Su Han almost couldn't help laughing. Qian Yue'er wanted to support me to be the emperor, and this masked woman also wanted to support me to be the emperor of Daqian.

One is the order of succession, and the other is rebellion.

It seems that the emperor of the Daqian Empire is a high-risk job....

"I have no interest in this new emperor~."

Su Han said indifferently.

What are the benefits of being an emperor?

No, there is nothing but a lot of things to do every day and a false status.

Moreover, does Su Han need the identity of the emperor?


Because, when Su Han's strength reaches a certain level, if he wants to be the emperor, he can just take the emperor's head, isn't it? It doesn't matter whether he is the emperor or not, what matters is strength.

Su Han just wants to invest and develop quietly, and doesn't want to be involved in these dynastic power struggles.

Hearing Su Han's answer, the masked woman was obviously stunned.

Who among the cultivators in Daqian doesn't want to stand at the top of power?

However, Su Han gave her the feeling that he had no desires and was very indifferent.

Having no desires, in other words, is impeccable!

Because you can't attract him with any benefits.....

"What conditions do you need? Just tell me."

The fox-faced masked woman still didn't give up and continued to ask.

Because in her opinion, Su Han was the most hidden sweeping monk in the Daqian Empire. He was only over a hundred years old, and he had broken through the Void Realm! With this talent and strength, he could overlook the ancient history of the entire Daqian Empire.

That's why she came out in person to win over Su Han.

In the eyes of the masked woman, Su Han was a dragon lurking underground in the Daqian Empire. Once the wind and rain came, he would face the wind and rain and overlook the entire Daqian!

So, they had to win him over at this time.

If Su Han joined, their plan could be said to be 90% sure, and overthrowing the royal family was only a matter of time.

By then, he would have the strength to support Su Han as the new emperor!

"I don't need anything"

"I have no interest in your power struggles."

"Please leave."

Su Han's voice was obviously colder, and the last sentence was obviously threatening.

Hearing this, the masked woman felt that Su Han's attitude was very firm. She also sighed faintly and left. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

After the masked woman left,

Qian Yue'er woke up sleepily.

She rubbed her eyes, a little confused,"Brother Su, how did I fall asleep just now?...."

Su Han smiled and said,"Maybe he got drunk from drinking tea."

The next day. He finally got rid of Qian Yue'er, the bullshit plaster.

She said that she had to go back to the imperial city, and then left in a hurry. Before leaving, she also told Su Han affectionately that if he figured it out, he should go to the imperial city to find her.

As long as he went to the imperial city, she would pave all the way for Su Han.....

In the next few days, Su Han continued to invest in Fulong City.

Moreover, Su Han, who was extremely lucky, met a good seedling with a deep blue color that was infinitely close to light gold!

Su Han couldn't remember his name, Ye Liangchen, or where he came from.

He was just a ruthless investment machine. He had invested in so many people over the years, and he remembered them all.

Moreover, there was no need to remember these.

Su Han only needed to invest and collect the rewards, and didn't need to consider other things.

This led to the fact that sometimes when Su Han went to a place, he would meet a few monks who had been helped by Su Han's investment. They were all very excited and waited for Su Han.���Like a benefactor.

Moreover, after this period of investment.

Su Han's popularity gradually rose in Fulong City.

He didn't even need to pay for a drink in a teahouse, and other people would pay for him every time.

It was like having friends wherever he went.

If Su Han lived in Fulong City for a few years, I'm afraid everyone in Fulong City would be his younger brother......

Just like when he was in Huanyun Sect.

Most of the disciples had received help from Su Han, and Yunfeng was the sect leader on the surface....Well, if Su Han raised his arm, he could directly instigate a rebellion against the entire Huanyun Sect.

However, with Su Han's current strength, the Huanyun Sect was too small in his eyes....

With Su Han's strength, the entire Seven Major Sects, even the head of Tai Heng Sect, can't last a single move in front of Su Han. It has only been a few years since Su Han got the system.

He has already overlooked the entire Seven Major Sects.

In the entire Daqian Empire, only the top holy places, such as Taiyi Holy Land, can suppress Su Han.

But in a few years, Su Han can overlook the entire Daqian Empire!

For Su Han, breaking through the realm is just a matter of time, so Su Han only needs to invest silently and continue to strengthen himself.

Calculate the time.

Su Han has been in Fulong City for three months.

After three months of investment.

Su Han's cultivation has also stepped into the fourth level of the Void Breaking Realm!

This cultivation speed is really too terrifying. The breakthrough is so fast that even Su Han himself is surprised.

After stepping into the Void Breaking Realm, it is difficult to advance to a small realm.

And Su Han has broken through three small realms in just three months.

If this gets out, I don't know how many people will be scared to death...

Su Han was able to break through so quickly, thanks to the rich talent pool in Fulong City. In the past three months, he has invested in a person with light gold luck, ten with blue luck, and countless with yellow luck.....

Moreover, after three months of investment,

Su Han's popularity in Fulong City is terrifying......

Wherever he went, he would be called"Brother Su","Master Su","Mr. Su", etc.

In order to keep a low profile, Su Han still displayed a cultivation level of only the Xiantian Realm. After all, he was only in the Void Breaking Realm. If he invested in the street, let alone investing, it would be good enough if he didn't scare others to death.

Soon, the name of"Master Su" was spread to the City Lord's Mansion.

When the City Lord Li Chengdu learned about this person, he frowned. After all, he had never heard of this Master Su.

Moreover, it has only been a few months, and the reputation of"Master Su" has been growing day by day.

His prestige in Fulong City is also growing at a speed visible to the naked eye.....

You know, when he was the Lord of Fulong City, he spent a lot of effort to increase his reputation and prestige. It took him hundreds of years to completely establish Fulong City.���The supreme prestige of the city lord!

And, the so-called"Master Su" who has only been in Fulong City for a few months has already accumulated a very high prestige in just a few months.

This is not a good thing for Li Changdu.

On this day.

In the city lord's mansion.

Li Changdu was sitting and drinking tea. A middle-aged man in golden armor walked up to him, clasped his fists and said:"Lord City Lord,"

""Yang Kui, that Master Su, where does he come from to be so awesome?" The middle-aged man in golden armor was stunned for a moment, then replied:"That Master Su is not a resident of Fulong City, and I don't know where he is from."

Hearing this, Li Changdu said leisurely:"We have to kick him out quickly."

"Fulong City does not allow such a powerful person to exist"

I just wanted to say: Frenzy Creed

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