【Name: Liu Yunyan】

【Age: 19】

【Strength: Eighth level of Spiritual Sea】

【Luck talent: light gold】

【Biography: She is the tenth princess of the"Liuyun Clan", one of the ten major demon clans in the demon domain. She has the physique of a Liuyun demon and is extremely talented. In the future, she will have the opportunity to inherit the position of the patriarch of the Liuyun Clan. However, the demon domain will be turbulent in the future, and she will encounter three great life disasters. If she survives them safely, she can achieve transformation....】

【Recent encounters: The demon realm is in turmoil, and the Liuyun Clan has become one of the targets of public criticism. She is about to receive the baptism of the Liuyun Clan's inheritance, but the sacrificial inheritance lacks the bloodline guidance of the higher races.....】

After reading it, Su Han's pupils shrank slightly.

This demon girl's identity is not simple, she also possesses the talent of golden luck!

Although it is only light gold, it also belongs to the category of golden luck.

Seeing her recent experience, Su Han thought in his heart, the blood guiding object of the higher race.

Bai Li should be considered a higher race, right?

After all, the demon race is also half demon beast bloodline.

Moreover, only a guiding object is needed, so let Bai Li get a small piece of scale, and there is a trace of its blood on it.

In fact, Bai Li's scale is not needed at all.

His own blood is even purer than Bai Li's. Does it only take one of his hair? ?

However, to be on the safe side, it is better to take Bai Li's scale.

After all, if he takes a hair, people will think he is fooling her.

""Where's the demon crystal?"

Liu Yunyan looked at Su Han, frowned, and asked in a cold voice.

Because the auction was over, she only got half of the Dragon Devouring Demon Crystal, and the other half was not received yet.

However, her defensive magic weapon has been auctioned off.

If she can't get the corresponding reward, she is ready to use other means.

Su Han said slowly:"I'll tell you the truth, I can't get the other half of the demon crystal." As soon as these words came out.

Liu Yunyan's expression instantly turned cold. Although this human cultivator was very powerful, she was wary of him, but not afraid.

She came to the Daqian Empire to find the Dragon Devouring Demon Crystal with the support of the Liuyun Clan, and she was not without any preparation.

Moreover, she also knew that the Daqian Empire and Dayu were at war. If she really wanted to get serious and mobilize the family's power, then helping Dayu to destroy Daqian was not impossible.

"You mean, are you going to default on your debt?"

Although Liu Yunyan was only at the Spiritual Sea Realm, she was still tough in the face of Su Han.

After all, she had managed to get a position of successor in the Liuyun Clan, so her courage and insight were certainly extraordinary.

"I mean"

"I have something else that can be used as a substitute."

Su Han said calmly.

This female demon monk was really tough. She showed no sign of retreating in front of him.

"What?"Liu Yunyan frowned.

Because she felt not only a strong pressure from Su Han, but also a pressure from the depths of his blood.

This was because when Su Han invested in the ancient dragon (Bai Li) last time, he got its blood.

So Su Han also had the blood power of the ancient dragon.

For the demon race, the blood of the ancient dragon is very noble and has a strong suppressive power, which is also often called blood suppression.

"I'll use the scales of a Jiaolong instead."

Su Han said.

Upon hearing this, Liu Yunyan's beautiful eyes lit up,"You have the scales of a Jiaolong?"

Jiaolongs are a member of the dragon clan. In their demon domain, the dragon clan is one of the top races, much stronger than her Liuyun clan, and they are not on the same level at all.

Recently, the demon domain has been turbulent, and the Liuyun clan has also been affected.

Her Liuyun clan is at the bottom of the ten major demon clans because it does not have the support of a strong bloodline like the Jiaolong clan.

She also has to accept the test of the inheritance of the Liuyun clan. What she lacks now is a guiding object with a high-level bloodline.

The scales of a Jiaolong are undoubtedly the best guiding object.


Su Han touched the ring on his ring finger inconspicuously.

This ring was transformed by Bai Li and had always been with him.

Bai Li understood what Su Han meant just after he finished speaking.

The next second, a piece of dragon scale floated in front of Su Han.

Seeing this, Liu Yunyan looked at the dragon scale with a strange look in her eyes.

Moreover, she could clearly feel that the blood breath coming from this dragon scale was purer and higher than the dragon blood breath she had felt before!

"you...Are you really willing to give me this dragon scale?"

At this time, Liu Yunyan's tone became much softer.

If she could get this dragon scale, she would not need any dragon crystals at all, because dragon crystals were the worst substitutes and there was even a possibility of failure.

But if she got this dragon scale, she was confident that she could win the inheritance test!


"Because I don't have the Dragon Devouring Crystal you want, this is the only substitute."

"Can you accept it?"

Giving her a scale solved the problem of buying on credit and also made an investment at the same time, killing two birds with one stone, so why not do it?

"able...I can accept it!"

Liu Yunyan suddenly became a little excited, and then immediately felt that she had lost her composure, and smiled with a blushing face.

Her smile was very charming, giving people a unique sense of charm, worthy of being the daughter of the demon clan

""It's good that you can accept it."

After saying that, Su Han casually threw it to her.

Seeing this, Liu Yunyan took it and carefully put it away.

Then, she took out a space ring and handed it to Su Han.

"This is the other half of the Dragon Derived Demon Crystal. It is enough for you to give me this piece of dragon scale."

"So, I will return these demon crystals to you."

As she said this, Liu Yunyan smiled, revealing two shallow canine teeth.

Su Han did not refuse, and put away the space ring, and returned it to Jin Yuanbao later.

After all, this was something that Jin Yuanbao got, and it looked like it must have cost a lot of money.

Dragon Yan demon crystals were of no use to him.

"My name is Liu Yunyan, from..."

At this point, Liu Yunyan paused, but still chose to say,"From the demon realm."

After all, she was not a cultivator from Daqian. Now that Dayu and Daqian were at war, she, a demon from another realm, was more or less a little shy to appear here.

However, Su Han had helped her so much, so she had to be honest with him.

"Su Han."

Su Han also said his name

"Mr. Su"

"I will remember your kindness today."

"Mr. Su's cultivation is so high, maybe there is nothing I can do to help him."

"If Mr. Su passes by the demon realm in the future, he can come to rest in my Liuyun clan."

Liu Yunyan knew that she was only a small demon cultivator in the Spiritual Sea Realm, and the Mr. Su in front of her was the strongest human cultivator she had met during her time in Fulong City of the Daqian Empire.

Because Su Han did not hide his cultivation level now.

After all, he was originally on credit, and showing a high level of cultivation would be beneficial to negotiations.

"Mr. Su, I have a special status and cannot stay here for long."

"I have to leave."

Liu Yunyan said to Su Han with a fist

"Thank you for your soul crystal jade."

Su Han has been looking for this soul crystal jade for several years, but he didn't expect that this soul crystal jade can only be found in the demon domain.

If Liu Yunyan hadn't come all the way to Daqian, Su Han didn't know when he would find it.

So, Su Han was also very grateful to her.

"By the way, Mr. Su, next time you go to the Demon Realm, remember to come to the Liuyun Clan."

Before leaving, Liu Yunyan said to Su Han with a smile.

At this time, the voice of the system had not been broadcast yet.

It should be that Liu Yunyan needs to return to the Demon Realm and successfully use the Dragon Scale before she can get feedback.

However, Su Han is not in a hurry.

Because there is no such thing as investment failure. He has invested for so many years and has never failed. He just needs to wait quietly for the reward to come.

Su Han exhaled heavily.

A sense of relief.

This trip to Fulong City is really fruitful. Not only did he invest in several good seedlings, he also got Soul Crystal Jade, bought Ancient Soil and Moxu Water, and also got several good treasures at the auction!

It's perfect!

However, the only flaw is that he has made enemies with Huijue Temple and Prince Li.

But Su Han doesn't care. (To read the violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

If they dare to make trouble for Su Han in the future, then Su Han will not hold back and will kill them.

Push open the door.

Jin Yuanbao came up and asked anxiously:"Brother Su, how is it?"

Su Han threw the space ring to Jin Yuanbao.

After he took it, he asked in surprise:"What is this?"

"The Dragon-derived Demon Crystals you collected are returned to you."

After that,

Jin Yuanbao became anxious and asked quickly,"What happened? Did the negotiation break down?"

"No, it's settled."

���She didn't want this Dragon Devouring Demon Crystal anymore, so she returned it to me."

Hearing this, Jin Yuanbao was completely stunned.

"No..not anymore?"

"Brother Su..how did you do it!"

"too...It's amazing, isn't it?"

Jin Yuanbao's face was full of admiration at this moment. Brother Su was a real god. It seemed that everything became extremely simple in his hands!

He also tried to negotiate with the demon woman, but the other party only wanted the Dragon Devouring Demon Crystal no matter what, and refused to compromise.

And Brother Su, just went in for a while, not only did the other party not want the Dragon Devouring Demon Crystal, but he even came back.

This operation really made Jin Yuanbao admire him.

When he came to his senses, he found that Su Han had gone far away, and he hurriedly trotted to catch up.

Now, he is more like a follower.

Things are done.

Su Han has also played in Fulong City for a few days these days.

Although he was playing, he also invested in several people. Although it is difficult to encounter golden talents, he also encountered one or two light blue luck. No matter how small a mosquito is, it is also meat.

These days, he also feels that he has touched the threshold of the second level of Poxu.

In fact, Fu In Su Han's eyes, Longcheng is a large investment market.

Therefore, he plans to live in Fulongcheng for a period of time, a few months at most.

By the way, he will make a new body for Tianyue.

Then, he will go back to Huanyun Sect to rescue her.

However, what makes Su Han speechless is that

Qian Yue'er, somehow found him, and then pestered him all day long, which annoyed Su Han.

Su Han really wanted to execute her on the spot.

Her brain circuit is also a little abnormal. She always wants Su Han to be the imperial prince consort and wants to take him to meet her father, the current emperor.

But Su Han really doesn't want to. He has no interest in the imperial prince consort.

Su Han really regrets that he shouldn't have invested in her!

What a sin!

Now she keeps saying things like"giving birth to children","making people","imperial prince consort","under one person, above ten thousand people" to Su Han.....

She even said that she would help"Su Han" seize the throne of the royal family and become the next emperor.

At this moment.

Fulong City.

Baihua Tower.

Su Han was drinking tea, and Qian Yueer was next to Su Han.

"Brother Su, do you really want to consider it?"

"As long as you nod, I promise to help you squeeze out my brothers, let you become the crown prince and seize the throne."

"How about it? I'll take you to see my dad. I believe my dad will like you very much!"

Qian Yue'er leaned against Su Han for a long time. She had a very good figure. Her unique fragrance lingered in Su Han's nose, making him a little distracted. He even lost interest in drinking tea!

Damn it, women only disrupted Su Han's speed of drinking tea!

""Pour me a cup of tea."

Su Han opened his eyes and said to Qian Yue'er. Qian Yue'er was unusually obedient.

She stood up and poured Su Han a cup of hot tea.

If this scene was seen by those Tianjiao brothers in the imperial city, they might commit suicide that day.....

Because although Qian Yue'er has the nickname of"little witch", the people who pursue and admire her can surround her and circle around the imperial city!

In the eyes of outsiders, Qian Yue'er is very cold and indifferent, and almost no one dares to approach her.


She was like a completely different person in front of Su Han.

"Brother Su, what do you think?"

After pouring the tea, Qian Yueer continued to ask

"Not very good."

Su Han took a sip and said lightly

"By the way, Brother Su, the mysterious big shot who has been making waves at the auction recently...Is it you?"

Qian Yue'er suddenly thought of the time when Jin Yuanbao brought Su Han to a party, and his attitude towards Su Han was somewhat respectful.

In addition, the mysterious big man was on the sixth floor of the auction at that time.

The only ones who could enter the sixth floor were Jin Yuanbao from the Jin family and the patriarch of the Jin family.

And based on Jin Yuanbao's attitude towards Su Han, the mysterious man who suppressed Qian Liping at the auction that day was most likely Su Han!

Qian Yue'er was very smart and could deduce the truth with just a few clues.

Qian Yue'er looked at Su Han, her eyes full of admiration, almost overflowing from her eyes.

When she first met Su Han, she felt that he was definitely not as simple as he seemed on the surface.

When she got After knowing about the auction, the first person she thought of was Su Han!

Her sixth sense has always been very accurate.

If Su Han is really the mysterious big shot, then Qian Yue'er has really met her Mr. Right!

He is so young, but he has achieved such a terrifying power. The key is that he is also very handsome. These shining points are gathered in one person, and Qian Yue'er is really going to fall.

Every girl has a dream in her heart, that is, to meet a powerful Mr. Right.

Even Qian Yue'er is no exception.

And the man in front of her perfectly meets all the imaginations in Qian Yue'er's heart!

Hearing this.

A look of surprise flashed in Su Han's eyes.

This girl is a little smart.

But he still said,"It's not me."

These three words had just fallen, and Qian Yue'er immediately said excitedly:"I know, it's you!"

"Your eyes can't deceive me."

It must be said that Qian Yue'er is absolutely good at observing people's micro-expressions.

"If you think it is, then it is right."Su Han was helpless.

He regretted investing in her.....

This girl is really a clingy person...

"Great, Brother Su."

"Believe me, I have been planning for many years and cultivating a lot of forces."

"I will definitely help you to stand at the top of the entire Daqian Empire."

Qian Yue'er said seriously, with a serious expression.

The next second.

Creak - the door was pushed open.

Three or four dancers came in and began to perform.

One of the dancers had a fox mask on her face.

At this time, Su Han was a little surprised. He came to Baihualou just to drink tea and did not order any dancers.


Su Han's���The light fell on one of the dancers wearing a fox mask, and she was stunned for a moment.

The next second,

Qian Yueer fell asleep, and the other dancers also fell to the ground and fell asleep.

Only the masked dancer stood there, looking at Su Han..

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