【Ancient Dragon (young)】

【Bone age: 645 years】

【Strength: Sixth level upper grade】

【Luck level: Dark purple (has a high chance of evolving into Dharma-phase)】

【Biography: This was originally a species from the ancient times, but the world changed drastically, and the ancient times came to an end. The ancient dragon clan also gradually became extinct in the fall. This dragon cub is currently one of only nine in the world.-....】

【Recent encounter: Due to the incomplete molting in the last evolution, the blood and poison oath were deposited in the tail, and it was suffering all the time. It had to sink to the bottom of the Youlong Pond to barely relieve the pain.....】

After reading it,

Su Han was stunned.

It was not the origin of this dragon that shocked Su Han, but Su Han seemed to have opened a new world.

It turns out that spiritual beasts can also be invested?!

Su Han's eyes were all on human cultivators before, and he had never considered other things, so he didn't try.

This was the first time he used the"Sky Eye" on a spiritual beast.

According to the feedback from the Sky Eye, he knew that spiritual beasts could also be invested!

At this time, Su Han almost couldn't help but slap himself. Damn it, why didn't I think of it before!

Spiritual beasts are also living beings! They are also lives! Of course, they also have fate and destiny!

Moreover, in the ancient times, the weak humans were not qualified to become the masters of heaven and earth. The masters of heaven and earth were those powerful beasts.

Tracing back to the source, from a long history, the fate of the beasts is much stronger than that of humans!

For example, the legendary blue dragon clan, white dragon clan, phoenix, black tortoise, the ancient ten evils, etc.

Su Han has heard of dragons, but this is the first time he has heard of this ancient dragon.

Jiaolongs are not rare. It is said that the imperial family of Daqian kept a Jiaolong.

However, there is no record of seeing an ancient Jiaolong....

From the sentence"There are only nine left in the world", we can already see the value of it.

Moreover, the race that existed in the ancient times is very powerful.....

The age of the dragon, converted into human age, is equivalent to that of a young human!

No wonder the system gave it a deep purple color, and it even has the potential to become a Dharmakaya.

Su Han retracted his thoughts and looked at the dragon in the pool.

Then, he slowly raised his right hand.

The dragon was lifted up in the air by Su Han's majestic spiritual power.

The dragon was terrified by Su Han and did not dare to resist at all, because it knew that resistance was futile. After

Su Han lifted the dragon up, his eyes fell on the tail, and he found that there was indeed an obvious ulcer on the tail, which had turned blue and purple, and blue blood was constantly flowing out of the ulcer....

After scanning with his spiritual sense, he found that the blood and toxins in the dragon's tail were even more serious and horrible.

How long had this level of injury lasted? Decades, or even hundreds of years?....

The dragon felt the pain coming from its tail and howled in pain.

Su Han said to the dragon,"Don't worry, I won't hurt you."

"Relax and cooperate with me"

"I will help you heal."

Su Han saw that the dragon's emotions began to riot, which greatly affected his treatment, so he spoke to comfort him.

Hearing Su Han's words, the dragon calmed down instantly, because it knew that it could only trust this human, because if this human wanted to kill itself, no matter how it struggled, it would not be able to escape.

Su Han was running the technique, and his breath burst out.

His spiritual power turned into countless tiny needle rains, piercing the skin surface of the dragon's tail.

Because Su Han's spiritual power was too sharp, the dragon was shaking all over.

After the needle rain sank into the skin surface, it split into countless even finer spiritual needles, along the countless tiny blood vessels, tendons, and removed the poisonous oaths and blood stasis inside bit by bit like peeling silk from a cocoon.

This kind of treatment method can only be done by Su Han's level of spiritual consciousness and mental power, because those tiny blood vessels, hundreds of millions, are testing the mental power at the same time, how great is it. The ancient dragon felt that Su Han was helping itself, and could also clearly feel the changes in its body, so it let go of all its defenses and even urged its own spiritual energy to assist.

Half an hour later, a venomous mist was released from the dragon's tail, and the treatment was complete.

Su Han also exhaled heavily.

"It's OK."

The ancient dragon felt the changes in its body, as if it had been reborn. It happily rushed to the clouds, then rushed down again, sweeping up a ripple of spiritual power, so happy.

It circled around Su Han for a few circles, and then rubbed Su Han with its head.

Su Han could also feel its kindness and cordiality towards him.


The ancient dragon suddenly rushed into the water of Tanchi, and suddenly rushed down.

Soon, it rushed out of the water again, biting a blue-black bead in its mouth, emitting a faint blue light, like a night-shining pearl.

Then, it threw it to Su Han, indicating that this was a little bit of its heart.

Su Han took the blue-black night-shining pearl, a very small night-shining pearl in the dragon's mouth, and Su Han was about to have him. The person is taller.

However, when this night-shining pearl touched Su Han's palm. (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Soon, it slowly shrank and finally became the size of a palm.

Su Han played with this seemingly ordinary night-shining pearl, and then found that there was a leaf frozen in the center of the night-shining pearl.

Seeing this.

He used his spiritual sense to penetrate the night-shining pearl and see what this leaf was.

But he found that his spiritual sense could not penetrate and could not touch the leaf. This feeling was very strange.

After trying several times, Su Han was sure that this must be a treasure.

Then, he put it in his Dantian space. Anyway, he would have time to study it later.

At this time.

The system's broadcast sounded in Su Han's mind.

【Congratulations to the host, the investment is successful!】

【Successfully obtained feedback, do you want to claim the reward immediately? 】

Su Han nodded and said,"Go ahead."

There were no people here, deep in the mountains and old forests, so of course he could claim it directly.

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining:】

【1. Ancient dragon physique】

【2. Bloodline of the Ancient Dragon】

【3. Dragon's Ninth Heaven (Dragon Clan Magic)】

The next second.

Su Han felt that his physique was slowly changing, and his aura was getting stronger.

The tendons, blood, flesh, luck, and even every piece of skin on his body became vigorous and powerful. At this moment, Su Han seemed to be the son of a divine dragon, possessing the powerful body of a dragon.

Then, in Su Han's mind, the magic of"Dragon's Ninth Heaven" also appeared.

This was the first time he saw the magic of the beast clan, and he was shocked after just a cursory glance.

The ancient dragon next to him felt the change in Su Han's aura, and its eyes were gradually changing.

At this moment, it looked at Su Han with eyes like seeing its own relatives.

In addition, Su Han had just saved himself. In less than an hour, Su Han's status in his mind had risen to a high level.

Perhaps it was because Su Han himself had the physique of an ancient dragon, and he also had an inexplicable sense of intimacy with this ancient dragon.

After the physical constitution was strengthened, Su Han's appearance did not change. He did not become muscular, nor did he become strong and sturdy, and he did not grow a beard.

Su Han was still slender and handsome, because he inherited the full attribute enhancement of his physical constitution and abandoned other shortcomings and side effects.

This is also one of the heaven-defying features of the system. No matter how many physical constitutions Su Han stacked, it was only a full attribute enhancement, without any side effects and shortcomings.

Otherwise, if it continued like this, wouldn't he become a three-headed, six-armed, neither human nor ghost?

This trip was another adventure!

By accident, I found an injured ancient dragon, and then I was surprised to find that spiritual beasts could also be invested!

In the end, I received a generous feedback reward and a night-shining pearl, although I don't know what it is for yet.

It seems that this Tianlan Mountain Range is not simple!

As one of the five major mountain ranges of the Daqian Empire, the place where Su Han is located is already very deep, but it has not reached the deepest point.

Su Han plans to go to the deepest point after improving his cultivation.

It's not that Su Han is afraid, it's that Su Han wants to be safe, just in case he encounters an eighth-level or ninth-level beast king or beast emperor in the deepest part....

No one can tell....

At this time, the little dragon lowered its body and landed in front of Su Han, signaling Su Han to step on its head.

Seeing this, Su Han raised his eyebrows.

"Where are you taking me?"

When Su Han stepped on its head, the dragon soared into the air, and the speed reached the extreme, and the space was distorted! P.S.: I had recovered a little better yesterday, but when I woke up this morning, I had a fever again. It was really too uncomfortable. I could only force myself to write at night with a hot head. Thank you for your likes. I will continue to write well..

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