"The way of heaven is to reduce the surplus and replenish the deficiency."

When Tian Yue said this slowly, it seemed that every word contained the truth, shaking the space.

After Su Han heard this, his pupils shrank and he was stunned for a long time. At this moment, he seemed to have grasped something, but it seemed that he had grasped nothing. The true truth was like the floating catkins in the wind and the flowing sand on the fingertips. He could feel it, but it seemed that he could not grasp it..


"What's wrong with you?"

Tianyue saw Su Han staring blankly in the spot, and asked.

Su Han had a clear understanding in his heart, and he seemed to understand it.

The way of heaven is to take away the surplus and make up for the deficiency....

Only this sentence can perfectly fit this ancient Sanskrit text.

Su Han came back to his senses, smiled at Tianyue, and said,"Thank you."

Tianyue asked curiously,"How did you know this word?"

"I saw this word in a book of my grandfather a long time ago when I was a teenager."

Although ancient Sanskrit is not rare, even in the Great Qian Empire, there are many schools that specialize in the study of ancient Sanskrit. Sanskrit is common in many Buddhist scriptures, and many precious and rare Buddhist scriptures are all in Sanskrit.

However, Su Han's word, just this word alone, is very rare, even Tianyue has only vaguely seen it once.

"I saw it in the secret collection."

Su Han did not intend to hide it and said it out.

"You've improved a lot this time when you went to the secret vault."

Some time ago, when she saw Su Han coming out of the secret vault and having already stepped into the Grand Void Realm, she was shocked again.

"Oh, luckily"

"It's a pity that I didn't find Soul Crystal 087."

Su Han spread his hands and said

"It's okay."

Tianyue actually didn't care about the soul crystal stone for a long time. If Su Han hadn't mentioned it, she would have almost forgotten it.

It was night.

It was late at night, the moonlight was shining, the night was as dark as ink, and Huanyun Sect was immersed in a quiet and peaceful atmosphere.

Su Han sat in his private bamboo forest on the back mountain of the Sutra Library.

He closed his eyes and looked inward at his sea of consciousness.

In his sea of consciousness, the hundreds of golden words were constantly flowing.....

After getting Tianyue's answer, Su Han began to try to run it....

Soon, he found that the spiritual energy changed from the normal blue to blood red, and gradually took on a little gold, blood-gold color.

It lingered around Su Han, his hair was scattered, revealing his forehead. This blood-gold spiritual energy made him look a little weird.

Then, as he continued to run...

The space of the small bamboo forest around him seemed to be separated, and in this separated space, Su Han was like the king of the world.

The next second.

The bamboos in the bamboo forest turned into iron pillars, just like the iron pillars in the Tianlao prison.

The soil on the ground became soft, and upon closer inspection, it turned into a pool of floating blood.

This space seemed to have become an endless area, an endless prison!

Soon, Su Han woke up suddenly.

He exhaled heavily a few times and found that there was still a bamboo forest around him, and nothing had changed.

And everything that just happened did not seem like Su Han was dreaming, because he could feel that his aura was still remaining in this space.

This ancient Sanskrit text is called"Nine Ancient Domains".

It seems to be a practice method, a martial art, or perhaps a mental method. In short, Su Han could not define it. What Su Han just ran was the first domain.——"

The"Nine Ancient Domains" has nine layers in total. According to this statement, there should be nine domains.

"Blood Prison...Blood Prison..."

Su Han always felt very familiar.

Then, he remembered, yes, this is the"domain"!

When he first met Tianyue, he felt the horror of the"domain" from her.

In her"domain", Su Han was as small as an ant, and she seemed to be the master of the space in the"domain", and could crush him at will.

Later, Su Han knew

"To comprehend something like"domain", one must at least break through the Void Realm.

However, Su Han can now directly use"Nine Ancient Domains" to perfectly replicate the"domain". He even has a deep understanding of the"domain" itself.

"I wonder how powerful this first domain is?"

Su Han was ready to give it a try.

Of course, the feedback from actual combat exercises was the most real. Thinking of this, he immediately took action.

Then, he turned into a stream of light, like a meteor across the night sky, heading towards the Tianlan Mountains.

Soon, he entered the Tianlan Mountains. After entering, he did not stop, and continued to go deeper.

He kept going deeper and deeper, but he did not find any experimental subjects worthy of Su Han's actual combat exercises. (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Suddenly, Su Han sensed it, and then listened.

His current location is already in the deepest part of the Tianlan Mountains.

The Tianlan Mountains are one of the five major mountain ranges of the Daqian Empire.

It is said that in the depths of the Tianlan Mountains, there are sixth-level beasts and A seventh-order beast!

A sixth-order beast is equivalent to the human's purple mansion, and a seventh-order beast is equivalent to the human's Taixu realm!

And Su Han sensed a sixth-order beast!

Moreover, it is very likely an adult sixth-order beast. An adult sixth-order beast is equivalent to the human's purple mansion perfection realm, or even stronger than that.

Su Han passed through a patch of reeds that was thicker than his head, and finally came to a pond.

This pond is very large, with a radius of more than ten kilometers. Behind the pond is a cliff wall covered with green moss.

Su Han stood on the stone, his eyes looking down at the dark green pond.

The sixth-order aura he felt was in the pond.

Swish - originally calm The pond suddenly erupted with a column of water in the shape of a jellyfish head.

The next second, a dragon slowly poked its head out of the pond and stared at Su Han. It had yellow eyes and dark blue dragon horns, which seemed to be underdeveloped, resulting in one horn being tall and the other short.

Just by poking its head out, it was already overlooking Su Han on the ground.

Seeing the dragon that looked exactly like the one described in the ancient books, Su Han slowly took a breath of cold air. There are actually dragons in the Tianlan Mountains?!

Although it is a dragon, it is also a member of the dragon clan!

Then, the dragon looked at Su Han, a strange and dangerous human, warily, and spit out its tongue at him.

When Su Han saw the snake's tongue, he showed a strange look. Is this a dragon or a snake?!

Appearance It clearly looked like a dragon, but it had a snake's tongue, and its horns were uneven, making it look a bit out of place.

Su Han was running the first domain of the Nine Ancient Domains.

Soon, the space around Youtan turned dark red, and the water in the pond turned into bloody water with bubbles.

At this moment, the dragon felt the pain and suddenly rushed out of the water.

Only then did Su Han see the whole appearance of this"dragon". The head was that of a dragon, but the body was that of a dragon snake, which was very strange.

It sensed the danger and fled frantically, but no matter what, it could not escape the domain set up by Su Han.

After a long period of crazy collisions, the"dragon" instantly wilted. It lay in the"blood pool" in fear and cast a pleading look at Su Han.....

Seeing this, Su Han put away the"Blood Prison Domain". He had also experienced its power. This"dragon" should be much stronger than the Purple Palace Perfection, and could even reach the first level of the human Taixu.

But in Su Han's"domain", Su Han didn't even need to make a move, and it begged for mercy directly.

As Su Han put away the"domain", everything returned to normal.

The dragon finally stopped trembling, but still looked at this powerful human cautiously.

Su Han used his spiritual sense to look at the dragon, and the more he looked at it, the stranger it became.

Half dragon and half snake, I don't know how to define it.

However, according to the records in the ancient book illustrations, a dragon is a dragon, and it has been a dragon since birth, not from a dragon snake. A dragon snake is a sea race, belonging to the dragon class, such as the Jiao people, Jiao Wei, etc., generally living in the endless sea at the distant border.

Although there are legends of"snakes turning into dragons", they are generally those snakes that have survived for countless years and have achieved enlightenment, such as"white snakes" and"green snakes".

That's why Su Han felt strange about the creature in front of him that was neither a dragon nor a flood dragon.

However, Su Han didn't think much about it.

There are so many strange creatures in this world, and it's impossible for Su Han to know them all.

Since the experiment is done, just go away and don't kill any more. It's better to do some good deeds. After all, he killed so many people some time ago.

At this time, Su Han was in a trance and saw that there seemed to be a little bit of luck floating on the head of this"flood dragon".

Seeing this, Su Han was stunned, and then used the"Sky Eye" on it. Soon.

The text information about this dragon also appeared in his mind.

PS: I will complete the realm.....

Qi Gathering Realm, Vein Condensing Realm, Solidifying Yuan Realm, Spiritual Sea Realm, Innate Realm, Purple Mansion Realm, Great Void Realm, Positive Void Realm, Shattering Realm, Divine Wall Realm....

I just wanted to say: Frenzy Creed

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