【Building her a new body will help her escape.]

Hearing this, Su Han asked again,"Is it that simple?"

For Su Han's resources, building a new body is not a problem at all.

【It must be a body made of soul crystal jade.

Hearing the three words"soul crystal jade", Su Han frowned, because he had only heard of this thing in ancient books, and had never heard of this thing in reality.

Moreover, the introduction of"soul crystal jade" in ancient books was also very brief and bizarre.

It is said that the conditions for the birth of this thing are very harsh. It must have experienced a large killing ground, and after countless years of tempering, it must be crystallized little by little from the remaining soul power. Moreover, it may only be possible to form a little bit in a hundred years.

And to create a brand new body, at least dozens of kilograms are needed....

It seems that it is very difficult to help her out of trouble......

That night,

Su Han followed the night and hurried down the mountain to a nearby Daqian auction house.....

"Sir, I have never heard of this 'Soul Crystal Jade' you are talking about."

"However, if you really need it, I can report it to the headquarters and see if I can get it for you."

The steward saw the young man wearing the clothes of the elder of Huanyun Sect, and his expression was flattering.

After all, Huanyun Sect is one of the seven major sects, and its reputation is well-known in the Great Qian Empire.

"No need"

"Do you still have Meridian Breaking Pills here?"

"Yes, yes, yes, how many pills do you need, sir?"

The Broken Veins Pill is a pill that increases the success rate of breaking through a small realm in the Condensed Veins Realm. Su Han discovered that the trouble that a small number of disciples from the inner sect who were not well-off recently encountered was that they encountered a bottleneck in their practice. A large number of people need Broken Veins Pills.

But because of their poor family backgrounds, they were promoted from the outer sect to the inner sect step by step. Relying on their monthly spiritual stone salary, it is simply too difficult to buy a fifth-grade Broken Veins Pill.

It is a rare trip down the mountain, so Su Han simply purchased some things for investment..........

"Fifty, I guess."

Su Han recalled and said.

Hearing that fifty Po Mai Dan were to be purchased at one time, the steward's eyes widened, and he was so excited that he couldn't say anything."Right away, sir, please wait for me."

They were just a small branch, and they only had two or three hundred Po Mai Dan in stock. To buy fifty at one time, what a big deal! He was worthy of being an elder of Huan Yun Sect, and he was extremely rich.

Soon, the steward took out a low-grade space ring, handed it to Su Han, and said,"Fifty in total, please count."

Su Han took the ring, glanced at it casually, and asked,"How much?"

"This is the first time that adults come to our store to buy things. I also want to make friends with adults."

"How about this, I'll give you a 30% discount"

"Just give me 20,000 high-quality spirit stones."

Hearing this price, Su Han couldn't help but sigh. This cultivation is really expensive!

Fortunately, there is a big money sponsor in his family. These 20,000 high-quality spirit stones are still a drop in the bucket for him.

Su Han waved his hand, and a pile of high-quality spirit stones appeared in front of the manager."Cheap some!""

"No need for that."

The manager waved his hand and took the spirit stones.

20,000 high-quality spirit stones! This month, their auction house's performance has finally doubled!

Although he made a 30% discount on his own initiative and lost a lot, he still made a lot of money overall.

The most important thing is that he also got to know a big shot from the Huanyun Sect. If such a big shot who spends a lot becomes a regular customer in the future, then will he still have to worry about performance?

"And these, I want a copy of all of them."

Su Han took out a list and handed it to the manager.

These were all the materials that Su Han had observed the inner disciples needed during this period, and then recorded them down, and then invested in them.


A few minutes later, Su Han paid another 3,000 high-quality spirit stones.

Before leaving, he thought of something and said to the manager,"If there is any news about the Soul Crystal Jade, use this sound transmission stone to contact me."

Su Han handed the manager a sound transmission stone.

"OK, if there is a channel, I will inform you as soon as possible."......

Back at the Sutra Library, Su Han began to worry again.

This Soul Crystal Jade was indeed too difficult to deal with.

He looked at Tianyue, thought for a long time, and finally asked,"I can help you leave here."

After he finished speaking,

Tianyue opened her eyes, looked at Su Han in surprise, and murmured,"Help me leave? How to help me?"

In the past five hundred years, she has tried countless ways, but she couldn't leave.

Su Han is just a weakling who has not even stepped into the Xiantian realm. How can he help?

"I can help you rebuild your body. That's all."

After hearing this, Tianyue's eyes flashed with disappointment, and she sighed,"Do you think I haven't tried it?"

She had tried this method a long time ago, and all of them ended in failure.

Her original body was still lying in the crystal coffin. If she could find her original body, it might be possible.

However, with Su Han's strength, asking him to find her body for her would basically be a one-way trip.

"Have you heard of Soul Crystal Jade?"....

"Soul crystal jade?"

"Are you talking about this?"

As she spoke, Tianyue waved her jade hand, and a large piece of purple-black crystal appeared in front of Su Han.

Seeing this, Su Han's eyes widened.


You can take out anything?!

Su Han weighed the weight of this soul crystal jade and sighed. The weight was still not enough, one third short.

"What's wrong?"

Tianyue asked doubtfully.

"I will use the soul crystal jade to build a new body for you, which can help you leave this place."

Su Han said without intending to hide anything.

After he finished speaking

, Tian Yue thought for a long time before asking,"How do you know?"

"Soul Crystal Jade is a natural treasure that is formed by the condensation of soul power, and this Soul Binding Tower is for the soul, and Soul Crystal Jade can resist that kind of imprisonment to a certain extent. I cannot guarantee 100% success, but it is not completely impossible."

After hearing Su Han's analysis, Tian Yue's beautiful eyes flashed with a hint of surprise.

The Soul Binding Tower is now just a fragment, and after five hundred years of continuous wear and tear, the imprisonment power has also weakened a lot.

According to Su Han's statement, it seems that it is really possible.

"Are these soul crystals enough?"Tianyue pointed at the soul crystals on the ground and asked Su Han....

"Not enough"

"Just a little bit more."

This is also what Su Han is worried about. This thing is too difficult to deal with.

Hearing this, Tian Yue also sighed.

If it were her in the past, she would only need to casually mention something like the Soul Crystal Jade, and someone would deliver it to her the next day.

"It's okay, I'll find a way."

Su Han sat back on his bench and began to read ancient books.

Tian Yue looked at Su Han for a long time, then said faintly:"Why did you help me"

"With my strength, I can definitely kill you after I escape."......

"Maybe I am a good person who likes to help others."

Su Han said with a smile.

Then he added in his heart, what a bullshit good person, if it weren't for your Dharmadhatu luck, I would have quit long ago.

Good person?

Being a good person in this fantasy world, isn't that pure injustice?.....

Hearing this, Tian Yue was stunned for a moment.

Then, she smiled, and she had two shallow dimples when she smiled.

In fact, after these five hundred years, she had already figured it out, and she would not kill indiscriminately like before.

She was just trying to scare Su Han. If, if there really was that if, if Su Han helped her out of trouble, then Su Han would be her lifelong benefactor.

However, it was just a hope, after all, the success rate was not high.

Looking at Su Han's back as he was reading the ancient books, she felt an inexplicable emotion in her heart, as if she was moved, a feeling she had not seen for a long time or had never felt before.........

The next day.

Su Han fell asleep on the counter.

"Elder Su?"

A cautious voice woke Su Han up.

He rubbed his eyes and looked at the disciple in front of him.

""I'm sorry, Elder Su, I disturbed your rest." This inner disciple was so polite that he almost cried......

After paying the bill, the inner disciple looked behind Su Han, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Elder Su, is this your daughter?"

Hearing this,

Su Han exclaimed in surprise.


Daughter?.......... ps: I beg for more than 10,000 flowers and more than 1,000 evaluation votes. Thank you all handsome Daniel Wu!

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