"Do you know what this black tower is called?"

The first words of the red-dressed girl immediately aroused Su Han's interest.

He also looked up and looked at the interior of the Sutra Library.

In fact, when he came here on the first day, he also found that the outer door was just a hall, and the inner door was an iron tower.

"This black tower is called the Soul Binding Tower.’"

"However, it is just a fragment, but this fragment is enough to trap me."

The voice of the girl in the red dress became a little vicissitudes.

After hearing these words, Su Han roughly guessed that it was right as he guessed. She was just forced to be trapped here. Otherwise, how could a big man above the innate realm stay in this small place.

However, this is too bloody.

Su Han couldn't help but complain in his heart. Sure enough, in this fantasy world, the Sutra Library is not a simple place.

But Su Han was fortunate that he met a beautiful loli girl, not an old grandfather with missing front teeth......

"Can this thing trap people?"

"Why can we still go in and out?"

Su Han asked again

""Can't you see that I am a soul?" Tianyue rolled her eyes at Su Han.

However, Su Han really couldn't see it! It was completely impossible to tell that she was a soul, but it was also clear that her soul was so strong that even if she was a soul, she gave Su Han such a sense of oppression.

"Then you are here..."

""Five hundred years."

Su Han's face changed, and he suddenly felt sad.

Five hundred years?

Five hundred years!

What kind of concept is this? The hundred years that Su Han spent in the outer sect was already a lifetime. If he hadn't obtained the system, he would probably not have many years to live.

And for five hundred years, staying in this place, what kind of loneliness is that? Although Su Han couldn't empathize, he could understand a little bit.

""This tower has been able to trap you for such a long time, why is it in Huanyun Sect?"

Su Han asked again.

Logically speaking, with the strength level of Huanyun Sect, it is impossible for them to come into contact with things of this level.

"When this tower existed, there was no Huanyun Sect."

"I just said, this is just a fragment, the real Soul Binding Tower is much more terrifying than this."

"It's just scattered debris that happened to hit this place."

After hearing Tianyue's explanation, Su Han almost understood it.

It turned out that this was a great treasure. Huanyun Sect must have come to investigate, but they didn't find anything unusual, so they simply used it as a scripture library.

"Then you have never thought about leaving?"

Su Han finished speaking.

Tianyue rolled her eyes at him, then lay down and continued to sleep.

Su Han also smiled awkwardly, as if he had asked a nonsense question.

At this time, the time was ripe, and he used the"Heavenly Eye" to find out Tianyue's information.

Soon, the information about his luck appeared in Su Han's mind word by word.

【Name: Tianyue】

【Luck Level: Celestial Luan (Weak)】

【Age: 6-15】

【Strength: Broken Realm】

【Current state: Spirit】

【Life evaluation: An old remnant of the Celestial Clan, he carries a certain karma, is accompanied by great fortune, but his talent is envied by the heavens, and he has encountered a great disaster. If he does not meet a noble person, he will be imprisoned for life and will never be able to turn over.】

【Current situation: Trapped in the Soul Binding Tower, unable to escape】......

After reading it, Su Han was stunned for a long time.

The image of the Celestial Luan!

Wow, this is the Dharma-like luck, one level higher than the purple luck!

After using the Sky Eye, Su Han could see the color of the luck above everyone's head, but he didn't see the color, but saw the shadow of a blue Luan behind Tianyue.....

However, the shadow was very faint, and it was barely visible, which meant that her luck was very weak and was about to fall....

This also proves that people with great luck may not have a smooth life, and the more great the luck, the more disasters they will encounter that ordinary people cannot imagine. If they survive safely, their luck will continue, but if they don’t, their luck will disappear.

Just like Tianyue, although she has the top Dharma luck.

But if she is trapped here and cannot escape, the Dharma luck behind her will gradually disappear, and the luck will also turn from Dharma to black.

At this moment, the Dharma behind Tianyue not only became empty, but also had a little black air.

Moreover, looking at her life, she was destined to have this disaster.

Could it be that the noble person is me?........

Although Su Han was in a state of panic, he acted calmly.

This was his first time encountering a top-level Dharmakaya luck, and Su Han had to find a way to seize it.

However, it was a bit difficult to invest in this. Even with her cultivation strength, it was difficult for her to escape. He was just a weakling who had not even reached the Xiantian realm. How could he help?

At this time, Su Han asked the system with the mentality of giving it a try.

"System, what kind of broken tower is this? Is there any way to crack it?" After the words fell, there was no response.

After a long silence, the system's voice sounded, [With the host's current strength, it is impossible.]

Hearing this, Su Han's face fell.

Good man, your answer is better than no answer

【However, there is a method with a low success rate.】

The system's voice sounded again.

Su Han hurriedly asked:"What method?"............... ps: Today's data seems to be not moving much, I beg you to give me some free flowers and tickets, thank you.

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