

A majestic voice fell, and everyone calmed down the shock in their hearts and looked up. They saw an old man with a childlike face and heavy hair wearing a red robe coming. He sat cross-legged in the sky above the square, and a majestic aura flowed out of his body. When people look at it, they seem to see a bright moon hanging above.

"Teacher Hongyun!"

"Monk of the Sixth Realm of the Imperial Dao!"

Many people whispered and realized what they had witnessed during this trip. However, there were still many monks in the square who saw Teacher Hongyun for the first time. Looking at the majestic life energy released from the body, they felt that they were as weak as ants. Shocked: "Is this a monk from the Sixth Realm of the Imperial Dao?"

Even Chu Xun couldn't help but look at him. Although he had seen the Lord of the Galaxy who was more powerful than Senior Hongyun, the oppression of the life form caused by Senior Hongyun when he fell still made him feel suffocated. Fortunately, he closed in when Senior Hongyun came. He has never released it to anyone, but if he observes it carefully, he can still sense the vast energy in the other person's body.

Teacher Hongyun also glanced at this place with a vague gaze. He was naturally watching what happened just now. Even secretly, there was even a big figure from the Taoist Academy lowering his gaze. Even such a giant didn't speak, so he wouldn't know. Mentioning what just happened, he faced the disciples who were seeking Taoism and said calmly: "Quiet!"

The square gradually became quiet. After the last sound disappeared, Teacher Hongyun said calmly: "Today's sermon begins!" He briefly explained the way of a high-level monk and demonstrated it by his own means. Then he pointed out several disciples and asked them to speak. When you are out of confusion, you can solve the confusion with others, so that the monks who are in the same predicament can gain something.

Unknowingly, everyone was immersed in it, even Chu Xun was no exception. A sermon lasted for ten days, but to everyone it was just a blink of an eye. When Teacher Hongyun finished his sermon, people were still full of thoughts. After waking up, His Highness Sixth Prince also praised: "As expected of Teacher Hongyun who is good at teaching his disciples, even I have learned something!"

Although he has experienced the guidance of many high-level monks, including the personal guidance of seniors in the Seventh Realm, in terms of level of refinement, Teacher Hongyun is superior and more suitable for his current level. Although Teacher Hongyun's vision is not that of a Seventh Realm expert, But for them, he is the most suitable teacher who can best understand their shortcomings.

"I'm going back first!" Chu Xun said.

After listening to the sermon, I have gained a lot in my heart, so I need to digest it quickly.

"Okay!" His Highness the Sixth nodded.


After returning to the small courtyard, Chu Xunpan was sitting there with countless thoughts flashing and colliding in his mind. He was clearly standing there, but his body was gradually becoming transparent, as if it had turned into the shape of a sword, and underneath him there was more It seemed like a green lotus was blooming, lifting him up and immersing him in deep enlightenment.

in this way.

In a blink of an eye.

ten years!


The man in green shirt who was practicing in the Taoist temple slowly opened his eyes, revealing a pair of dark eyes as bright as stars. He said softly: "We have reached the limit!"

Properties panel.

[Name: Chu Xun! 】

[Realm: The Four Realms of the Imperial Dao! 】

[Swordsmanship: 99% of the Four Realms of Imperial Dao]

[Array Dao: 50% Imperial Dao Fourth Heaven]

[Confucianism and Taoism: 22% of the fourth level of Imperial Taoism]

[The Way of Time: 12% of the Fourth Level of the Imperial Way]

Other aspects of attributes have slightly increased. The most important thing is that swordsmanship has reached its limit. If it crosses one more realm, it will break through the five realms of the Imperial Dao and form a real qualitative change. Although there are differences between the Imperial realm monks before the five realms, they are not the same. It's not big, but if it's after the five realms, it's a complete span.

For example, Elder Xu Feng is a monk in the fifth realm of the Imperial Dao. The life form flowing out of him is as huge as a star. It is a real qualitative change. Standing there is an all-round transformation. Even if the fourth realm of the Imperial Dao is Strength will be limited, and therefore the five realms of the Emperor's Way have blocked countless practitioners.

Now that Chu Xun has reached the limit of the four realms of the Imperial Dao, it will take a long time to achieve breakthroughs if he follows the rules, but he is very fortunate to have met His Highness Sixth, and the light ball given to him will be a big deal for him. If opportunity is used properly, it will not be a problem to break through the five realms of the Imperial Dao.


Thoughts surge.

A ball of light landed in the palm of his hand.

With the palm of his hand covering it, the recorded information about this light ball has become clear. Both 'Tai Dao Sword Master VS Jiuqu Sword Master' are monks in the eighth realm of the Imperial Dao, and the number of times this light ball can be viewed is also There are only three left, which means that after three more viewings, it will be completely shattered.


Chu Xun's eyes were filled with joy, which was an unexpected joy for him. He originally thought that the ball of light would break after looking at it once, but he never thought that he could look at it three times again. This made his already full assurance even more confident. Manman, with this ball of light, it is certain to break through the five realms of the Emperor's Dao.

"Watch it or not!"


Chu Xun thought silently in his heart that the scene in front of him immediately became illusory, and he was placed on the edge of the battlefield. He could clearly feel the weakness of this space. If he watched it two or three more times, it would be completely damaged. He knew this. Yes, the battles of high-level monks are very powerful. Even if they are recorded briefly with items, they will be damaged as they are read over and over again.

That is to say, even if this is a record of the war, there is a limit to the number of times it can be read. Otherwise, the battle records of high-level monks will not be so precious. On the contrary, emperor-level monks can read them countless times, as long as the material is easy enough and will not be damaged. As a result, there is no limit to the number of times in the Taoist temple where monks of the fifth realm and below can fight each other.

These thoughts were quickly gathered, and the eyes were also set on the battlefield. A man in a dark red Taoist robe sat cross-legged in the silverless void. He looked to be in his thirties, and his eyes stared calmly ahead. A wisp of breath spread from his body, covering countless miles and turning into his own field.

With every breath, this vast star field resonated with it, releasing a powerful life magnetic field. The weak cultivators did not even have the qualifications to take action in front of him, and the starry sky in front of him also rippled. A barefoot man with a sword on his back walked over. When the eyes of both sides met, this star field erupted with strong fluctuations.


That was because the aura of both sides was too strong. After practicing to this point, every move could draw the power of the majestic star field for their own use. With the birth of a wisp of sharpness, this star field suddenly changed color and turned into a red starry sky.

ps: It is still the original author, and the person has not changed.

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