The high-level monk opposite him also cast his peripheral vision on Chang Ling and said lightly: "What a pity. He was a good young man, but he took the wrong path!"

As a disciple of Taihang Taoist Academy, why do you need to be tied to other people? After entering Taihang Taoist Academy, you are the most powerful force. You can only have other people attached to you, so how can you rely on others? Some of Chang Ling's talents have been noticed early on, and he originally wanted to polish them. When the opponent breaks through the five realms of the Emperor's Dao, there will be abundant resources.

Even if he cannot reach the Seventh Realm of the Imperial Dao in the future, he is still certain to be invincible among the Sixth Realm. But now he has gone astray. His mind is not on cultivation. Instead, he is thinking about the world and clinging to other people's laps. Once such a monk loses his heart in cultivation, The future has been decided, and the five realms of the Imperial Dao will be his limit.

Shake his head slightly.

No more attention.

This is true for Chang Ling.

The same is true for Chu Xun.

Maybe Chu Xun breaks through the five realms of the Imperial Dao within a thousand years, which is worthy of causing a sensation in the Taoist Academy, but it also needs to be broken through within a thousand years. How many geniuses in the Taoist Academy can break through the five realms of the Imperial Dao for a thousand years, or even thousands of years? For a long time, most of those who had high hopes remained unknown. Chu Xun had to show his potential value if he wanted to be favored.

Although he is strong now, he cannot even enter the five realms and is still an ant-like figure!

The gaze of the big shot.

The square is self-incomprehensible.

But for the first time, people were so worried and complicated. They looked at the man in green shirt, flattering and flattering, but also confused, because they didn't know what attitude to use to face it. When Chu Xun was rejected by His Highness Sixth Prince a few months ago, They had isolated him for a time, but now that they saw his incredible talent, they couldn't resist him even if they were thick-skinned.

But in the end, some monks couldn't hold back their fiery hearts and wanted to force themselves on him.

"The Sixth Prince is here!"


When people heard the sound, they all looked around and saw the noble young man in luxurious purple robes. There was a sense of nobility in his words and deeds. The monks who were about to move calmed down and secretly said: "I almost got killed. Forgot that Chu Xun offended His Highness the Sixth Prince!"

Maybe Chu Xun showed great talent in this battle, but they couldn't forget that this was the Taihang Taoist domain. As the sixth son of the Taihang Palace Master, His Highness the Sixth Prince would have no way of surviving in the Taihang Taoist Academy if he offended him.



Seeing His Highness Sixth Prince walking towards here step by step, Huang Yi also felt resentment on his face. He had woken up from the shock, dumbfounding, and subsequent ecstasy. Seeing His Highness Sixth Prince walking straight towards Chu Xun, he secretly gritted his teeth. He whispered: "Brother Chu, we are not afraid of him. This is Taihang Taoist Temple. No matter how long the Taihang Mansion's hand is, it can't reach here!"

"It doesn't matter!" Chu Xun smiled slightly and stood there waiting for the other party to arrive. This posture seemed to others to be an exaggerated expression, and he kept whispering.

"What is the origin of Chu Xun in Courtyard No. 56? He just defeated the Sixth Highness's pawn. When he saw the Sixth Highness coming straight towards him, he stood there calmly. Is it possible that he really has a background of Tongtian, but he is not afraid of the Sixth Highness? Your Highness’s revenge?”

"I guess I can't be kind today. Don't forget, the phrase 'people who are seeking fame and reputation' came from His Highness the Sixth Prince. Now that Chu Xun has beaten his little pawn, I'm afraid His Highness will take action himself."

"Yes, yes, yes, didn't you see the servant behind His Highness Sixth Prince? He is already sharpening his sword, his eyes are full of energy, and he can't wait to start. Shh~ I didn't expect that a sermon could cause such a commotion!"

They are excited.

Still with excitement.

Their thoughts came to a head at this moment. Both of them were the top family forces in the Taihang Dao Domain. They wanted to see who would win.

A hundred steps apart.

Ten steps apart.

Seeing the two being close at hand, when everyone held their breath, His Highness the Sixth Prince took the lead and said with a smile: "Congratulations to Brother Chu, your swordsmanship has improved again, even if you are in the fifth realm of the Emperor's Dao, it is not far behind! "


Chu Xun nodded slightly. After he returned, he reflected on his experience after fighting this battle, and he was 99% sure. By then, with the help of the eighth-level monk's light ball given by His Highness the Sixth Prince, he could break through the fifth level.

"It's so fast!" His Highness the Sixth Prince was envious. He has been in the fourth realm of the Imperial Dao for two thousand years. Even if he is sure to break through the fifth realm of the Imperial Dao before five thousand years old, compared with Chu Xun's speed, it is still far behind. He clicked his tongue and said: "As expected of...!" He wanted to say that he was indeed a junior valued by the Lord of the Galaxy, but when he thought that Chu Xun had no intention of claiming his family status, he clicked his tongue and shook his head.

The crowd around them was stunned. They all looked at this scene dumbfounded. They couldn't calm down for a long time. Some people looked dumb and said: "Aren't they supposed to be at war with each other and tit for tat? But why are they so happy and chatting happily? With such a familiar scene, they must have known each other a long time ago?”




Everyone present was an Emperor Realm cultivator. Even if there were idiots, they all woke up with a start after running around in their heads for a short time. Thinking back to the fact that His Highness the Sixth Prince almost reported the origin of Chu Xun just now, it was clear that he had become familiar with the other party a long time ago, and then he Endless regret came over me, I felt something was wrong earlier, Chu Xun in Courtyard No. 56 had already confirmed that he had an amazing origin.

Under such circumstances, His Highness the Sixth Prince deliberately stirred up trouble, which was clearly against common sense. Even if Chu Xun was really dissatisfied with His Highness the Sixth Prince, he would not have spoken out like this in public. Only now that he looked at them did he realize that he had been tricked. This was clearly a play put on by the two of them, keeping everyone in the dark.




"Brother Chu and I have a very good relationship!"

Those who originally wanted to watch the fun, all beat their chests and stamped their feet, showing extreme anger and regret. It was clear that they had the opportunity to be tied to Chu Xun's big ship, but they were fooled by the play performed by the two. Now there is no chance to curry favor with him. Their faces kept changing, but they were relieved when they saw Chang Ling half-kneeling, and their faces improved a lot.

Although they were tricked by the Sixth Prince, it was better than Senior Brother Chang Ling. They looked at him with pity. Originally, everyone thought that Chang Ling was tied to the Sixth Prince, but now it seems that he is really a clown. The whole process was just self-imagination.


Originally, Chu Xun did not hurt Chang Ling's life, and with his realm, he could recover slowly. When he saw the Sixth Prince, he deliberately kept his injuries to show his loyalty. Now, listening to the two people's conversation and laughter, and the teasing and mocking eyes beside his ears, Chang Ling just felt that it would be better to die now.

"Ah~!" Huang Yi was the most confused. When the Sixth Prince came over, he was ready to make a scene and force the elders of the Taoist Academy to intervene, and to teach this arrogant, conceited, and bullying Sixth Prince a lesson. But he never expected that the two of them would have a good chat in a blink of an eye.

He kept thinking about how Brother Chu was calm in the face of rumors, and how Brother Chu said seriously that he had no background, and was just an ordinary cultivator who was lucky enough to be valued by a big shot and given a ride. He believed it, and his eyes were full of resentment, as if saying: Tell me again, you are an ordinary little cultivator?

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