
Chu Xun couldn't help but pause. He turned and looked at the white-haired dean of the academy. His once tall body had experienced the dark turmoil, and it was slightly hunched. He was no longer as vigorous as before, and his white hair and tired eyes were distressing.

He looked older, much older than a hundred years ago. This was scary. You have to know that their appearance will not change easily at this level, which is enough to reflect the pressure and sadness in their hearts.

"Good, good!" Tears welled up in the eyes of the dean of the academy, and he was very relieved.

"Master Taoist!" Chu Xun also looked at the sloppy old Taoist priest, whose chest was rising and falling with intense emotions, and finally turned into a blooming laugh, sweeping away the previous bitterness, and said with a smile: "Okay, okay, I knew you were not dead!"

"I'm still alive, I made you worry!" Chu Xun also said happily, seeing so many old friends gathered together, Dugu Jue, Jian Jiuxiao, Huangzhou, Daozhou, Chenzhou familiar people came here, he was very happy, and swept away the previous depression in one fell swoop.

The arrival of the two.

For others.

It is an invisible mountain.

"Who is she?" But the two still keenly noticed Mu Xue, even if she stood there quietly, there was a faint glow on her body flowing through the rules of this era.

"Let's talk about it later!" Chu Xun shook his head slightly, his eyes followed the God of War, and he was still putting away the Ten Directions Map in his hand. Even if the order and laws inside collapsed because of his beating, it would recover in a little time and could be given as a gift to disciples to continue the glory of the Butian Sect.

"Let's go!"

"I'll go with you!"

The dean of the academy also knew Chu Xun's intention, but he was also filled with anger. If the Emperor Qin had stood up more than a hundred years ago, why would the Nine Continents be so devastated?

At that time, only the ancestor of the Ji family was left. If he had stood up, everyone could have surrounded and suppressed him. Even if someone died in this battle, he would have died for justice. Why would the people of the Nine Continents be devastated? The most important thing was to eliminate the troubles in the future and there would be no revival of the ancestor of the Ji family. But he was selfish and chose to avoid it.


"In the end, he didn't escape!" The dean of the academy sneered lightly. The Dragon Emperor who returned from the outside world fought a battle with the Emperor Qin. Now Chu Xun came back to settle the old things, and he was happy.



The two took a step.

Following behind Chu Xun.

But those behind him looked up, their blood boiling, with endless shock, someone whispered: "What did I see, someone actually wants to attack the Qin Dynasty!"

"Too terrible, in the past, the Qin Dynasty was the one that threatened the Nine Continents, and everyone was worried that it would suddenly dominate the Shenzhou Continent, but there is a day when it will be attacked!"

"Isn't this what people want to see? The Qin Emperor wants to annex the Nine Heavens. If it weren't for the injury, the Shenzhou Continent would have changed its name by now, and now this dynasty has suffered!"

People whispered.

But they still didn't think they could completely destroy the Qin Dynasty. At most, they would injure the Qin Dynasty and lose some face, and more people followed behind them.




The Qin Dynasty's war drums thundered, and the high-level monks who were practicing in Qinhuang City looked up one after another, with hazy and stunned faces. But when they saw the thin and lean old man coming in a panic, their faces condensed slightly, revealing cautious emotions, and several quasi-emperors even soared into the air.

"Martial God, what happened!" They whispered, revealing surprise. It was rare that there were still people in the world who could make the Martial God lose control of his emotions.

"That evil star... is back!" The Martial God's scalp numbed, and he felt a strong palpitation when he thought that he almost died outside again.


Everyone was confused.

Who in the current Jiuzhou could make the Martial God change color like this? They frowned, thinking that even if Emperor Gu came in person, he would not be like this. Suddenly, they felt the loud roar of a dragon, and saw a golden giant waking up from its slumber. It roared and roared with its fangs and claws, showing its fierce power, pretending to be strong to intimidate foreign enemies.

And nervously extracting the luck of the Nine Continents, the endless national luck originally scattered in the Qin Dynasty was being extracted one after another, the counties established by the Qin Dynasty, at this time, the luck between these county towns continued to gather in the sky and sank into the golden dragon, and these huge lucks that could make the dragon not only did not make it relax, but made it even more angry.


The Quasi-Emperors who saw this scene also felt their scalps tingling, and they all looked outside in horror. They didn't know what kind of great evil had come to make the Dragon of National Fortune so frightened. You should know that this golden Dragon of Fortune has the peak strength of a Quasi-Emperor in the Qin Dynasty, and they are not its opponent at all. They were shocked and said: "Is it the ancestor of the Ji family who has revived?"

"No way!"

"The dark turmoil has come again?"

"It can't be him. He has eaten and drunk enough and fell into a deep sleep. On the contrary, it is more likely that the seriously injured and sleeping Xiaoyao Tianzun will revived!"



"If it is really them, it would be better!" The God of War was pale. With the help of the Dragon of Fortune of the Qin Dynasty and their cooperation, and the summoning of the Emperor Qin in person at a critical moment, these Dust-sealed Supremes did not dare to go too far, to avoid both sides being injured and fighting to the extreme.


They were suspicious.


It's not the Forbidden Zone Supreme.

Who would it be?

But gradually.

A familiar face came into view.


In an instant.

All doubts vanished, and what was left was endless fear. He was shocked and stammered, "He, he, isn't he dead?"

His scalp was numb.

Endless shudder.

The fear of the past.

Came one after another.

As early as a hundred years ago, they were still very glad that this person had passed away. After all, there were many people in the Qin Dynasty who tried to kill him, and they all had a grudge against him. They were very glad to see this great trouble die together with the Forbidden Zone Supreme, but now the dead person has been resurrected and returned to the Qin Dynasty, which makes their scalps numb, and they also know why the God of War is so terrified.


This is not a characteristic of the God of War alone. All the quasi-emperor monks in the Qin Dynasty have Chuphobia. They are very afraid of this killing god, and then they all turned their heads to look at the God of War, and their bodies involuntarily withdrew and dodged to a certain distance, with disgust and horror, as if saying, what kind of monster did you attract?

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