
But the rest of the people were also numb after seeing this scene. Looking at the familiar back, they said blankly: "Is that the young man from Yuling?"

"It seems so?"

"Is he scared away?"

"Well...scared away!"

Immediately fell into a brief silence again. The current Shenzhou Continent is different from before. The top combat power has also withered a lot. Bodhisattva Guangfa, the leader of Jietian Sect, the head of Yinyang Family, and the helmsman of Zhisheng Dao Palace are suspected to be alive after the sacrifice, but they have never appeared in more than a hundred years. People used to think he was dead, but now they think Chu Xun is alive, why can't he live?

But even so, he has withered a lot.

And the young man from Yuling is the kind of existence who stood at the top of Jiuzhou earlier and could compete with these supreme overlords, especially in the current world, Qin Huang is healing, Ji family is like a rat crossing the street, and Gu Huang is suspected to have a big problem. The young man from Yuling is a sideways existence, but now he is scared and runs away after a face-to-face encounter.

Say it.

Who can be trusted!



The God of War swallowed his saliva wildly, but suddenly pointed at a quasi-emperor beside him. He was one of the few remaining. He had used swordsmanship to slash at Chu Xun earlier, but Chu Xun broke his finger, which frightened him so much that he dared not move again, and Chu Xun did not have time to attack him.


But the quasi-emperor's face changed wildly. His figure moved like lightning and disappeared from the spot in an instant. Chu Xun glanced at him and showed a look of disgust. It was really stupid.

This quasi-emperor knew that he could not escape, and he knew that he could not beat Chu Xun, so he set his sights on Mu Xue. Chu Xun did not want to say more about who Mu Xue was. Even when he faced her alone, he did not dare to be careless. A woman who could come to the quasi-emperor from sleep, was she really an ordinary woman?

If she had an ordinary talent.

Would she be deliberately sealed by the Lord of Yuling?


The daughter of the emperor.

Would she be ordinary?


The next second.

Those spectators.

Swallowing saliva again.

I only saw the exquisite and beautiful woman, wearing a purple dress, with a lonely beauty on her body, but when the quasi-emperor killed her, everyone was trembling. What would happen if such a delicate woman was robbed? But she saw no light in her eyes, and her hands formed seals, and a purple flower bloomed.


The quasi-emperor was swallowed up like this, and died tragically without even a scream.


Silent as a cicada.

"So terrifying!" Even Dugu Jue was looking at it in surprise. He naturally understood that the flower was some kind of great magical power, but the gorgeous appearance covered the potential danger, and when the flower bloomed, even the martial god who framed the blame felt his scalp tingling, and looked at the woman in shock, wondering what her background was?

"Shouldn't I take care of myself first?" Chu Xun stepped forward calmly, and the pure power of the flesh god blocked this field. Even the quasi-emperor could not escape this blockade.

The face of the God of War suddenly changed. He sensed the danger around him. He urged the huge formation Ten Directions Diagram under his feet to operate. There were mountains, rivers, sun and moon, as well as cities and rivers. But at this time, the river rushed up and turned into the strongest divine sword. Every drop of water was an indestructible sword intent.

Originally thought it was over, who knew that the huge peaks rose from the ground one by one, turning into heavy swords as heavy as mountains, releasing the sharpness of immortal swords.


Cities, mountains, sun and moon, light, everything condensed into indestructible immortal swords. They intersected together, and the Ten Directions Diagram condensed into a terrible Dao Divine Sword, which suddenly slashed down the imperial weapon and burst out the surging imperial power, tearing the blockade of the flesh.

"Ten Directions Diagram!"

"Imperial weapon!"

"Really amazing!"

Chu Xun exclaimed. He had seen many imperial weapons, but the existence of the Ten Directions Diagram was an extremely dazzling one, which also amazed him that it was worthy of the inheritance of the Bu Tian Sect.


The sword energy shook the universe and shone brightly in the nine continents.


It immediately turned into the original shape of the Ten Directions Diagram, with endless thunder and lightning falling, protecting the God of War in it, and stopping those who wanted to kill him. It can only be said that the effect of this imperial weapon is too strong. It can attack and defend, has multiple preparations, and can switch forms at will. It is a truly invincible imperial weapon.


But the next scene is unforgettable. The man's eyes are dim, and there is no amazing brilliance burst, but he just takes a step forward and punches out!


The whole world is shaking.

The whole Zhongzhou is shaking slightly, and the Ten Directions Diagram is dimming at a speed visible to the naked eye. If Chu Xun had not intended to take this imperial weapon away intact and give it back to his disciple Jiang Chen, the power of this punch would have exploded, and in the eyes of others, this plain punch is as dazzling as the sun!

"The ultimate flesh...too terrifying!" The onlookers were trembling, realizing that the old man in green shirt in front of them, even if he had lost the Dao in his body, was still a symbol of invincibility with pure flesh power.

The thunder and lightning falling on him only set off the incarnation of bravery and invincibility. The God of War felt his scalp tingling, his back felt cold, and waves of chills came over him. The extreme fear came over him again. He had a premonition that he would not be able to withstand a few more punches like this, and what happened next was exactly what he expected.

The man raised his hand and blasted away in a simple manner. The action was simple, but every time a punch landed, the ground seemed to sink. The rules and Dao in the Ten Directions Diagram were all broken, which shocked him. What kind of combat power was this? This was the Emperor's Ten Directions Diagram. Who in the world today could destroy it so easily?



The birth of a crack.

The Martial God completely changed color.

He had a premonition.

He would die under the protection of the Ten Directions Diagram, so he made a decisive move. He abandoned the Ten Directions Diagram that he had cultivated for a long time. He used his last remaining ability to tear a passage to escape to the Qin Dynasty and lost this imperial weapon there.


Chu Xun raised his hand to grab it, and the Ten Directions Diagram fell steadily in his palm, and his eyes looked at the direction where the other party escaped. His eyes were always consistent and very calm, and he said: "Can returning to the Qin Dynasty save your life?"

Little did he know.

In the back.

Those spectators.

Their scalps tingled.

As powerful as the Martial God, he was originally an invincible existence in Jiuzhou. Whether before or after the dark turmoil, he was the embodiment of the strongest, bringing great oppression. He once destroyed the Tianyan Daoist system alone. How conceited and terrifying, but this person was killed in public, even the imperial weapon in his hand was lost and looted by others.

Their slight tremors made them feel as if the sky was about to fall. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, who would have dared to believe it? But it also confirmed from the side that this person was the hero who had fallen for more than a hundred years, Chu Xun!


The void was still cracking.

There was a powerful practitioner.

Rushing to descend.

The dean of the academy was wearing a Confucian robe, but his hair was white. When he looked at the old friend, his eyes unconsciously turned red and astringent, and tears were flowing. Excited and complex emotions were lingering in his chest. His Adam's apple moved with difficulty, and even his voice was trembling slightly. He said: "You are back!"

The old Taoist priest of the Taoist sect also cracked the void and came here under the protection of the Taoist talisman. His expression was frozen, and there was an unspeakable bitterness!

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