This is a young disciple.

Bai Luli.

Outside the territory all year round.

Look for Master’s footprints.

The first disciple at that time, Jiang Chen, was even more crazy, but when no trace could be found later, he decided to go into seclusion and vowed to practice to an extremely deep level. Even if his master really fell, he would change his destiny and travel through time. Changhe resurrected the master.

So much so that when seeing the man in white in front of him, the dean of the academy also felt pity. He was wondering if his actions that day were really right. He originally had this guess and was trying to appease Head Xiao, but who knew that he would actually cause such a situation. Seeing trouble, his lips moved, he looked at him, and whispered: "Maybe...!"

Bai Luli turned and walked away.

For bad news.

He didn't like to hear it.

The dean of the academy also sighed lonelyly. It was just a vague excuse that day, but who would have thought that they would be so determined and willful. This made him feel heartbroken and a little relieved. Chu Xun could have such a disciple, and the spirit in heaven was also Can rest in peace.

Looking around the vast star field, loneliness appeared on his face. Why didn't he want to look for Chu Xun, but he gave up after a long search to no avail. The most important thing was that everyone saw that battle. Chu Xun used secret techniques to Ascension, first defeated the Dragon King, and then fought against the Overlord, and finally turned into flames and burned, leaving only the remains of the body with blood drops.

Even he could only collect some fragments.

Both tragic and stirring.

And sad.

Chu Xun died.

The whole world knows it.

Even though Ruzhou's luck has always been a mystery, who can say that he is definitely still alive?

Looking at the lonely back.

Looking for it again in solitude.

"That's fine!"

"That's fine!"

The dean of the academy sighed.

Demonic prison.

With the continuous increase in cultivation accumulated over a hundred years, Chu Xun's strength has undergone earth-shaking changes. If he had just become the quasi-emperor, he would not be able to hold even a breath in front of him.

So far in his practice, he has never stayed in one realm for such a long time. Whether it is the Human Emperor Realm, the Saint Realm, or the Great Saint Realm, he can cross it very quickly. He will break through when his foundation is solid, but this time it is really passive. Pause, the prisoner imprisoned in front of him is too strong, so strong that it makes your heart tremble.

The strongest opponent that Chu Xun ever encountered was the Lord of Reincarnation. Even if he had not reached the highest level of sublimation, he could easily suppress his former self. Even if he dragged his broken body, he almost destroyed himself in a confrontation.

How terrible is this?

its strength.

Extremely terrifying.

But the alien prisoner in front of him is even stronger. You must know that he has not yet broken through the Great Emperor Realm. If the person in front of him breaks through the Great Emperor Realm and then kills himself and becomes the Supreme, how terrifying will it be, even if it is an ordinary person? The Quasi-Emperor First Level may not be his opponent.


Alomo laughed at himself. The person who could be imprisoned in the Demon Prison was not a heaven-defying cultivator. Even if it was not in this state before being imprisoned, it would naturally understand this state through long years of training, even if it had not. Deliberately practicing, the kind of natural enlightenment makes it already familiar with this situation.

It's a pity that the iron chains tied to its body not only blocked its possibility of breakthrough, but also limited some of its strength. Seeing that the human race in front of it only took a hundred years to reach a level close to its own, it felt sad in its heart. Yan was still shocked, but he thought that the person who obtained this treasure could be an unknown person.

Its elders.

I don’t know who the big shot is yet.

The shock in my heart also dissipated.

"You want to kill me, but you are still far away!" Its lips squirmed, and it spoke the language of Chu Xun. At this stage, the monks can capture the other party's spiritual thoughts, understand their intentions, and understand the basic language. It is still quite simple. .

"That's soon!"

Chu Xun said calmly.

He stood there, his body was thin but not frail. He clenched his fist with his left hand and punched forward. The whole time and space seemed to be frozen. His figure suddenly appeared in front, accompanied by a dull voice. If there is an enemy somewhere, it will be between the eyebrows. This is time. The rules are applied to the extreme, freezing everything, and killing when you punch!

"call out!"

The footsteps moved slightly, and the figure appeared in a distant place. Unfortunately, there were no enemies here, and he was simply practicing his boxing and body skills. He integrated the Dragon Emperor's methods during the Emperor's War with what the Lord of Yuling learned. Bringing together the best of hundreds of schools of thought is a Confucian method. You can understand it at a glance and grasp its secrets.

His body is like a swimming dragon, his strong body can explode with the power of slaying dragons and gods. He can tear the void with a raised hand and raise his feet, and he can run as fast as lightning. He is too strong, and he has a vague idea of ​​his position.

The extreme power he unleashed before entering the Demon Prison was barely comparable to the Forbidden City Supreme who cut himself off; but after a hundred years of accumulation, the Ordinary Supreme was no match for him, and he could still stand a fight even at his highest level. The power is no longer as easy to control as before.

"But I haven't felt the limit yet!" Chu Xun whispered softly.

This is an understanding that exists in every realm. This understanding is very obvious when you break through the Great Sage. After inheriting 30% of the luck in Confucianism, you want to break through the Great Sage with Confucianism, but you are restrained by him. Swordsmanship is used to suppress; until the prisoner is beheaded in the first level of the devil's prison, the natural breakthrough occurs when all aspects are reached to the limit.

This is how he feels now. If he breaks through the Emperor by force, he can easily do it, but he clearly realizes that there is still a very small distance between himself and the Emperor. If it is completed, then killing Alomo will not be a problem. .


"The limit of a quasi-emperor!"

Chu Xun whispered to himself.

He had a premonition.

This limit.

I can't keep myself trapped for long.


He misses his old friend in China very much now. This is different from when he first entered. At that time, the catastrophe has been decided, and what should be done has been done. He completely obeyed fate and did his best, but as time went by, he became bored inside. It was boring, and the longing for my old friends kept coming, and I even thought about whether they really thought they were dead?

After all, his body was disintegrated and his soul was burning with this flame. If the Demon Prison hadn't absorbed a ray of his consciousness, he would have really fallen into the outer starry sky.

In the eyes of others.

myself at that time.

Is he already dead?

He was inexplicably afraid and missed these old friends very much: "Have Xiao Rongyu built a tomb for me? Disciple, will Jian Qingzhu and the others be so sad that they cry? If so, how old are they if they really want to laugh at them?" Still crying!"

As he thought about it, he wanted to go out more and more. Even when he looked at Alomo, his eyes were sharp. Speaking of it, he was the one who had been with him the longest in his life. After more than a hundred years of getting along, he also had a good influence on the other person. Feeling the emotion of friendship, he looked at it and whispered softly: "Wait a moment, I will help you get rid of it soon!"

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