Guarding the Sutra Library for a hundred years, investing in the villain of destiny

Chapter 654 A hundred years have passed in the blink of an eye!

[No. 2: Sorry! 】

[No. 2: Can’t help! 】

[No. 2: The distance is too far! 】

Looking at No. 2's reply in the Jie Xin Order, everyone felt an unspeakable sense of suffocation, and then fell into deep thought. What did No. 2 mean by the speech in the Jie Xin Order? Could it be that he was not from the mainland of China? people?

Dark turmoil has swept across Jiuzhou, but all living beings in the mainland of China will know it. No. 2 did not say much, but he deduced a few key information. From the recovery of No. 2, we can see that he is not unable to solve the dark turmoil. , but I am too far away to help, so I apologize.

That made them tremble slightly.

Who is No. 2?

What kind of cultivation?

The ones who revived from the dark turmoil are at least the Great Emperor Realm, like the Lord of Reincarnation, even the second level of the Imperial Realm, and No. 2’s tone is just because he is far away and cannot help, so he feels regretful, then how strong he must be, and more importantly A question also emerged, who is No. 2?

"Are you from the Chinese continent?" Li Sheng murmured softly. Most of the holders of the Jiexin Order are from the Chinese mainland. If the descendants of the nine Jiexin Orders are all from the Chinese mainland, then No. 2 should also be the nine. The people from China just left the mainland of China after reaching a certain level of practice and went to explore the outside world.

This is not nonsense.

Daozu riding a bull!

The Buddha of Buddhism!

Confucian sage.


These sages who left behind extremely glorious legends all left here shortly after becoming emperors of China Continent and rushed to the boundless starry sky. It would be understandable if No. 2 had left China Continent a few years earlier; or there had been emperors. The Realm cultivator took the Jie Xin Token and fell into the outside world. The Jie Xin Token was also lost and found by others.

No. 2 seemed to be able to guess what everyone was thinking, and wrote a reply in the Jiexin Order: [I also came out of the mainland of China back then, and there are not many records about me. It was an era that had just experienced darkness and turmoil. , the holy realm no longer exists, and I became emperor in a very short period of time, thus leaving China. 】

Brief words.

But it shocked people's hearts.

The last dark turmoil?

People's minds wander.

It has been a long time since the dark turmoil of the previous generation. If a person from that era really has the ability to deal with the resurgence of darkness, but if they really are a person from that era and their hearts tremble, then how strong must this No. 2 be?

They had just experienced the dark and turbulent era, and witnessed the terrifying power of the Great Emperor that had completely annihilated and shattered the order and rules of the Chinese continent. It would take a long time to recover. However, No. 2 was born in that troubled era, but it only took a very short time to become emperor. His How strong should the talent be?

Things among the group.

Chu Xun didn't know.

He is trapped in the devil's prison.

Everything on his body was lost, even the accompanying sword Ivy Sword was left in Donglin Sect. Now he is sitting here cross-legged and truly comprehending the profound meaning of the quasi-emperor realm. He had understood too little before, from breaking through the quasi-emperor to reaching the pinnacle of the quasi-emperor. It only took a few days, but to others it would be thousands of years or even longer.

His foundation is too lacking.

Even if the fighting power is incredible.

Insights towards the quasi-imperial realm.

Still not fully grasped.

"Practice with peace of mind!"

Chu Xun whispered softly, closed his eyes and realized the secret of the Quasi-Emperor Realm. Perhaps the Quasi-Emperor Realm would be unable to practice due to the incomplete rules and order in the outside world, but he was not affected in the Demon Prison. It was as if time had been frozen here, and all the rules were in place. Condensed here, it is quite perfect and only needs practice.

And time passed quickly.

ten years.

Twenty years.

Thirty years!

This is something that no one has ever thought about. When he fell into the devil's prison, he thought that it would take ten years to solve the imprisoned mortal. However, only after he actually took action did he realize that the gap between the two was like a ravine, and for the first time, Chu Xun was shocked that someone in the same quasi-emperor realm could be so strong.

Then he became more and more settled and restrained.

And so time flies.

In the blink of an eye.

That’s a hundred years.

"It's been a hundred years!" The dean of the academy is walking outside the territory. The rules here have also been beaten and the order has collapsed. Even after a hundred years of restoration, the place has not completely healed. However, the starry sky here is no longer as cold as before.

For more than a hundred years, people have come here one after another. At first, they came here to pay homage to the souls of the dead. Chu Xun, the greatest hero of Jiuzhou, died in the battle here. Many people came to pay homage. They brought longevity lamps, longevity flowers, fruits and drinks. Come to offer sacrifices, and the first sacrifices are particularly frequent.

Later, someone accidentally picked up a fragment of a collapsed imperial weapon in the starry sky, which triggered a frenzy and made the monks in the Great Sage Realm realize that there was a valuable treasure left here. The imperial war was accompanied by the collapse of imperial weapons one after another, leaving incomplete The fragments are scattered in the starry sky, and any piece picked up has great power.

What's more, some imperial weapons are branded with imperial patterns and have supreme scriptures and seals engraved on them. Understanding one or two of them is the supreme secret technique. This has attracted many people to come and explore. Several of them can still be seen today. The figure walks here.


"The world is incomplete!"

"Rules out of order!"

"It's hard to get out of the Great Sage Realm!"

The dean of the academy also sighed. In the past hundred years, no holy monk has been born in the Chinese continent. Under the so-called oppression of heaven and earth, the difficulty of monks' practice has soared infinitely. The laws of heaven and earth that were once able to be peeped at will can now only be peeped at the incomplete laws. One corner, if you want to fully understand it, you need a special place, plus a heaven-defying understanding.

"Fortunately, there are still a group of people alive, preaching and keeping the inheritance alive!" The dean of the academy whispered softly. Although there were countless casualties in this dark turmoil, there were still many who survived. It was not as dark as in previous generations. It mainly relied on Chu Xun and the Lord of the Wilderness to stand up, otherwise, he would not be able to survive.

Looking back.

The Nine Continents below.


Many popularity has been restored. Among them, the forces of the Nine Continents have been completely reshuffled. The Jietian Sect, the Ninth Peak, the Liuli Palace, and the Tianji Pavilion, which were once ancient forces, have all been destroyed. The Yin-Yang Family also closed the mountain gate after the fall of a strong man. The top forces in other states have also been destroyed. Most of the forces that were familiar in the past have been destroyed in one day.

On the contrary, a group of new forces were born at this time. Among them, the Bu Tian Sect, which had been destroyed for thousands of years, reappeared in the Shenzhou Continent. The current sect master is Jiang Chen. He fulfilled his promise to re-establish the Bu Tian Sect in the Shenzhou Continent, and the sect he built was also placed in the eastern region of the Wilderness Continent, which belongs to the newly rising supreme force.

At the same time

There are also scattered forces.

They have come back one after another.

The sects that were destroyed by the Qin Dynasty have regained their sparks. After all, the battle between the Dragon Emperor and the Qin Emperor has severely damaged the Qin Emperor, making him not show up for a hundred years, which has led to the wildfire of these forces.

"Dean." Just as he was thinking, the dean of the academy heard the shouting, turned around and saw a man in white standing not far away. He was introverted and melancholy. He walked lonely and lonely, and said to himself: "Where is my master!"

The dean of the academy sighed softly. Earlier, he noticed something strange, that is, the luck of Ruzhou had not dissipated or faded. He had not noticed it during the catastrophe, but he woke up later and guessed that Chu Xun might not be dead, which touched several of his disciples. They didn't believe that Chu Xun had fallen, and they were completely crazy.

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