
With a low and melodious voice, the Eight Desolate Cauldrons trembled, and the ripples of the avenue resounded outside the territory. Only the blazing storm tendrils were seen throughout the sky. Instead, the sun, moon and stars were not visible. The sky was filled with stars, and only the ripples containing the ultimate destruction were seen. , destroying everything, stars and meteorites are shattering.

"Ripples on the avenue!"

"Dao Imperial Soldier!"

"Imperial War!"

"It's an imperial war!"

"A real imperial war!"

The people in Jiuzhou who were looking up at him all expressed shock. Those ordinary monks who only came to the Human Emperor Realm were even more excited. Tears of excitement flowed from their faces, and they said happily: "I, Jiuzhou There is also a great emperor in the continent who is stopping the dark chaos, that’s great!”

Excited and secretly happy, even in Zhanzhou, which had suffered a disaster, someone whispered softly in the ruins, looking up and looking forward to the victory of the great emperor.


Countless monks.

Immerse yourself in the ups and downs.

But even in the Imperial War, countless people looked at the bloody young man in blue shirt with their peripheral vision. It was his support that led to the resurrection of the Forbidden City Supreme. It was even because of him that the former emperor was revived. To him, This person who protects Chenzhou also has strong gratitude in his heart.

"Emperor War...!" With dry lips, Chu Xun looked up with misty eyes. The entire world disappeared from his field of vision, and what he saw was an extremely sublimated emperor, wearing a black metal armor. , raised his hand and with a move, a mountain suddenly exploded in the deserted state, and an ultimate black halberd stretched across the sky and fell into his hand.

"Imperial weapon!"

"It's his imperial weapon!"

"Desolate Sky Halberd!"

The white-haired old man with ancient power recognized both this man and the imperial weapon, and said with surprise: "This is the warrior of the Lord of the Wasteland in the past. He once used it to sweep across the wasteland and swallow up his anger." World, now he has come back to life, carrying the imperial weapon to suppress the evil Supreme Lord of Darkness, God bless our continent!"


With a casual slash, the halberd light penetrated the world and released an unparalleled halberd beam. Unfortunately, a huge star was swept by the halberd light. The entire star was immediately dislocated and split into two, and then directly It exploded and turned into dazzling sparks, like rising flames.

"Ha ha!"


"Just wait and see!"

This old man, who had just appeared in the world with a haggard appearance, was now full of heroic appearance and majestic weapons. He held the Desolate Heaven Cauldron in one hand and the Desolate Heaven Halberd in the other. His aura had the grand ambition to swallow up the sun, moon and stars. He flicked his fingers and held the Desolate Heaven Cauldron in his hand. Detached, hanging outside the territory, spinning rapidly, ancient scriptures poured out from the mouth of the tripod.

"Desolate Heaven Scripture!"

"A piece of Emperor Sutra!"

Every scripture has a mysterious atmosphere. If someone can understand one of the words from this scripture, they can achieve the great saint realm and have certain magnificent achievements. Now the whole scripture is combined together to inspire At that time, the desolate atmosphere was overwhelming, and what was surprising was that the extreme desolation was not dilapidated, but dense and bold vitality.

"Desolate Heaven Sutra!" The Desolate Master said with a loud laugh. The cauldron urged the sutra, and the sutra urged the cauldron. In an instant, the cauldron trembled loudly, but he moved extremely slowly, as if he was handing over the last secret knowledge of his life to the young man. younger generation.


The Lord of Reincarnation's scalp was numb, and he was afraid of this Supreme Being who was going to die at any time after being extremely elevated. He didn't want to be entangled and was extremely elevated. If that was the case, what was the use of being hesitant all these years?


The halberd shot across the sky, and the entire extraterrestrial avenue was trembling. Countless stars and meteorites were destroyed along the way. It blocked the escape route of this Supreme Being, making him filled with grief and anger, and with endless anger. Those eyes He shot out a beam of light that was comparable to the sun, gritted his teeth and said, "Do you have to fight with me?"

"It's not a war!"

"It's going to kill you!"

The wilderness owner said boldly.


Ding Zhenshan and River, a wisp of breath can annihilate billions of meteorites, and the Lord of Samsara also launched a counterattack without escaping. In an instant, the outer territory was chaotic and hazy, and fell into a vast white sky. Only Chu Xun could still see the senior The battle is taught carefully, every blow, every move is accurately taught.

Of course.

The creatures of Jiuzhou, and the monks no matter what realm they are in, are all looking up at the sky, where there are terrifying halberds cutting through the outside of the territory, illuminating the dead place, and there are also terrible ripples sweeping across, covering the sun, moon and stars dimly, and meteors The bright beams of light kept falling, and countless avenues showed signs of collapse.

The sky is dark, the earth is dark, the sun and the moon have no light, and the entire Jiuzhou has fallen into unprecedented darkness. There is a terrifying Taoist talisman hanging above the nine heavens. The beam reaches the sky and tears the universe apart. However, there is a majestic figure with the Wild Sky Cauldron above his head, holding a halberd, and the talisman is Tear apart, and then there is the wanton, radiant light.

"This is too powerful. It is an unprecedented showdown. The two emperors have always been kings, but now they are fighting together. If there is a war in Jiuzhou, the entire continent of China will collapse, the avenue will be shattered, and it will not be able to recover for a long time. It will be difficult for a high-level monk to be born, but fortunately this is in the outside world!"

"The eternal ghostly path has become empty...!" The Supreme Being of Samsara was furious. A terrifying beam of light shot up from his body, and a galaxy hung around his huge body. He was like the master of the universe. He was pushed to the limit, to the extreme. Sublimated, otherwise he would face a certain death situation, which made him inexplicably sad and angry.

This recovery.

He unexpectedly became the first supremely ascended person, and even died because of it. This drove him crazy. He went completely crazy when facing the Lord of Desolation. His faint eyes released a chilling look, and he said with murderous intent: "You want to die, I I will help you, no one in the nine heavens and ten earths, in the infinite universe, can protect you!"



There was even more dazzling light and endless divine glow. At this time, even Chu Xun could not see anything. His vision was completely white, and his figure was no longer visible. However, huge cracks outside the territory continued to appear, and dong dong dong. The muffled sound that came from it also made all the creatures in Jiuzhou panic. I wonder what the outcome of this battle outside the territory will be?


But there was a cluster of bright red blood spilling from outside the territory. Even in the countless light rain and the divine glow in the sky, it still looked so eye-catching and fascinating. Even the monks in the holy realm had their Adam's apple squirming and said with difficulty: "If you swallow a drop of the emperor's blood, you will be able to succeed." The great holy realm...! "It's so fragrant, with an alluring luster, and it's intoxicating.


But the current world is cruel. There is blood splashing on the huge stars. The seemingly powerless drop of blood actually wipes out the entire stars and turns them into fireworks. However, the emperor's blood still refracts the charming beam of light in the flames, slowly coming from outside the territory. Slowly falling, this scene not only made people's scalp numb, but also made people tremble: "A drop of the emperor's blood can kill the Great Sage!"

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