"Bang bang bang bang~!" The internal organs were shattered under the impact of Emperor Yi's fists. The powerful physical recovery power healed extremely quickly. It was sufficient, but it was ruthlessly blasted. He tried his best to raise his hand in the gap. The condensed sword light slashed down, but was still trampled to pieces by the figure of the lord of the restricted area.


A raised iron fist.

Again and again.

Once and for a while.

A hard hit.

No mercy.

He vowed to smash the ants in front of him into dust, and with a little bit of energy, he naively thought that he could challenge the Great Emperor. If the Great Emperor was so easy to deal with, why was it so difficult to see the Emperor for so long, and why could he transform himself even if he killed himself? In the restricted area, Invincible lives in the world one era after another, overlooking the ups and downs of the Chinese continent.

"Buzz~!" His head was hit hard, his ears were buzzing, and his consciousness was confused at this time. The world was buzzing. He thought of his previous life, and the quietness when he first entered this world. Isn't it good to be an elder of the Sutra Pavilion? I don't know when I got involved in this world of disputes, and it got out of hand again.

The blood dyed the cyan robe red from the body, and the body was like a clay statue that could be manipulated at will. He vaguely heard someone calling him, and seemed to feel the voice of crossing the tribulation. He opened his red and swollen eyes blankly, His vision was filled with blurry images, and he could only feel that the Forbidden City Supreme had revived somewhere in the deserted state.

"Has another person been revived?" He slurred with blood-covered mouth, but he couldn't care about it. Even the Forbidden City Supreme was helpless to kill him, and the two of them had no chance of survival at all. They were on the verge of despair. He felt that the domineering Emperor Fist restrained himself and stopped attacking him.

Taking advantage of this opportunity to breathe, he broke away from the suppression of the Emperor's Fist and stood in the sky above Chenzhou covered in blood. The wet blood dripped from his soaked blue shirt. He vaguely saw someone fighting against the Lord of Samsara. It was them who took action. , blocking the penalty area supreme and giving him a chance to breathe.

In the hazy figure, he felt the exquisite Buddhism, the mysterious Taoism, and the familiar Confucianism. A warm current flowed into his body. It was the wish of the helmsman of the Holy Taoist Palace, but it had little effect.



There were screams.

I don’t know who was robbed.


This made Chu Xun extremely sad. Is this the first born Supreme? He thought of the Dragon Emperor who colluded with the Qin Dynasty, the Lord of Yuling, and the resurrected Ba Ling in Zhongzhou. The extreme despair surged in overwhelmingly, and even in the barren state... there was a Forbidden Zone Supreme that was resurrecting.


He coughed up blood.

Alone and alone.

Extremely lonely.

In fact, none of the figures he saw appeared, whether it was Buddhism, Taoism, or Confucian bragging. Instead, a thin old man slowly walked in. He arrived at Chenzhou and interrupted the powerful attack of the Lord of Samsara.

The old man looked at Chu Xun with admiration, and said with a smile: "If there is a junior like this, I in Huangzhou are not weaker than others!" He walked forward, with an extremely old and twilight aura on his body, and laughed: "As for you, there is no need to get involved in this series of confrontations!"

A wave of sleeves.

Guangfa Bodhisattva.

An old Taoist priest.

Dean of the academy.

The leader of Taoism.

Ancestor of Jianzhou.

This group of people had reached the border of Chenzhou, but they were swept away by a huge strong wind and were unable to set foot in Chenzhou. They saw the twilight old man moving forward step by step. Every step he took, the dryness on his body was... The qi and blood are generating a vast ocean of qi and blood, and the withered and sparse hair is thick and full, and the black color is shiny.

The slightly stooped back also stood tall and straight as he stepped. Not only that, a pair of dark armor with a metallic luster was draped on his body, and the old man returned to his peak in just a few steps, turning into the spirit of his youth. Vibrant, young and vigorous, with a handsome face and sharp eyebrows and starry eyes.

Raise your hand.


The Desolate Heaven Cauldron scattered on the ground and embedded in it fell into his hands with a buzzing sound and fluctuations of joy, releasing a pleasing and joyful buzzing. The handsome and young man looked at it with a smile on his face. He smiled at the late-breathing Lord of Reincarnation and said, "You said that I don't dare to do anything to you after I've recovered. Let's see... whether you dare!"


There was a sound of bells and cauldrons.

Shocked Jiuzhou.

An unspeakable huge storm swept across the entire Nine Continents in an instant. Compared to Chu Xun's actions just now, it was like a child's play, but this was the real imperial war!

"You're crazy...!" The Lord of Reincarnation's pupils shrank, with horror in his eyes. He also didn't expect that this guy had survived until now, and the first thing he did when he recovered was not to devour living beings, but to come and fight with him. , what shocked him even more was that he forcibly restored the imperial realm, revived from the ruins, and reached the ultimate sublimation.

You know.

Such behavior.

Once you reach your peak, you will have exhausted the remaining energy and blood in your body, and you will no longer have the ability to turn around. You will definitely die after a battle.

"Ha ha!"

"Long years no see!"

"Try your methods to see if they are the same as before!" The young man holding the Huangtian Palace laughed. He had strong blood and vitality in his body. When he breathed and exhaled, the entire Chinese mainland trembled with it. A great emperor of the world The true manifestation of the world, including the Lord of Ba Ling and the Dragon Emperor who had overcome the tribulation, were all gone.



"For these ants!"

"You actually want to fight me to the death!"


The Lord of Samsara felt his scalp tingle. If he was in his peak state, he would not be afraid of the man holding the Desolate Heaven Cauldron. But what was this time? His blood and qi were exhausted, his life was at its lowest point, and his realm was not yet that of an emperor. If he met such a desperate madman, it would be no different from sending himself to death. He almost didn't care about Chu Xun and wanted to retreat.


The man holding the Desolate Heaven Cauldron laughed up to the sky, looked at the young man bathed in blood, and said gently: "You are great. Not all emperors are so invincible. It's just that he is too strong. If it were other forbidden area supremes before they were fully sublimated, they might not be your opponents!"

The people who heard this in Jiuzhou were moved, but some people couldn't help but think of the few words that were circulated. The revived forbidden area supreme of Chenzhou had killed the peak emperor in his self-proclaimed state. He was truly invincible and had few opponents in the emperor realm. Could such a person be fought by ordinary people?

Chu Xun was able to hurt him and lasted so long in this battle state, which had already proved himself. It was not that Chu Xun was not strong, but that his enemies were too evil. But now it seemed that there were even more evil people who were dealing with him.

"Okay, you have just entered the Quasi-Emperor realm, and you have little perception of this realm. You should practice with peace of mind. You should also be optimistic about this battle. I will also pass on my unique skills to you!" The young man holding the Desolate Heaven Cauldron smiled and stroked Chu Xun's head, then looked up to the sky and rushed out of the domain. An unprecedented battle broke out outside the Shenzhou continent!

The Palace Master of the Desolate Heaven Palace, who was far away in the Desolate State, was inexplicably trembling at this time, especially when he saw the old man appear in the world, his face turned pale, and there was a line of turbid tears passing by, and he whispered: "Master!" The one who taught him the skills had never met him before. He thought that the other party had a remaining divine thought, but he never thought that he was also dormant in the restricted area. But compared to others, this one was hunting the supreme being of the same realm.

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