
A strong spiritual energy surged in.

Submerged into the body.

One year of cultivation!

Two years of cultivation!

Three years of cultivation!

Four years of cultivation!

Ten years of cultivation!

In the blink of an eye, the savings in his body reached the peak of the Seventh Saint Realm. He had been immersed in the Seventh Saint Realm for a long time, and now taking advantage of this opportunity, he naturally broke through.


Everything will fall into place.

No waves or waves.

Everything is so natural.

Even without alarming the people around him, a large number of law insights also came with him. This time Chu Xun chose swordsmanship. He already had profound attainments in this area. He immersed himself in it and comprehended the laws of heaven and earth in large numbers. Suddenly, If you sit in the place of enlightenment, you will be enlightened all the time.


The cultivation level is still increasing.

Twenty years of cultivation.

Thirty years of cultivation.

Forty years of cultivation.

Under continuous accumulation.

The Qi in the body is also constantly rising, and it is not far from the ninth realm of the saint. Elder Ming in the Sutra Pavilion also vaguely noticed something. He glanced at the direction where Chu Xun was, and there was a thick law of law lingering there. He couldn't help but be a little envious of his strength, and murmured: "Is Elder Chu enlightened again?"

There was also a bit of joy deep in his heart. After all, he was a member of the desolate palace. The appearance of a strong man was also good for the desolate palace. He gently waved his sleeves to isolate the area and prevent outsiders from disturbing him.

In this situation.

His cultivation level is still increasing.

Fifty years of cultivation!

Sixty years of cultivation!

Seventy years of cultivation!

Eighty years of cultivation!


A thunderous sound came from the body. After consuming such a long gift, the realm in the body suddenly broke through and reached the ninth realm of the saint. It still did not stop after reaching this step and continued to increase.

Ninety years of cultivation!

One hundred years of cultivation!

After completely digesting these, the Qi in his body had been completely stabilized in the Nine Realms of Saints. However, before he had time to understand it carefully, a large amount of power of laws also came with him. It was not just a gift of cultivation. This made Chu Xun feel that every inch of his body Every place is different, surrounded by thousands of insights.

"call out!"

Donghuang Holy Land.

The clone dressed in black suddenly showed a sparkle in his eyes, and the figure disappeared in a flash. The next breath, he appeared in the law pavilion. He quickly came to the place where the laws of swordsmanship were rich. Feeling the benefits brought by breaking through the realm, he followed Pan. Sitting there, time seems to freeze and freeze.

In the blink of an eye.

That's half a month.

The black-robed Chu Xun, who was immersed in the Law Pavilion, was surrounded by a rich sword field, covering himself. If a practitioner accidentally fell into this sword field, he would be torn into powder in an instant. The seemingly peaceful There are countless terrifying swords hidden under the void, traveling in and out of the void.

If it is revealed, it will be thousands of transparent sword lights showing off wealth by the side. It can not only form a huge sword, but also divide and kill. As long as the cultivation level is lower than the eighth realm of the saint, anyone who rushes in will be dead, regardless of Many endings are doomed.

The laws of kendo are perfect.

Qualitative transformation.

Not only that.

Laws related to other aspects also came to mind one after another. The figure of Chu Xun in black robe appeared in the area of ​​time law. The passage of time law in this area was very mottled, with illusion, and there were many time fragments, flashing the future. The picture, which is related to time, is a very powerful means.


Sitting there quietly.

As insights come.

It’s an epiphany every moment.



All increased at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Two months later.

After all the savings were consumed, Chu Xun in the Sutra Pavilion of Huangtian Palace suddenly opened his bright eyes, releasing unparalleled brightness and joy, and whispered softly: "Ninth realm of saints!"

All the time.

His cultivation level has always been a criticism. Even though it is admirable to guide each disciple, many people still stay away from him in terms of strength, thinking that he is a bit lacking. Now he has finally made up for this flaw and established himself as a saint in the ninth realm. In Huangtian Palace.



Elder Ming's figure flashed in the Sutra Pavilion, and there was a strange look in his eyes. He could feel that Chu Xun was different from before, but he didn't know what it was. After all, Chu Xun could use the system's attributes. If he wanted to hide it, Others couldn't see through his cultivation, so he didn't notice the change in Chu Xun's cultivation at the first time.

"Thank you!"

Chu Xun also thanked him, knowing that Elder Ming simply protected himself while he was in seclusion, and at the same time refused some people to visit him.

Elder Ming accepted it calmly, but also said with a smile: "Elder Chu is not aware of how popular you are in the Huang Palace. As the story of the examination of the secret realm spread, countless disciples in the Huang Palace came to visit, wanting to seek your advice! "

A little feeling.

Chu Xun also had a smile on his lips and conquered those candidates in the secret realm of the assessment. As the deeds spread, many people who entered the Huangtian Palace in the early years were only at the level of the second or third realm of saints. They usually seek to see the ninth realm of saints. It is not easy to get advice from an elder. Now that Elder Chu can ask for an audience, he is naturally willing.

"talk later!"

Chu Xun smiled.

Elder Ming also smiled and said: "With Elder Chu's current status, he is enough to hold a class in the Huang Palace. I wonder if you are interested?"

"Class starts?"

Chu Xun murmured softly, but shook his head. When they reached the ninth level of the Saint, these elders would take turns to give a sermon. It was an open class, and it was also a rare opportunity for the students of the Desolate Heaven Palace to ask questions to the Saint of the Ninth Level. It was generally very popular, and even people from other palaces would come specially.

And some of the Saints of the Ninth Level with extremely high cultivation liked to open a special course for themselves, and give sermons regularly every month, and some students would come to hear their reputation.

However, he was not going to do this for the time being. Besides, there were many Saints of the Ninth Level in the Desolate Heaven Palace. Even if they took turns one by one, it would take a long time for him to get his turn.

"That's a pity!" Elder Ming murmured. If Elder Chu was willing to open the class, he believed that even if he was only at the seventh level of the Saint, he would still attract a large number of people to come and ask questions. After all, his reputation was there. There were many rumors that Chu Xun was not inferior to the Saint Dao Fruit-level strongmen in teaching and educating people.

"Oh, right, but the one who came to see me the most times is this year's new talent, Chen Xun!" Elder Ming suddenly said as if he had thought of something, and he also felt that this guy had a stubborn temper. There were great saint Dao fruit-level seniors in the deserted palace who were willing to accept him as a disciple, but this guy just stared at Elder Chu, as if he was making up for some regrets.

He has come six times in just two months.

During the conversation.

Chen Xun came again.

The seventh visit.

Elder Ming also shrugged and said with a smile: "I don't have to be a bad guy and refuse this time. It's up to you whether you want to see me or not. I'll go down first!"

ps: Thanks to 'Sister Wu's Duck' for the reward, thank you.

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