All eyes are on you!

A pair of eyes were focused on Chen Xun, and the young man in black clothes glanced at several examiners. Even the examiner of Dou Zhan Palace couldn't help but sit up straight, with a bit of expectation, because he was Dou Zhan Palace. There is currently no candidate in the top ten of the War Palace. Even if the probability of selection is very low, I still want to give it a try.

"I choose... Huang Palace!"

When Chen Xun's eyes fell on Chu Xun, he had a bright smile on his face. He didn't ask this elder for advice during the assessment. After entering the Huanggong Palace, is there a chance to ask this senior for advice?


Chu Xun nodded slightly.

Senior Luo Tang looked calm. It was just as he had guessed. Considering Chen Xun's qualifications, except for the Huang Palace, it would be difficult for the other palaces to reach their full potential, which is understandable.

"Six of them!"


"Oh My God!"

"Sixth place!"

Not to mention which elders, even the young disciples who took the assessment were all amazed. There may have been some exaggerated things in the past, but there has never been such an exaggeration. A full six of the top ten were selected into the Huang Palace. This is not to grow stronger. It's all difficult. On the other hand, the current situation in Douzhan Palace is a bit stretched and embarrassing.

"There is one more person!" People looked at it with expectation. The first person in this class, a well-deserved dazzling new star, has gone from being unnoticed when he first entered to being the center of attention now. This change has been so big that people Be curious and want to know his choice.

"Let's go to the Palace of Saints!"

"It should be the Palace of Saints!"

"I heard that Senior Luo Tang personally invited me!"


"I didn't choose Huangtian Palace!"

"Elder Chu's cultivation is still too weak after all. Even if he can give some advice now, as his cultivation improves and his horizons widen, it will be difficult to ask for advice again. Becoming a disciple to Senior Luo Tang is the right choice!"

The focus of the audience.

All eyes were focused on the peerless young man in white, and they saw him slowly raising his head and looking at the gentle old man sitting on the high platform. With a bright and simple smile on his face, he said respectfully and seriously: "Chu Elder, you declined my apprenticeship that day. Now I want to ask, can I still do it?"


Chu Xun nodded calmly.

"Desolate Palace!"

Bai Luli said without hesitation, which made everyone's expressions change. Even Zhang Cheng and other examiners frowned slightly. They felt that if they really wanted to take Chu Xun as their teacher, they would be wasting their great talent. He couldn't help but look at Senior Luo Tang. .

As for the latter, his expression was indifferent, because he had been discussing with Bai Luli for a long time that day, but in the end he was still not convinced. A man with Tao Palace and Cang Palace's background, strong men on the saint list, and quasi-emperor level inheritance were all giving their advice. , in this situation, he really couldn't come up with anything better.

And he also believed that with Bai Luli's talent, even if he became a disciple of Chu Xun, he would not be too self-conscious if he really had to consult several other great sage Daoguo-level seniors.


The Lord of the North Ming Dynasty.

The examiner of Dou Zhan Palace.

They all thought it was a bit childish.

The Seven Realms of Saints.

Serve as Bai Luli's master.

Isn't it a bit exaggerated?

Even if Bai Luli is young and ignorant, don't you, as an elder, still understand? But one by one, he looked away and looked up, only to see that Elder Chu's expression was calm and uncomplicated, as if all this was reasonable. Unable to help frowning, he continued to look at the remaining ninety members.


The examiner of Dou Zhan Palace looked ugly.

Because Dou Zhan Palace didn’t get a single gain.

top ten:

Bai Luli: Desolate Palace.

Chen Xun: The deserted palace.

Sword last: desolate palace.

Zangkai: Vientiane Palace.

Jiang Chen: Desolate palace.

Liu Jian: Desolate Palace.

Wanwuqing: Desolate Palace.

Chen Bing: Criminal Law Palace.

Qianyun: desolate palace.

Chi Zhihua: Sage Palace.

Seven of the top ten desolate palaces were selected. What is even more outrageous is that the top three were actually selected from the same palace. This was extremely rare in the past, but now it still appears when all the saints have Dao Fruit. It is really shocking. Sighing and sighing.

"Seven people!"

"Everyone enter the deserted palace!"

The elders of Huanggong also expressed their sighs. It was so shocking, but when you think about it carefully, it makes sense. There are only three disciples of Chu Xun, and the remaining four are those who have been pointed out by Chu Xun, and some are admirers. This is a quota, so it doesn't seem to be an exaggeration.


That's the selection list.

Ninety places.

Pick one from each house.

Starting from the deserted palace.

Because Huang Gong belongs to the leader of Huang Tian Palace, at this stage, Huang Gong is naturally the leader. As Chu Xun's eyes swayed, countless disciples fell on him one after another, with expectations and hopes, and Chu Xun He glanced over these people and found some good ideas that he had noticed for a long time. He smiled slightly and said nonsense.

The latter expressed joy.

Selected into the Barren Palace.

It was Elder Chu who invited me.

Worth celebrating.


It was the turn of Senior Luo Tang from the Sage Palace. He was quickly invited by the First Palace Palace. When they arrived at the Dou Zhan Palace, most of the disciples turned their eyes away in unison, as if they were a little afraid of being selected. This scene almost made the examiner of the Dou Zhan Palace angry. Wai, what the hell, did I invite you and insult you?


He snorted coldly.

Invitation by name.

In such a mood, the remaining ninety people were quickly invited to the end, and the current assessment of Huangtian Palace was also announced to be over. As Luo Tang, the senior of the Great Sage Daoguo level, personally announced the end of the assessment, countless people felt disappointed, but Many people felt excited. Although they were not selected for the Huangtian Palace, they saw so many geniuses and saw such wonderful things.


Several examiners also stood up.

to such a moment.

Also announced the end.

Even though Chu Xun stood up and left, several examiners and the elders watching the battle all smiled, which was completely different from their previous reactions when they arrived.

Return to the deserted palace.

Go straight to the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.

"Elder Chu!"

Elder Ming, who was outside the door of the Sutra Pavilion, also had a smile on his face. He looked at the gentle old man with surprise and surprise in his eyes. He had also heard about various deeds in the secret assessment area, and he knew some inside stories. On that day, Chu asked the saint The cultivation level of the Seventh Realm is close to that of Gaia, the Saint's Ninth Realm, which is very scary.

"Elder Ming!" Chu Xun also smiled and nodded. After a brief exchange of greetings, he entered the attic floor of the Buddhist scriptures and found a secluded place. He sat cross-legged there quietly, his eyes full of energy, and murmured: "Cultivating level should be improved. "

Earlier, when he entered the Sutra Pavilion for the first time, he was fascinated by the countless scriptures gathered here. He continued to increase in strength and skills. Later, he went to the secret assessment area to guide many disciples and constantly communicate with each other. Confirmation, the understanding in the heart is clearer, now that you have digested these two, it is time to improve your cultivation.


Chu Xun muttered silently.


"A hundred years of cultivation!"

"use or not!"


Chu Xun said softly that this was the reward he received when he was reading 30,000 volumes of books. At that time, he was drowning in the sea of ​​scriptures and had no time to use them. Now is a good time to use them.

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