it's too cold.

Too hungry too.

Chu Xun's body was covered with frost. He looked up and looked at the endless chain in front of him. There was no limit and no end. He didn't know where the end point was. There was a faint thought of giving up in his heart.

He knew that at this point, he should be ranked very high, with a high probability of entering the top 100, and there was no need to suffer like this again.

But this thought just came up.

Then he gave up.

Since the spiritual test has not yet begun, how can one give up? The previous obstacles are just the most basic obstacles. Now is the time to test one's spiritual will. It is too comfortable to say give up at this time, even in hiding. The Jing Pavilion meditates on sutras all day long and is leisurely. But when you really need to work hard, you can't be lazy.


"Go, go, go!"

Against the strong wind.

Carrying weakness.

On the slippery chain.


He didn't know how far he had walked, it seemed like an hour, it seemed like a day, it seemed like a month, he just gritted his teeth and moved forward. Little did he know that the old man in black robe and long eyebrows outside was already sluggish.

"How can it be!"

to be honest.

When Chu Xun entered the top 100, he was satisfied that the inheritance of Donghuang Holy Land would continue to be brought out to benefit the whole party. Then he watched with ease, watching Chu Xun's ranking continue to rise, reaching the top 50. At one moment, he nodded with satisfaction, meeting his expectations, but then he gradually became confused.






When he reached this point, he could no longer sit still. He stood up and stared at the ranking on the stone tablet. You must know that the people who entered the top twenty have all entered the peak of the ninth realm of saints and achieved the great saintly path. As a result, Chu Xun is still soaring after entering the top twenty.

This kind of speed.

Even made it into the top ten.

It's not impossible.


This is the scene before us.

Chu Xun!

Ranking: Top ten!

This made the old man in black robe and long eyebrows twitch the corners of his mouth. After tens of thousands of years, a person finally came in. He thought he was a good genius, but he thought that he turned out to be such a monster. Even if it was placed in Donghuang Holy Land, it would not be possible for many generations back then. There is one, but Chu Xun is really too evil.

"This guy...!" The old man in black robes and long eyebrows whispered, his eyes were extremely complicated. I don't know whether it was strong joy or sadness. If he had known that Chu Xun's talent was so evil, he should have put forward two more conditions for Chu Xun to join him. Donghuang Holy Land, even if he settles for the second best, he can promise to help find a few talented disciples to inherit Donghuang Holy Land and carry it forward.

it's good now.

There were too few conditions.

Regret it!




This is the only sense in Chu Xun's heart. He can feel the weakness of his body now, and he is completely different from when he first came in. Even now when a group of strange birds come, he doesn't even have the energy to condense his mind and will into a sword. Now every step he takes He was holding on, relying on his mind and will to move forward, and he didn't know when he would fall back.




Body numbness.

Only the will remains awake.

"Seventh place!"

"Sixth place!"

"the fifth place!"

The old man in black robe and long eyebrows was numb. He looked at the first few names that appeared on the stone tablet. The first one, 'Donghuang Wuji', belonged to the founding ancestor of Donghuang Holy Land. He was also a quasi-emperor level powerhouse at that time and belonged to the capital of China mainland. An extremely supreme top giant, truly gifted and unparalleled.

The second ‘Venerable Wanjian! ’ Belongs to the resurgence master of Donghuang Holy Land. Twenty thousand years after the fall of Donghuang Wuji, he became the second quasi-emperor level powerhouse, allowing Donghuang Holy Land to stand at the pinnacle of the Chinese continent again.

The third 'Yang Qingjun' is a disciple of Venerable Wanjian. After him, he became the third quasi-emperor. He was a double quasi-emperor in one sect when Donghuang Holy Land was at its true peak.

The fourth 'Xiao Wuyan' belongs to the fourth quasi-emperor of the Donglin Sect, and is also the four strongest people who have appeared in the Donghuang Holy Land.


Fifth place: Chu Xun!

Saw this name.

The old man in black robe and long eyebrows was numb.

Top four.

They are all quasi-emperors.

According to Chu Xun's current spiritual will, as long as his talent reaches the standard, he has a high probability of becoming a quasi-emperor in the future. Moreover, judging from his talent of entering the Bible at the age of eighty-nine, it is almost certain that he will become a quasi-emperor in the future. This makes The corner of his mouth twitched and he muttered: "What kind of monster is this!"

Ice cold.

Extremely cold.

The body gradually becomes weak.

Under the strong wind.

The steps on the iron chain are no longer so firm.

in this case.

his ranking.

Still rising.

fourth place.


Xiao Wuyan, an expert who had stepped into the quasi-emperor level, was squeezed down the ranking. Chu Xun, who was on the chain in the abyss, looked up and looked forward with a stiff smile on his face and murmured: "Finally The end is in sight!”

He was about to lose his will. After seeing hope, he continued to move forward stiffly. As he reached the other shore with the last step, his soles actually stepped on the ground. A warm spring breeze swept through him and he sat cross-legged in the stone chamber. Chu Xun also suddenly opened his eyes and murmured: "It's over!"


The mental fatigue was restored after sitting cross-legged on the futon for a while. He stood up and pushed open the stone door, curiously saying: "I wonder if my current ranking is in the top ten!"


When he opened the stone door, he saw an old man in black robe and long eyebrows looking at him blankly, with a strange look in his eyes. This made Chu Xun a little confused, but he also looked at the stone tablet on one side.

First: Chu Xun!

Second: Donghuang Wuji.

Third: Venerable Wanjian.

Fourth: Yang Qingjun.

Fifth: Xiao Wuji.

"Am I ranked first?" Looking at the name ranked first on the stone tablet, even though he knew that this test was good and should have an excellent ranking, he was still amazed by the scene in front of him. Even if he didn't know much about Donghuang Holy Land, It is very clear, and I can also imagine that the top ten should be ruthless people from all over the world.

The old man in black robe and long eyebrows finally came to his senses, with a resentful look in his eyes, and said strangely: "How can you, a young junior, have such strong mental concentration? Even if Yang Qingjun, who has achieved the status of a great sage, comes to test, in the end The ranking is not as high as yours!”

"Great Saint Fruition!"

Although Chu Xun had a strange look, he also thought that the people at the top should have passed the abyss chain. It was just that his time was shorter than them, so he was ranked first, but he also looked calm. After all, the original host had suffered Such a big change, Nirvana and rebirth, plus the long-term cultivation of mind and nature in the Sutra Pavilion, my inner concentration is still very strong.

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