The old man in black robe and long eyebrows looked at Chu Xun's ranking again, but at first glance, he was slightly glazed over. He was a little confused, his mind was full of questions, and he said in disbelief: "One thousand?"

To know.

Donghuang Holy Land.

It was a well-deserved holy place back then. Countless disciples came to this place to test the soul. Year after year, countless geniuses came in each session. Those who could enter the top thousand were well-deserved and proud of heaven. But now, Chu Xun ranked among the 1,000 as soon as he entered, what about the follow-up?


so horrible.

He shook his head and thought in surprise. According to Chu Xun's current spiritual power, there is still great hope for him to be ranked in the top fifty, and he could even hit the top thirty.

"Tsk tsk!"

Shake his head slightly.

Quite jaw-dropping.

It's a pity that such an outstanding monster can emerge from the Eastern Territory after so many years of decline. What's even more unexpected is that he happened to encounter it. The inheritance of the Eastern Phoenix Holy Land should not be extinct. However, with a thought, a pot of turbid wine appeared in his hand. , staring at the stone tablet with a smile, watching the ranking rise.




Swelling with almost every breath.

In the spiritual world.

Staring at the long and rusty iron chain, Chu Xun's eyes were filled with strange color and interest. He took a step forward. The iron chain was long and slippery. If he was not careful, he would fall into the abyss, to the extent that it was bottomless. It is said that death is inevitable, which undoubtedly brings psychological oppression, making every step taken extremely cautious.

"Something interesting!"

Chu Xun said softly, now he has been walking for less than half an hour, and he is far away from the entrance behind him, which is equivalent to cutting off the way back, and there are low roars from the bottom of the abyss from time to time, as if there are terrible beasts watching, and they will come at any time. He rushed forward, feeling full of pressure.

"If that's all!"

"It's a bit simple!"

Although the chain was wet and slippery, cutting off the circuit, and there was an evil aura underneath, it was not enough to make anyone fall. As if in response to his thoughts, a strong wind roared and swept over him.


The wind howled.

The wind blows on the iron chain, causing the long iron chain to sway in the wind. In this situation, let alone walking, it is difficult to stand firm even when standing. Only by relying on the power of the mind to remain firm and maintain one's own balance, and with this This state lasted for about ten breaths, and then he walked forward in the strong wind.

In this spiritual world, all cultivation skills are gone, and it is completely the most ordinary state. Every move must be done carefully and with enough tenacity. Otherwise, if you stand motionless, you will never reach the other shore in your lifetime.

during this process.

his ranking.

It is also rising.

Five hundred.

Four hundred and ninety.

Four hundred and eighty.

Four hundred and seventy.

The old man in black robe and long eyebrows sat lazily there, sipping his drink, with a smile on his face, and murmured: "I have barely passed the first small level. How should I pass the second level?"

He was extremely curious.



The sound of birds flapping their wings came from under the abyss, which made Chu Xun look sideways. He saw several strange birds that he had never seen before, with sharp teeth and scarlet eyes. They flew towards Chu Xun, and the strong wind in the abyss At this moment, he suddenly became violent and the pressure suddenly increased.

"Calm down!"


"There is a way!"

Chu Xun whispered softly, since this iron chain leads to the other side, there must be a way to deal with it. He tried to condense his mind into a sword. After all, he was on the iron chain of the abyss, and there was nothing to borrow. If the strange bird was allowed to Tink was too stupid, and his attempt was successful.


An iron sword condensed with the will of the soul fell into the palm of his hand.


It's a light step.

The body suddenly tilted.

Staring at the iron sword in his hand, Chu Xun showed a clear understanding. In this spiritual world, his will can condense anything, but the price is to condense the iron sword in his hand, which means that the body is a little weaker, and the control of the body, And the strong wind obviously increased the pressure a lot.


The strange bird flew over, the size of an eagle, but Chu Xun, who was holding the iron sword, was not afraid at all. He had profound attainments in the way of the sword. He was already familiar with these things, but he chopped them off casually, and the iron sword passed gracefully. The arc pierced the body of the strange bird, obliterating it and easily overcoming this difficulty.

In order to confirm what he was thinking, Chu Xun placed the iron sword in his hand into nothingness. As expected, his control over his body improved to a higher level. His eyes also had a strange color, and he became more and more curious about the road ahead.

Little did I know.

his ranking.

Sudden surge.

Originally it was just over four hundred.


More than two hundred came.


"So fast!"

The old man in black robe and long eyebrows was also full of surprise. You must know that most geniuses died here. They were either frightened by the strange bird and fell into the abyss with slippery feet, or they were stupid and clumsy carrying the strange bird to attack. Every time they were hit, The body became a little weaker and eventually fell. Only a few people found a way to break it.

Obviously Chu Xun did better.

The solution was easily found.


"The ranking will be slow!"

The old man in black robe and long eyebrows sipped his wine and said, there are more than 200 of them, all of them are peerless geniuses who came out of Donghuang Holy Land. Every one of them is not stunningly talented. The gap between them is very small. Even if there are still hardships ahead, it is understandable. They are flexible and can go very far, and will not be easily broken halfway.

Along the way.

On the long iron chain.

Not only did he encounter strange birds.


He encountered many obstacles one after another.

There were cunning wolves.

There were ferocious tigers.

And long snakes.

They could easily wrap around the iron chain and attack Chu Xun. If he was hurt by it, his mind and will would be weakened. After going through several hardships, he was grabbed by the tiger on the shoulder. It was a minor wound, but he was fine. Then he continued to move forward.

The strong wind in the abyss kept blowing, and he felt the cold air that he had not felt for many years. Under the cold wind, his long hair had been stained with a little frost, and he felt that his body was much weaker than usual, far less vigorous and powerful than when he just stepped on the iron chain, and a sense of weakness gradually filled his heart.

"It's getting colder!" Chu Xun said softly. Not only that, but what's worse is that he felt hungry. At first he thought it was an illusion, but he accepted it when he thought that this body was just an ordinary person's template. In this bad environment, his physical strength was also rapidly overdrawn.

There are no obstacles along the way.

But the real threat.

It has just arrived.

The blowing wind has turned into a deadly crisis, with frost all over the body, cold tendrils all over the body, hunger also surged into the soul, and walking on the slippery iron chain, as long as you rely on unswerving faith and spiritual strength, otherwise it is absolutely impossible to continue moving forward.

One hundred and seven.

One hundred and four.

One hundred.



Seeing the names of the first hundred who broke into the stone tablet, the old man with black robe and long eyebrows smiled. Even though Chu Xun knew that he would be in the top 100 the moment he entered, he couldn't help but relax now that he really arrived. With a smile on his wrinkled cheeks, he murmured: "I just don't know what rank I will be in the end!"

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