"its stuck!"

The Saint of Nantian Temple whispered softly, this is already the second day, the longest time the Buddha Saint was stuck in Ruochan Temple only lasted six hours, but this time it is already the second day, and I don’t know how long it will take. Total disintegration.

"Amitabha!" The Buddha of Ruozhan Temple chanted the Buddha's name. The Buddha's eyes were filled with complexity. The difficulty of this large formation was far beyond his imagination. He said softly: "This should be a large formation, and it is also very important." An important formation, even with the help of the Tianji Pan, the formation eye has not been found! "

Saint of Nantian Temple.

Saints of the Holy Fire Cult.

Saint of Shenxing Sect.

Old woman.

These people all felt their hearts sinking.

Didn't find the formation?

Look up.

A terrifying giant sword was suspended there.

It could capsize at any moment.

Once it comes.

The saint also died.

Heart trembling slightly.

Are they going to die here?

"It's not that the formation eye can't be found, but that the old monk found two places." The Buddha Saint of Ruochan Temple said again.


The saint from the Nantian Temple frowned and said, "You mean, you're not sure which of the two formation eyes is real?"

The Buddhist sage from Ruochan Temple nodded.

"That's easy!"

There was a look of relief on the face of the saint of Nantian Temple. If he found two formation eyes and was not sure which one was really extremely relaxing, he really thought that he couldn't find the formation eyes. His eyes with a smile gradually became colder, staring at the Goddess Sect. The old woman said with a cold voice: "Go and test, first go to the first formation eye!"

boom! ! !

a bolt from the blue.

Killed by thunder on the spot.

The wrinkled cheeks of the old woman from the Goddess Sect were frozen there. She looked at the latter in disbelief, and then at the ferocious bird behind the Nantian Temple. Where was the three-legged golden crow, and there were also young people who had not yet entered the holy realm. These people were completely It was possible to test the authenticity of the formation, but he... chose to let himself test it.

You must know that you are in the holy realm.


The eyes of the Saint of the Holy Fire Cult were also filled with coldness, and he looked down indifferently: "What, you won't?"

Strong cultivation pressure.

Cultivation in the four realms of the Holy Realm.

Comprehensive crushing.

The old woman from the Goddess Sect was pale, feeling the powerlessness of the old man from the Tianji Sect who had been robbed of the Tianji Disk, but now she was more in crisis and more desperate. He looked at the latter to ask for help, but found that all the saints in the Eastern Region were avoiding her eyes. For a moment, she suddenly laughed hoarsely, and somewhat understood why these people didn't enter the ruins as soon as they found it.

What they are waiting for is for this group of saints to come in. If there is a crisis, they will act as pawns. If the opportunity comes, they will be the tools of this group of people from beginning to end.

A husky smile.

Tears streamed from the corners of his eyes.

With self-deprecation.

I didn’t expect to live a lifetime.

After all, he was blinded by a goose peck.

"I'll go!" The old woman from the Goddess Sect looked desolate. If she went to test and found the real formation eye, she would still have a chance to survive, but if she resisted, she would definitely die.

Arrive in front of the first formation.

Raise your hand and press down.


The formation eye is broken.

But the formation has not been resolved.

Instead, the red giant sword hung above the sky, filled with astonishing murderous aura, descended at a frightening speed. Under the emotions that others could not think about, it sank into the body of the old woman of the Goddess Sect with a 'puff'. In the next breath, the endless sword The intention erupted from the body and directly annihilated the old woman, completely killing her.




The Buddhist disciples of the Ruo Zen Temple, the Holy Fire Sect, and the Three-Legged Golden Crow were all shocked. They knew that the giant sword in the sky was terrifying, but they never expected it to be so terrifying. Just by trial and error, there was a The giant sword beheaded the saint, and at the same time he was a little lucky. Fortunately, the group of tool men from the East Region followed him, otherwise, another one of them would have died.

In shock.

Suddenly, I felt the threat around me relaxed.

They looked.

I only saw the saint from the Nantian Temple coming to the second formation at some point and easily annihilating the formation eyes. He said with a relaxed expression: "Since the first formation eye is fake, then this second formation eye is real. !”

Such a relaxed look also made the old people of Tianji Sect, old farmers, and even the saints of Shenxing Sect feel cold in their hearts. A saint from the Eastern Region paid his life for this, and he just made such an understatement and didn't even care. Is it possible that they really as humble as a tool man.

Watch the group of people continue to move forward.

But they were not happy at all.

This time the formation was cracked.

What about next time?

Another trial and error.

Who will you choose?

Is it yourself?

Or him?

Even the saint of the Shenxing Sect felt a little sinking in his heart, but after looking at the old man of the Tianji Sect and the old farmer, he relaxed slightly. With these two people, he might still be behind when he tried and made mistakes. Besides, if it was really a last resort, he wouldn't He thought his life was worse than these ferocious birds under his feet.

After all, he is also their partner, and they built the Eastern Region Academy together. Even if his status is not as important as these holy sons, is it still more than enough compared to the holy birds?



The eyes of the old man of Tianji Sect were desolate, and he was saddened by the death of a rabbit. He also saw the intention of the saint of Shenxing Sect, and felt that his idea was really ridiculous. Even the lives of saints like them are not valuable. Why is the life of your saint of Shenxing Sect worth more than that of a holy bird, just because of cooperation? ?


They probably want the Saint of the Eastern Territory to die so that they can completely occupy the Eastern Territory, so how can they care about your life? He regrets coming here, and even more regrets why he is not with Chu Xun. Even if he is slow to dismantle the formation, it is better than being a scapegoat. Want to be stronger?

Thinking of Chu Xun.

He couldn't help but look back.

But this one look.

His body stiffened.

He froze there.



"How is it possible???"

He was shocked. Although they were blocked by the large array for a day, Chu Xun could break several small arrays in a day, even if it was more than ten. But who would have thought that Chu Xun had come not far behind them. The distance they had crossed in a few days was easily caught up by Chu Xun.

"How is it possible!"

He murmured repeatedly in shock.

His heart was in turmoil.

The old farmer was already desperate and ready to face the fate of the next test of the array eye. He also felt that the saint of Tianji Sect was lagging behind, and couldn't help but say depressedly: "It's useless. If you don't follow them, they will kill you immediately. Now there is still a glimmer of hope. Although this large array is terrifying, it won't let us all run into it!"



The old man of Tianji Sect swallowed wildly.

He had no time to listen.

The old farmer also turned his head to look, and then his footsteps also froze there, and the movement of opening his mouth became stiff. He just stared at the old man in green behind him. He could even see the subtle expression of the other party.

The son of the South Heaven Temple.

The Buddhist son of Ruochan Temple.

The Buddhist son of the Holy Fire Sect.

Even the three-legged golden crow, the lion, and the black dragon also froze at you when they turned back. Even the saints from the outside world were like this. They saw with their own eyes that the formation that blocked them was easily broken by this person, as if they were strolling in their own backyard.

The Buddhist saint of Ruochan Temple felt like he had suffered a major blow. He stared at Chu Xun and said with rapid breathing: "I have been to that place just now. There is a medium-sized formation inside that trapped me for six hours. He will not break it so easily...!"

Before he finished speaking.

He saw Chu Xun walk in.


Walk out!

From beginning to end.

Not even a few breaths.


Dead silence!

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