In nothingness.

Thousands of formations remain.

They are deeply involved.

Damaging small formations one after another will not help at all, because the formations will heal themselves. As the formation eyes are destroyed and repaired by the huge formation diagram, those damaged formation eyes will heal again. Once completed, they will be restored to the same state as before. The formation was broken in vain, and this discovery also made Chu Xun's heart sink slightly.

Just now, he felt that these people were a little too casual in breaking the formation. How could such a huge formation condensed in the void be so easy to crack? Now he sees that the place where these people first cracked has been Healed and transformed into a small formation again, his heart sank completely.

"This formation!"

"It's hanging!"

he whispered.

Even if this is just a clone.

If you die, you will be here.

It's also a loss.

What's more.

This clone also carries the Ivy Sword.

Once lost.

But it’s really left here.


Saint of Nantian Temple.

Saints of the Holy Fire Cult.

Three-legged golden crow.

Black dragon.

Seeing the Buddhist monk from Ruochan Temple sitting cross-legged without moving for two quarters of an hour, he frowned and said, "It was so easy to break the formation before, but you are in trouble?"

The Buddhist saint of Ruochen Temple opened his Buddha eyes and showed solemnity, and said: "This huge formation has thousands of small formations connected, including hundreds of medium-sized formations, and dozens of large formations. Now we are trapped." It’s a medium-sized formation!”

The Buddha disciples of Ruochan Temple understood and looked up at the huge swords hanging in the sky. They looked like terrifying killing weapons and said softly: "In other words, all these formations are one big formation. But it includes small formations, medium formations, and large formations!”

"Hundreds of small formations are connected to form a medium-sized formation!"

"There are dozens more medium-sized formations forming a large formation!"

"The last thing is the formation diagram of these dozens of large formations condensed on the sky!"


The Buddhist sage from the Ruo Zen Temple nodded slightly.

Then the cracking began.

On the one hand, it is based on what you have learned.

While deducing the secret disk.

Follow the tips above.

Keep cracking.

Half a day later.


As a formation eye in the void was shattered, the suppression here suddenly disappeared. A group of people showed joy and stepped forward. The saint of Tianji Sect also looked back from a distance. At this time, only a blurry figure could be seen. Still standing there quietly, motionless, like a clay statue.


The saint of Shenxing Sect also had a sneer on his lips.

There are no outside saints.

There is no secret disk.

Why break the formation?

So what if we sweep across the Eastern Region?

It’s not like I’m going to die here!

"Since you can't crack it, then learn it!" Chu Xun's eyes were full of waves. If he imitated the saints of Ruochan Temple, he thought he could do better and crack the formation faster, but in the end, he would only treat the symptoms but not the root cause. Maybe it will end up being all in vain. Instead of that, it is better to learn this formation and study the Taoist scriptures in the Sutra Pavilion.

Read this.

Then he sat cross-legged.

Really free your mind.

The mind is immersed in this great formation.

at the same time.

Sutra Pavilion.

Chu Xun opened his eyes leisurely. He also knew about the ruins. Now with a wave of his sleeves, the scriptures about formations in the Sutra Pavilion appeared in front of him. Not only was he avatar in the ruins to learn the formations, but also Even I am studying these books about formations, and my attainments in formations are progressing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Three days later.

Within the ruins.

The old man of Tianji Sect is still paying attention to Chu Xun's condition. Now they can only see a black spot in the distance from behind. But now the small black spot that has been silent for many days suddenly moves, which makes the old man of Tianji Sect feel emotional. The cloudy eyes were driven away, and some were just secretly happy: after so many days, he finally moved.

Saint of Nantian Temple.

Saints of the Holy Fire Cult.

Saint of Shenxing Sect.

These people also looked away with gloomy expressions. Even if they said they didn't care, they were still concerned in their hearts. After all, they were people who could compete with the Zhenwu Great Sage. But if they spoke with contempt, if they looked down on that person in their hearts, That's really stupid. Even the Buddhist saint of Ruochan Temple who cracked the formation paused slightly. Even if he didn't turn around, his consciousness was still paying attention to the rear.

A quarter of an hour later.


There was a sound of the formation cracking.

Then I saw the black spot.

Move forward a little.



"That's it?"

Even the Holy Son of the Holy Fire Cult has weird eyes. He wasted three days there pretending to be there, and now he wasted so long on cracking the first small formation. Thinking of the countless formations along the way, and the combined medium-sized formations. He looked strange and said, "Then this is enough for him!"

Saint of Nantian Temple.

Saints of the Holy Fire Cult.

If the Zen Temple is a Buddhist saint.

Even though these three people did not speak, their expressions told them to relax completely and no longer care. The Buddhist Saint of Ruozen Temple also concentrated on breaking the formation and no longer paid attention to the latter.


at the rear.

Chu Xun's eyes were full of excitement and joy after cracking the formation, and he murmured: "This method has really worked. You can learn, repair, and slightly change the formation skills without damaging it at all!"


He comprehended the second small formation.

The third small formation.

The fourth small formation.

The fifth small formation.

If the first formation trapped him for a quarter of an hour, the second one took several minutes faster, and each formation was getting faster. In the end, he could break dozens or even hundreds of formations in a quarter of an hour.




The later the stage.

These small formations that trapped him.

Just take a look.

Raise your hand and they will disintegrate.

Only the medium-sized formations slightly blocked him.

And the formation that Chu Xun broke was completely different from the former. If the method of the Zen temple saint was to use the Tianji disk to find the array eye of the array diagram, and then damage it, causing the array to fail and shuttle through; and although this method can be used, the side effects are also obvious. The formations along the way will be healed, directly cutting off the retreat. If you want to go back, you need to break it again.

Instead, he repaired and rebuilt, changing the subtle lines of each small formation, which made it easy for him to pass through small formations along the way. Even if he wanted to go back, it would only take a thought. Moreover, the formations he had repaired would always be feasible, not a place where the center of the formation could only be used temporarily.

The method between the two.

Although both are to break the formation.

But the effectiveness is worlds apart.

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