Inside the restaurant.

The silver-haired young man from the Nantian Temple took a sip of wine and played with the wine glass with a playful look. They naturally knew what the Saint of the Shenxing Sect meant. It happened that they also had this intention. If there was a local snake leading the way, it would be convenient to do things everywhere.

After hearing the proposal of the Saint of the Shenxing Sect, he slowly nodded and said, "I have no objection to the Nantian Temple, and I am willing to take out three saint-level cultivation methods to build the school together!"

The Saint of the Shenxing Sect's eyes lit up.

Three saint-level skills.

The sincerity is already full.

Look at the next two.

The Buddhist monk of Ruo Zen Temple chanted: "Amitabha!" and then said: "My Buddhist sect also collected some skills. I am willing to take out 3,000 Buddhist scriptures, 100 human emperor-level books, and 10 saint-level books for the monks in the Eastern Region to read!"

This overwhelming number made even the Southern Heaven Palace and the Holy Fire Sect stiffen slightly, and then their eyes gradually became deep. Realizing the reason of the Buddhist monk, I am afraid that he still wants to take this opportunity to pass on Buddhism to the Eastern Region. After all, the power of Buddhism was previously limited to the Western Region, and now it wants to expand its power.

The saint of the Shenxing Sect also frowned slightly. How could he not know the intention of the Buddhist monk? However, thinking of the current situation in the Eastern Region, if they did not join forces to fight, they might be eaten away without leaving any residue, so he also said: "Yes!"

The Holy Fire Sect then expressed its position.

Get a satisfactory answer.

The saint of the Shenxing Sect also nodded slightly.

Raise the cup.

Drink together.

Then he left.

Since the goal has been achieved, there is no need to accompany the juniors for a drink. If the people behind these people are willing to show up, he doesn't mind doing it for a while. But the people from these forces obviously look down on him, so there is no need to stick to the hot ass with a cold face. As long as he achieves his goal, it doesn't matter if he loses some face.

Silver-haired young man.

Buddhist son.

Holy Fire Sect Holy Son.

The three of them also looked at each other with a smile on their faces. How could they not know the significance of the saint of the Shenxing Sect? If it was an ordinary force, they would not mind helping out, even if they destroyed the other party's sect, it happened to be an opportunity to show themselves, but since it was that person, they needed to be cautious.

They didn't know Chu Xun.

They didn't know how powerful he was.

But they knew the Great Saint Zhenwu.

Since Chu Xun was qualified to compete with the Great Saint Zhenwu at the same age, his talent and potential were unquestionable. Even if he was silent for a period of time and accumulated strength for a short period of time, his strength would soar to a terrifying level. It would be fine if such a person was not offended, but if he was offended, he would be directly killed without any room for retaliation.

"Although the saints of the Shenxing Sect have some friendship with us, it is not worth offending any of them!" The silver-haired young man shook his head slightly. This was not only their intention, but also the saints behind them tacitly agreed. Otherwise, it would not only be them who would meet the saints of the Shenxing Sect today, but also those powerful saints.

"Tsk tsk!"

The son of the Holy Fire Sect laughed unruly.

Standing in front of the window of the restaurant.

Looking down.

Also showing interest.

The four major forces.

Join forces to create a school.

Even if their real purpose is not this, if it is really successful, it will also have a profound meaning, attracting the pride of the entire Eastern Region. At that time, they can also take advantage of the opportunity to guide those extremely outstanding talents to their own sect, which is equivalent to making the entire Eastern Region an affiliate, which is also a merit.

If the Buddhist son of the Ruo Zen Temple also has a smile on his face, waiting for the opening of the school, Buddhism will spread to the Eastern Region and gain a large number of believers. This is also a merit for him. No matter what the ultimate purpose of this trip is, it is not a loss for now.

The silver-haired young man in the Nantian Temple narrowed his eyes slightly, looked towards the Donglin Sect, and said: "Whether the East Region Academy can progress smoothly depends on whose intention. If he insists on blocking the construction of the academy, it may not be able to be built smoothly!"


The news was deliberately spread.

Spread to the East Region.

But in just two or three days.

Everyone knew about the incident.

At the same time.

The style of painting also changed suddenly.

A few days ago, all the restaurants and inns in the East Region were talking about the saint of the Shenxing Sect. They were quite disdainful and ashamed of his servility, and felt that he had lost the face of the East Region. All the streets and alleys were condemning him, and even those young geniuses who originally intended to join the Shenxing Sect hesitated. Does such a sect have a future?

But the news spread.

The Shenxing Sect joined.

The Nantian Temple in the South Region.

The Ruo Zen Temple in the West Region.

The Holy Fire Sect in the North Region.

Jointly established a academy.

The East Region Academy.

Not only that, the four major forces decided to each bring out several holy realm exercises to fill the vacancies in the academy, and the saints of the four major forces took turns to sit in charge. If there were any confusions in cultivation, they could ask the saints for guidance. When the news came out, it set off an uproar, and even the predecessors who had already been ranked as human emperors were tempted.

Saints’ guidance.

This alone.

It was enough to attract countless people.

This made the style of the East Region change suddenly. Those geniuses used to have only the choice of Shenxing Sect, Tianji Sect, and Donglin Sect, but now this supreme academy has emerged, and there are no restrictions. If you don’t want to stay in the academy, you can leave on your own. There is no bondage or restriction. It is simply teaching without distinction.

Various benefits.

Talk about them one by one.

Naturally triggered a frenzy.

That day.

Countless practitioners rushed to Tianfeng City. When they saw that a silver-free mountain range on the right side of Tianfeng City was razed to the ground, they found that powerful practitioners from the Shenxing Sect, Ruochan Temple, Nantian Temple, and the Holy Fire Sect were working on the construction. One by one, formation stones with intricate runes were taken out and driven into the ground to become the foundation. The grand scene was so magnificent that even the Human Emperor trembled with fear.

Everyone was glad to realize that this was really going to build a supreme academy, otherwise it would not have cost so much. For a while, they rushed to tell each other, and the news instantly spread across the Eastern Region, making countless geniuses look forward to the opening of this academy.

At the same time.

However, some people showed hesitation.

Nantian Temple.

Ruochan Temple.

Holy Fire Sect.

After all, it was an external force. Is it possible to be so unconditionally good to the Eastern Region? However, some people still firmly believed that there would be no problems. After all, the saints of the Shenxing Sect participated in it, and it was definitely right to have a saint to guarantee it.

Xuanwang Palace.

Fuyue Sect.

Wanjian Sect.

Wanbao Chamber of Commerce.

And so on and so forth.

These forces sighed softly when they heard the words, showing regretful expressions, and their faces were sad and bitter. Originally, their lives were not easy after the Donglin Sect became the only one in power. Fortunately, the Donglin Sect recruited limited geniuses and could give them a sip of soup. Now once this academy is built, everything will be over.

Donglin Sect.

Dongyu Academy.

The two confronted each other.

They turned into giants fighting.

Even if there are still some geniuses left, they should join the Shenxing Sect, the Shennv Sect, and the Tianji Sect. When these holy places are divided up, only a few broken copper and iron are left. At that time, they will not even have soup to drink. This is undoubtedly dark for them.

The master of the Xuanwang Palace was even more worried. The East Domain Academy was within his domain. If the academy was built, who would come to their power at such a close distance? They could only look in the direction of the Donglin Sect with expectation and muttered: "This is shaking the foundation of the Donglin Sect. Who should not allow it!"

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