Such a sight.

Everyone in the city has been alarmed.

Seeing that any one of those three terrifying ferocious birds could devour a city, there was both fear and panic in his eyes. Where were the strong men from the Eastern Region at this time?

seems to be responding to them.

A man in blue and white Taoist robes walked out. He had a thin face but bright eyes. He looked at the young people, bowed slightly and saluted: "I have seen the Holy Son of Nantian Temple and the Buddha of Ruochan Temple." , the holy fire teaches the disciples of Buddhism!”


The faces of the people in the city were confused. Why did the saints of the Shenxing Sect salute these juniors when they came? Aren't they supposed to salute the saints of the Shenxing Sect?

But the next scene.

But it caused a fire in people's hearts.

"Yeah!" The two silver-haired young men nodded slightly.

"Amitabha!" The Buddha returned the salute by raising ten with one hand.

The Holy Son of the Holy Fire Sect also nodded calmly.

The three people acted like this, as if they should have been baptized by the saints. This made the people in Tianfeng City feel nameless anger. Why, they were just a few juniors, who gave him the courage to be so arrogant?

But the scene that happened next made their hearts feel cold. Not only did the Shenxing Sect saint not get angry, but he said in a gentle tone: "There happens to be a good tavern in this city. If you don't mind, come and drink with me!"


The silver-haired young man nodded slightly.

A group of people fell downwards.

There are saints from the Shenxing Sect leading the way.

This scene.

In the eyes of others, there is a chill in my heart, because the saint of Shenxing Sect is too much like a running dog. Even if the status of several young people from the outside world is outrageous, there is no need for the saint to be so condescending. This is deliberate flattery. External forces?

It's just that they can't figure it out.

What’s the point of doing this!

Tianji Sect.

The old man holding the Heavenly Secret Disk sighed softly when he saw this scene. Perhaps to others, it was the first time that people from the outside world appeared, but he knew that this group of people had come to the Eastern Region for the third time. I came to look for him, but was politely rejected. The current posture of the Shenxing Sect saint clearly showed that he had surrendered, or was willing to cooperate with him.

The news came.

Quickly swept across the Eastern Region.

Xuanwang Palace.

Floating Moon Sect.

Wan Jian Zong.

Wanbao Chamber of Commerce.


These forces all heard about what happened in Tianfeng City, and they all went from being surprised at first to being shocked and ashamed later. The dignified saint of Shenxing Sect not only represents the face of Shenxing Sect, but also the face of the saint. However, just a few It would be too embarrassing for a junior to figure it out.

Goddess Sect.

Chu Yaoyao's beautiful eyes were also filled with anger, and she felt aggrieved. Even if the practitioners in the outside world were slightly higher than those in the Eastern Region, as a saint, there was no need to lower one's status. Even if the other saint came, he was qualified to be equal, let alone how few A junior?


The old woman on crutches sighed, looked in the direction of Donglin Sect, and said complicatedly: "He put too much pressure on him!"

Chu Yaoyao was silent.

There was silence.

Knowing that the Donglin Sect is now at its peak, and the Shenxing Sect has problems with the Donglin Sect, even if we don’t take action, we can see from the apprenticeship ceremony some time ago that even if it continues like this, the Shenxing Sect will slowly be worn away. After passing away, I have to look for variables, but why?

"If a saint from the Shenxing Sect wants to ask for help from others, he should naturally keep his posture low!" the old woman said with emotion.

"Master, what do you know?" Chu Yaoyao's face was filled with confusion.


The old woman on crutches nodded slightly and said: "This group of people from the outside world are looking for something in the Eastern Region. I don't know exactly what it is, but it requires a lot of manpower and a decent name. Otherwise, Huangtian Palace does not allow other forces to interfere with other forces like this!"


Chu Yaoyao nodded. After her master's popular science, she also knew where the Master mentioned the Huangtian Palace. It was a supreme palace, detached from the outside and overlooking the four regions of the Huangzhou. No one dared to go against its will.

But Chu Yaoyao still had a look of confusion on her face. Even if there were outside forces, would they be willing to offend Chu Xun? After all, Elder Chu was not an ordinary saint. He swept across the Eastern Territory a year ago, and his current cultivation level is only Unfathomably deeper.

"Of course not!"

"Both of you, let's each take what we need!"

The old woman's turbid eyes were full of complexity. She did not expect that the Eastern Region, which had been peaceful for more than a year, would be in trouble again. She also said: "The forces from the outside want to build a school jointly with the Shenxing Sect."

"Eastern Academy!"

"The supreme institution of learning!"

"Led by the saint of Shenxing Sect!"

"Southern Territory Nantian Palace!"

"Western Region Ruozen Temple!"

"The Northern Territory Holy Fire Cult has settled in!"

"At that time, a supreme university will be established."

Chu Yaoyao trembled for no reason when she heard this. If it was true, she could imagine what kind of storm it would cause. A power with the Four Saints at its command would directly surpass the Donglin Sect in terms of attraction. Not only that, the four powers also decided to devote a lot of resources and The Holy Level Cultivation Method fills the vacancies in the academy, and once it is formed, it will turn into a craze.

This is undoubtedly a shock and provocation to the Donglin Sect. At the same time, the Shenxing Sect's current predicament can also be directly resolved. Not only that, it can also achieve overtake with the help of the names of the three major forces.

"I understand!" Chu Yaoyao was silent.

If this is the case, it is understandable that the saints of the Shenxing Sect would lower their posture, but they only lost a little face, but the gains in exchange can be clearly seen. The sect's background can be seen from the fact that when the three major forces came, they all used holy beasts as their servants. When the time comes, the Shenxing Sect will truly rise, but his eyes are also full of loss and anxiety, and he said: "Then they haven't asked you?"

The old woman from the Goddess Palace shook her head slightly and said: "My sect is all women, so it is not appropriate to participate in such matters!"

There was just one thing she didn't say.

Nantian Temple.

Ruozen Temple.

Holy Fire Cult.

Obviously looking for something in the Eastern Region.

That’s fine if I didn’t find it.

Once found.

Then the remaining manpower will be withdrawn. At that time, the once glorious Eastern Region Academy will be empty-handed. Not only will it not be good, but it may also involve a lot of troubles. It is better to let it fend for itself. After all, their foundation is elsewhere. Several regions will not stay in the Eastern Region for a long time.

"Oh!" Chu Yaoyao looked dazed and understood, but she didn't ask the Shenxing Sect saint if he couldn't see the stupidity of this point. Since the saint had a plan, he would definitely gain something; otherwise, he would lose face and surrender. Is it what a saint does to work in vain without losing his identity?

But he also looked silently in the direction of Donglin Sect. The saint of Shenxing Sect was obviously provoking trouble. It was impossible for him not to notice it, and what would he do to deal with it?

Kill directly?

Thinking about it, it is impossible. This would be too overbearing and strong. Besides, the saints of the Shenxing Sect are all on the outside world. Chu Xun is not allowed to kill the saints of the Shenxing Sect before they get what they want. Thinking of this, he said complicatedly: "I didn't expect that the situation in the Eastern Region would become even more chaotic!"

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