Although Lala's invention has the property of killing at first sight, it has never killed anyone.

So if you think of it as a prank, it's actually quite funny.


As soon as we arrived at the place where everyone lived in Eden Star, it collapsed.

Xiao Yichen looked at Mengmeng beside him.

Mengmeng looked calm: "Just get used to it, they are more lively."

This kind of relationship thing has happened - more than once!

Xiao Yichen only felt awkward and energetic.

In the ruins, a collapsed wall was lifted.


Coughing, the person who pushed the wall saw Xiao Yichen.

He immediately pounced over: "Chen-chan!"

Xiao Yichen blew lightly, and the breath turned into a soft force that enveloped him.

The dust and filth were cleared away.

He opened his arms and caught the other person: "La La, you seem to have gained weight."

Lala tilted her head in confusion: "Is there any?"

Xiao Yichen grabbed her restless tail and said, "You are also a bad learner."


Lala rubbed against Xiao Yichen hard.

They are very familiar with each other now. She has made a lot of troubles before. Every time she does this, Xiao Yichen will calm down.

This time she repeated her old tricks.

Xiao Yichen wasn't angry to begin with, after all, Lala didn't cause trouble this time.

But Lala had such a good figure, and there was no reason for him to push out the benefits that came to his door.


A flash of sword light flashed, and the waste quilt was cut in the middle.

A blue-haired girl walked out of it first.

When she saw Mengmeng, she immediately stepped forward and apologized: "I'm sorry for causing you trouble again."

Lala poked her head out of Xiao Yichen's arms: "It's not their fault this time, it was my invention that accidentally went wrong.

Xiao Yichen said: "That kind of thing doesn't matter."

His pupils suddenly changed, and with the power of 'Shaoming Vigana', all the ruins were reduced to the size of dust.

Then he said to the few people who were originally buried in the ruins: "I want to go to the place where you just arrived in this universe. Can you please help lead the way?"

The black hedgehog-headed Xiqi asked curiously: "Is that your ability just now? It's so awesome! Come be my friend!"

Xiao Yichen smiled: "Friends' things are easy to talk about. Take me over first to have a look. You don't want to be trapped in this world forever, right?"

Xiqi scratched his hair: "Eh? Can you leave now?"

Xiao Yichen said: "I'm not very sure. I met someone in the same situation as you once before. When we helped her, we were almost wiped out."

Waiz Shutena, who had blond hair styled in a slanted back and right side bangs, and was wearing a blue-green trench coat, black shoulder pads and dark blue boots, frowned and asked: "Is it so dangerous to cross the universe?"

Xiao Yichen was convinced: "It seems you still haven't understood the situation."

Rebecca Brugardian, who had long curly chestnut hair, asked in shock: "What's going on?"

Xiao Yichen said: "This place does not belong to the world community where you were originally."

Rebecca was confused: "World community, what is that?"

Xiao Yichen explained: "It's normal not to understand. This is a term I temporarily summarized. To give a simple example -

While sorting out his thoughts, he explained: "The Sakura Universe, Sunflower Universe, Maple Leaf Universe, and Snow Universe that you know all belong to one system, which I call a world community.

Yan Jiangyue came to the conclusion without realizing it: "So this place is not in the world community where we are originally?"

Xiao Yichen nodded.

Rebecca exclaimed: "Huh? Real or fake?"

Vaiz rubbed his chin: "It seems possible that the universe cannot be crossed, and the B cube cannot be landed. This is obviously abnormal.

They have checked it many times and can't find any problems at all on Eden Planet.

Xiao Yichen shrugged: "I've also watched anime related to Mengmeng and the others, and there's nothing about them.

"It may also be that after someone completed the creation, the corresponding information spread to the outside world, and under the influence of certain reasons, the world was finally formed."

While everyone was talking, they boarded the Eden Star Plain.

In this case, the reason for not being able to cross the world can only be attributed to external causes.

"Not every world community is willing to contact other world communities."

Shi Feixuan and Shi Qingxuan are not the same person at all!

Fu Junma and Sister-in-law Zhen forcefully act together, don't they think they're going to be funny?

Although there are TV series that have changed, the plot deviation is too big. It is certain that the world of Huan Huan has nothing to do with the content of the TV series.

Xiao Yichen: "Animation is an industry that only emerged in modern times, but in fact it is not just that, the world involved in novels, which appeared earlier, actually also exists.

There is a close relationship between the Evil King and the Evil Emperor's relics!

Huanwan is a character in the novel.

The black technology invented by Lala can only last for a moment.

Vaiz captured the key point, "Since you said it is normally difficult to cross between world communities, how did you get to other communities? Also, you seem to know our world

"And between different world communities, theoretically it should be impossible to cross over."

It was just a harbinger of the collision between the two worlds, and almost all of them were wiped out.

It would be better for Shen Luoyan and Yun Yuzhen not to get together.

"The specific reason is currently unavailable."

Lala and the witch Rigret went to start the spacecraft together, and in a blink of an eye the spacecraft was flying high into the sky.

Xiao Yichen said: "How should I explain it to you? In the simplest terms, it is probably that I have watched anime related to you."

"The specific reason is that I am not strong enough now to explore.

"We can't understand these, and we don't need to understand them for the time being."


"Maybe it's because of the inadvertent slight interference between worlds that one world has information about another world."

Everyone: "Huh?"

"What we have to do is to survive this big trouble as much as possible, and that's it."

"However, I can tell you clearly————"

"Not every world is willing to accept outsiders."

Everyone: "It's already weird, okay!"

The immortality of Horaishan Kaguya cannot last until the end.

Xiao Yichen summarizes the meaning this way. .

"The world community you are in has a coexistence relationship among the universes, so it is not difficult to cross.

"After all, the cause and effect between them are not connected. Once they can interfere with each other, the original line of cause and effect will inevitably be disrupted.

"Of course, now you have crossed that line, and you are not the first case, and you are probably not the last case."

Zeref paid the price with his life, but in the end he could only last a little longer than Horaishan Kaguya.

"Last time we were in a very exclusive world community and witnessed the collision of two worlds."

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