Group Chat: If You Want To Be Rich, Plant Trees First

Chapter 24: Be Prepared For Danger In Times Of Peace

The negotiations lasted for three days, with a full 20 hours of intense verbal exchanges.

The final result is that both parties put aside their disputes and jointly develop Mars.

As a condition for SEED to step back, the new unified government will share some core technologies.

At the same time, we must obey the general direction of SEED without compromising our own interests.

Of course, just listen to this picture.

You still have to be on guard.

But it’s the honeymoon period for the time being, so there shouldn’t be any problems in a short period of time.

Xiao Yichen stayed here for a while, and did not leave until the new unified government immigrated an agreed part of the population to Mars.

"As long as everything is fine at home!"

As soon as he came back, Xiao Yichen turned on his perception to the maximum and carefully explored all the observable areas.

Demeter was confused: "What's wrong?"

Xiao Yichen intervened in the world and told her if people from other worlds invaded.

He glanced at Aisha who was eating snacks and playing games: "She is the first example to be discovered."

Demeter pondered for a moment: "Don't we count?"

Xiao Yichen said: "It counts, but we 643 crossed over on our own initiative, and they entered by accident."

Aisha turned back blankly: "What's wrong with me?"

Xiao Yichen didn't even look at her: "It's okay, you can continue."

Aisha didn't doubt it either: "Oh."

Then, as expected, we continued to eat and play.

Demeter thought thoughtfully: "Do you suspect that world interference will occur frequently in the future?"

Xiao Yichen shook his head: "I'm afraid it's not just 'in the future'.

Demeter was silent.

Time generally refers to the length of time. For example, one rotation of the earth is one day, one revolution is one year, and days and years are both units of time.

Currently, now.

All of a sudden.

Wherever the past, present, and future flow and become infinite, relative to space.

On some levels, time is actually a false concept.

Xiao Yichen can transcend time and even personally change the history of the world of war.

So, can others do the same?

After all, regardless of whether the concept of time exists or not, there is no relationship at all between worlds and time.

It was okay when we didn't interfere with each other before. Now that we have begun to interfere, why do we have to interfere in the present or the future instead of the past?

It would be okay if we only encountered outsiders in the present and future, but if even the past was affected, the world would definitely be in chaos.

If you are not careful, many people will directly lose the reason for their existence.

Originally, Xiao Yichen was not in a hurry to increase his ability points, but now he had to consider putting this matter on the agenda as soon as possible.

After a long while, Dimit asked: "What are you going to do?"

Xiao Yichen replied: "In short, let's mention the parts that can be improved first."

Dimit nodded: "That's fine."

Xiao Yichen: [@misakamikoto, do me a favor. 】

Misaka Mikoto:【What are you busy with?】

Xiao Yichen: [I plan to find someone to brush my ability points, and I need a group member to come and sit in case of emergencies. 】

Misaka Mikoto: [This... okay, I have no problem here. 】

There are 20,000 Misaka sisters in Mars, and she can't let them go.

in addition.

After escaping from the confines of Academy City, she is now helping Lyu, but there is not much she can do.

Misaka Mikoto smiled sheepishly: "Thank you, please take care of them during this period.

The hesitation just now was due to Liu Shangxing.

Mengmeng breathed a sigh of relief: "Actually, they are also trying to find a way to go back, but they can't seem to find a way, so they ask other countries for help."

Mengmeng took Xiao Yichen to the residence of the group in Eden Star Plain.

"Is this Mars?"

After traveling through time, Misaka Mikoto couldn't help but look at the surrounding situation curiously.

The world view of Eden Star originally involves multiple universes.

Of course, the setting that something will go wrong the first time it is invented is the same as always. .

If it was really an intrusion, it should be...

There are sections that span time and there are sections that jump through space.

It seems that Xiqi Granbell and others were drawn into the world of TO-LOVE when they crossed the universe or jumped in space.

Xiao Yichen didn't say anything more and went directly to the TO-LOVE world.

Xiao Yichen nodded: "Let's meet, I plan to go and see where they came to this universe."

As for the guy on Uncle Jiu's side, I don't know if he is Kuang Guohua or Kuang Tianyou.

Although she has become a woman, Lala's temperament has not changed much.

Like Fairy Tail, the Pig's Knuckle Team of Eden Star Plain is also not something that can make people worry-free.

In addition to the Fairy Tail world, the TO-LOVE world, the SEED world, the battle world, the Naruto world, and the Xingyue world are all permanently open to him.

Xiao Yichen shook his head: "The danger may be there, but it's not as serious as you think. The world of Xingyue is xenophobic, so the reaction is so intense. And the world of Eden Star... is quite chaotic anyway."

After getting Liu's consent, she no longer had any scruples.

Mengmeng was watering the flowers and was not surprised to see him coming: "They are guests in Debi Luke now. Do you want to meet them?"

Demeter pulled her to sit next to her: "It's not troublesome, they are such cute children after all, I like them very much.

Xiao Yichen said: "Lord Shangshen, I'm going out for a while."

Xiao Yichen said: "This is a Mars base. If you are interested in Mars, you have to go outside the base."

Xiao Yichen smiled: "Then they came to Debi Luke to ask for Lala's help?"

The new unified government jumped directly to the SEED world during the space jump.

Xiao Yichen nodded: "So I just went over to take a look. If you can see it, it's good. If you can't, it's just running errands."

Dimit nodded: "Well, you go ahead."

Mengmeng also showed a slightly evil smile: "It is true, my sister is helping them adjust the spacecraft.

I really can't tell what the specific situation is.

Demeter smiled and waved to her: "Your sisters are very cute, and so are you.

Misaka Mikoto did not rush out, but said hello to Demeter first: "Are you Demeter-sama? I have long admired your (cgee) name!"

Mengmeng frowned: "Isn't it too dangerous?"

On the way, Mengmeng asked: "I remember that the reason why I was able to push the passage to a foreign land was because Miss Aisha had the corresponding abilities. Rebecca and the others shouldn't have that ability, right?"

But they were indoors and underground, so they saw nothing.

As a result, the two sides could not reach an agreement and caused many troubles.

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