Murasame Reine is really clingy, and she stays clingy for days.

Whatever should happen, whatever should not happen, has already happened anyway.

And Tobiichi Origami is no less generous.

Thanks to them, Xiao Yichen learned what it means to live in a state of drunkenness, dream of death, and enjoy the blessing of all people.

"The adjustment plan has been made. You can just adjust it slowly later."

Although he was enjoying himself, he did not forget about business.

After sorting out the changes in this world, we also completed the plan to transform the world of Mars.

Wuhe Shizhi took it and took a look at it, then handed it to Wuhe Kotori.

can't read.

I can't understand it at all!

Let alone her, Mengmeng is probably the only one in the group who can understand, and Tony should be able to understand about half of it.

None of the others are in this major, and some are even students, so it’s strange that they can understand.

Of course Itsuka Kotori couldn't understand it, but she was the commander of Ratatosk and had many talented subordinates.

It may be difficult to fully understand Xiao Yichen's techniques, but if you follow them step by step, it's not a problem at all.

At this moment, the little Loli's eyes are not eyes, and her nose is not a nose: "Hey, please restrain yourself a little, don't go too far!"

Wuhe Shizhi was embarrassed to say that she had no scruples in her commander state.

Before Xiao Yichen could reply, Tokisaki Kurumi spoke first: "I'm already very restrained, but I haven't joined yet.

Wuhe Qinli snorted coldly, said no more, stood up and left.

Tokisaki Kuangsan raised his face and said, "Dear!"

Xiao Yichen flicked her forehead with his finger: "Stop bullying Qin Li, she is still young."


Tokisaki Kurumi exclaimed, "It hurts so much!"

Xiao Yichen rolled his eyes at her: "Why does it hurt? I didn't even use any force."


Tokisaki Kuangzo stuck out his tongue, dodged and went directly to Xiao Yichen.

Wuhe Shizhi lowered his head, feeling too embarrassed to look more.

Xiao Yichen also gave up treatment and took advantage of the situation and hugged Kurumi Tokisaki.

He asked: "Do you plan to settle on Mars in the future"[?"

Wuhe Shizhi nodded: "There is indeed such a plan, and it seems that because of the development of Mars, [Ratastock] has won more support on the earth.


Over in the main world, Zhu Xia only built a moon base on the surface, but it was already very popular on the earth.

The moon is uninhabitable, too small and too close.

Mars is different. If it is fully developed, it can at least feed hundreds of millions of people.

Xiao Yichen pondered for a moment, then asked Murasame Lingyin: "What about you? Leave with me, or stay?"

Murasame Reine obviously had plans: "I plan to stay."

Xiao Yichen nodded: "That's fine."

Facts have proved that the origin elves were born in the world of war, and they can only grow normally in the world of war.

Changing to other worlds would only restrict her future.

"There is another reason why I stay -"

"I left this world with you when I was a newborn. It was fine at first, but then I became a little malnourished.

"At that time, I was ignorant and didn't understand anything."

"It wasn't until I came back and after thirty years of experience that I understood the truth."

"According to my calculations, I will probably have to grow up in this world for about a thousand years to ensure that I will not be affected at all after I leave the world.

Murasame spoke eloquently, telling the whole story about her situation.

Xiao Yichen was not surprised.

Just like a newborn child needs to be nurtured by its parents, she can be regarded as a child of this world.

Before you 'grow up', it's normal not to be able to run around.

"Did the time you left before have a big impact on you?"

Compared to those minutiae, Yichen cares more about this.

Murasame shook her head: "It's not a big problem. After all, compared to the life span and growth period, the time I left was actually very short."

Xiao Yichen nodded: "That's good."

As long as people are fine, everything is easy to say.

He just comes here often to visit, and he really doesn't need to spend that much now.

Lux Klein: [@everyone, there seems to be a problem on my end. 】

Xiao Yichen:【What problem?】

Lux Klein:【Photo.JPG】

In the photo, there is a spaceship that is obviously completely different from the SEED world standard, and it is also a whole fleet.

Mi Toma:【Alien?】

Rimuru Tempest: [Maybe he is from another world. 】

Qingque: [Can’t it be someone from the future? 】

Zhang Chulan:【Do you know anyone?】

Xiao Yichen: [It’s better to just go and take a look. 】

As soon as the words were spoken, Xiao Yichen had already arrived at Lux's side.

That fleet was just outside the solar system, so due to Lux's interference, only a few people knew of its existence.

This kind of thing cannot be hidden for long, so it must be dealt with as soon as possible.

Seeing Xiao Yichen appear, Lux seemed to have met her backbone: "What should we do now?"

Whether it's aliens, people from the future, or people from another world.

The emergence of such extraterrestrial forces will have a huge impact on the SEED world, which has just stabilized.

Even if the other party comes with the idea of ​​peace, there is no guarantee that some new changes will not occur within the complicated coalition government.

There is no need to elaborate on the cruelty of the alternation between old and new.

Xiao Yichen looked far away, with a slightly strange look on his face: "Don't worry, I'll go over and take a look first."

Lux was startled: "In the past?"

Xiao Yichen didn't answer. He relied on the power of his heavenly hand to teleport to a very far distance.

Then his figure flashed, and it didn't take much effort to reach the spaceship.

"Don't move!"

Before the people in the spacecraft took action, he took the lead in activating Shaoming Vigana, shrinking everyone's weapons to the point where they were almost invisible.

A woman with brown hair in professional attire took a step forward and asked, "Who are you?"

Xiao Yichen shook his head: "I should ask you this, but forget it, I probably already know your situation.

He turned on the live broadcast (Mo Qian Zhao) and put the picture here in the group.

Mi Toma: [Looks a bit familiar. 】

Rimuru Tempest: [Is this person Katherine Glass? 】

Zhang Chulan:【Who is that?】

Xiao Yichen: [Stop guessing, this is indeed Catherine. 】

Asuna Yuuki:【Macross F?】

Xiao Yichen:【Correct answer!】

Nakiri Erina: [In the setting of Macross, isn’t the earth already destroyed? 】

Lux Klein: [So they are really friends from another world, right? 】

Xiao Yichen: [The question now is, how do you think they should be placed?]

Lux Klein: [Yes, what should we do?]

Xiao Yichen:【You are the one in charge, right?】

Lux Klein: [No matter what, I am just an ordinary girl. The responsibilities I have now are already very heavy. If I continue to bear more burdens, I will go crazy. 】.

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