They did not express in the group what kind of transaction Aizen Sosuke and Horaiyama Kaguya conducted.

Not surprisingly, it must have been settled through private chat.

No one in the group would ask more questions.

There are so many deals negotiated in private that it would be pointless to get to the bottom of it all.



This time, as soon as I entered the world of dating, something unexpected happened.

Murasame Reine's strange reaction was second.

When he entered the world, he obviously took Mio with him, but now Mio is missing.

In this case

Xiao Yichen frowned: "Mio?"

Murasame threw herself into his arms familiarly: "Thirty years!"

Xiao Yichen straightened out all the logic in an instant: "Were you sent to thirty years ago?"

Murasame Lingyin nodded, then shook his head: "I was not sent, but I went there on my own initiative. I could have descended directly to this era, but I felt that would be very troublesome, so I went to the other side."

Xiao Yichen rubbed his eyebrows: "So, you took the initiative to guide the timeline of this world?"

Murasame smiled sweetly: "Shiori is cute, right? There are other children26 too."

Xiao Yichen brushed her hair: "Forget it, now the cause and effect have been completely fixed, your business is my business, so be it.

Murasame was tired of the sound on him, and seemed to be greedy for the smell of him.

After a long while, he suddenly laughed out loud: "It's different!"

Xiao Yichen asked: "What's different?"

His doubts were quickly answered.

"Big brother?"

Yuanyi Origami, who had just come back from outside, was stunned for a moment when he saw Xiao Yichen, and then showed a look of surprise.

She quickly came to Xiao Yichen and bowed deeply: "I finally see you again. Thank you very much!"

Xiao Yichen was confused.

But the next development is even more magical.

From the shadows, Tokisaki Kurumi quietly jumped out and kissed him gently on the face.

Xiao Yichen was even more confused now.

When did they get so close?

has a problem.

And the problem is huge!

His thoughts were racing, and he looked at Murasame Reine in his arms with some disbelief.

Murasame looked at him with a smile, as if asking for credit: "It's all yours!"

Xiao Yichen glared at her angrily: "You are the most naughty!"

Murasame Lingyin chuckled and explained everything to him with her thoughts.

The overall situation is similar to the original development route.

It's just that she has been following Xiao Yichen for a long time and has been influenced by him a lot. At the same time, she also wanted to avoid causing trouble to Xiao Yichen.

Therefore, I made some slight adjustments in my actions.

For example, he worked hard to cultivate Itsuka Shiori, used a gentler method to transform Tokisaki Kurumi into an elf, saved Tobiichi Origami's parents as Xiao Yichen, etc.

Things are not big.

But inadvertently, everything has become different.

Without the utter hatred, Tokisaki Kurumi would naturally no longer stare at her, and Tobiichi Origami would not be attracted to the elf whenever he saw her.

There are others as well, all of whom are more or less affected.

It is most difficult to accept the kindness of a beautiful woman.

Xiao Yichen would be lying if he said he wasn't moved by Mio's achievement.

However, having to take advantage of this for nothing still made him feel a little uncomfortable: "Origami, don't be so polite, we are all friends."

Then he looked at Kurumi Tokisaki again, with some doubts in his eyes.

Kurumi Tokisaki did not sell out: "My situation is quite special, you just need to know that my memory has not been completely changed.

Xiao Yichen raised an eyebrow.

Understand what she means is that she still has memories from before history was changed.

So, the kiss just now was to thank him for changing history?

Kurumi Tokisaki seemed to have seen what he was thinking: "That's not entirely true. Gratitude is one thing, but people..."

Murasame Reine once again claimed credit: "I taught Kurumi well, or you could just use it as a tune-up. In short, she is very good now."

Xiao Yichen was speechless.

Although he knew that Mio was a bit yandere, but now it seemed that the situation was probably more serious than he imagined.

However, he didn't hate it.

I picked up a group of beautiful girls for nothing, what else is there to be unhappy about?

Murasame Lingyin didn't know what was wrong, she kept sticking to him and refused to leave.

Xiao Yichen gave a few symbolic words of advice, but when she didn't listen, he just let her go.

He was actually very happy to be held by a beautiful woman who was beautiful and beautiful.

But Wuhe Shizhi was standing opposite, so he had to make some show.

"Bring me your data and let me take a look at it, so that I can determine the adjustment plan."

Feeling that it was okay for the atmosphere to continue like this, Xiao Yichen started talking about business.

Wuhe Shizhi's face was flushed, and he was obviously at a loss for the situation in front of him.

She was embarrassed to say anything more, so she could only reply: "Okay, I'll get it right away."

Then, he left as if running away.

After she left, Tobiichi Origami stopped pretending: "Please sit down, I'll prepare drinks."

After Xiao Yichen sat down with a warm greeting, she quickly fetched a drink.

Then, he sat down next to Xiao Yichen.

Xiao Yichen was stunned for a moment: "Origami?"

Murasame's voice clinging to him is understandable for now.

After all, the two of them had been getting along for a while, and the other party had been influenced a lot by him.

But what about Tobiichi Origami?

583 If it weren't for Murasame Reine's involvement, this would be the first time the two met today.

Even with Murasame Reine's cool moves, it wouldn't be so straightforward, right?

Tobi Origami hugged his arm, sniffed it hard a few times, and then said: "Brother, yes, I'm sorry! But, I really can't help it."

This person is a real yandere, and her condition is not much worse than Murasame Reine.

Xiao Yichen glared at Murasame Lingyin again. This guy must have something unsaid.

Otherwise, if it is really just a little kindness, after so many years, all you need to do is express your gratitude. Why give it away for nothing?

As if realizing that Xiao Yichen didn't hate such physical contact, Yuan Yi Origami's actions became even more unscrupulous.

She squeezed Xiao Yichen's side with all her strength and pressed some areas on Xiao Yizhen's body.

After finishing, he glanced at Murasame Reine on the other side provocatively.

Murasame Lingyin ignored her at all and just looked at Xiao Yichen, as if she wanted to see the end of the world forever.

As for Kurumi Tokisaki, who was sitting opposite, he was ignored by the two of them.

Kurumi Tokisaki was not shy either, he just enjoyed the two people's fight for favor so generously.

Hug left and right, the beauty is in your arms.

Xiao Yichen only felt the warm fragrance of nephrite, and even the tip of her nose was surrounded by the faint fragrance, as if she was in a fairyland. .

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