In Orario, the relationship between adventurers and the gods is like that between children and parents.

There are even many adventurers who have a higher than normal favorability towards their main god.

Just like Yamato Ming is to Ken Yurei, Naza Orisis is to Mihe, Hyacintos Cleo is to Apollo,

But even in this case, Orario still has the situation of clan switching camp.

So in Demeter's opinion, if it's not suitable, just find another place.

However, every place has its own rules, and everyone has their own ideas.

Tasoko may also know that she is not suitable for Totsuki, but she is burdened with too many people's expectations, but she has to do her best.

So, just like the original world line, she still had sex with Shinomiya Kojiro.

"It seems very interesting!"

Demeter has a gentle personality, so naturally she won't get angry because others don't listen to advice.

on the contrary.

After Tian Moshi made this choice, her fun-loving side was still ready to stir up.

Xiao Yichen understood the idea and asked Dojima Gin: "I am very interested in your school's shikiki system. Can we go and have a look together?"

Dojima Gin nodded: "Since the guest is interested, then of course it's okay."

This fight is very unreasonable and cannot be carried out in public.

Otherwise, Shinomiya Kojiro will bully the small ones with his big one, and his reputation will not be good, and it will be difficult for the island and this side to operate off-site.

To put it bluntly, the event itself is no longer important.

Shinomiya Kojiro needs a step, and Dojima Gin also needs a breakthrough.


"During this training camp, there are no plans to use the Totsuki Rikyu Hotel Annex."

"The kitchen is on the basement floor of the hotel. No one should disturb us here."

Gin Dojima took the Shokugeki fans Tadokoroe, Yukihira Soma, and Xiao Yichen to the secret Shokugeki location.

In addition to Xiao Yichen and others, Liu Pleiades also received a special invitation.

Of course Erina Nakiri is also there.

Tadokoro was frightened by the lineup waiting here: "Why, why are all the graduates..."

Dojima Gin smiled and explained: "I asked them to come here as reviewers, because if they do it, the judgment will definitely be biased.

So Gan Hinata was tied to a chair, with a 'guest' sign hung in front of her.

The yellow-haired Donato Wutongtian said: "It's an unofficial Shoji in the middle of the training camp, and it's still graduates VS current students. I wonder what will happen if Teacher Chapel finds out?"

Guan Shouping squinted his eyes and crossed his arms: "He will definitely be furious, right?"

Mizuhara Fuyumi, who was squatting on a chair and huddled up, whispered: "If he finds out, I will run away and throw the blame to Shinomiya."

Shinomiya Kojiro turned around and glared at her in displeasure: "I heard everything, bastard Mizuhara!"

These are probably the people participating this time.

As for Xiao Yichen and others, they just came to watch the show.

Even Liu Pleiades can only be regarded as an outside judge.

After all, they were all here for the first time, and they were not very clear about some of the judgment criteria in the Shoji.

"Then, let's start the two-on-one private competition now."

"Today's topic is to use leftover vegetables. The theme of the competition is to use these to make dishes."

"You are free to do whatever you want, but try to make dishes based on vegetables. The time limit is two hours.

"In addition, I would like to add another condition——"

"Tasokoroe, you will be the chef!"

When Dojima Gin announced the rules, it was visibly visible to the naked eye that Tadokoro Megumi was shaking nervously.

Especially when her name was called, it was almost doubtful that she would faint on the spot.

"The menu is also decided by you alone. Yukihira will help her as a chef."

Shinomiya Kojiro sneered: "I really sympathize with you, Hako.

"Tasho-kun, you are the chef!"

Yukihira Souma took a few steps forward and said, "Dojima-senpai, I was the one who initiated this shogunate, why wasn't I the chef?"

"Yukihira, what's the use of using your cooking to win and keep Tadokoro alive for a while?"

Xingping Soma was very calm: "What do you mean?"

Hinatako's expression was very ugly. She leaned close to Donato Wutongtian and Mizuhara Fuyumi and whispered quietly: "Did you hear that super annoying statement just now?"

Shinomiya Kojiro has already picked out the ingredients: "Mr. Dojima, I have already thought about what to do. Can you go cook it first?"

Shinomiya Kojiro joked: "You must feel very desperate now, right? Whether you drop out of school or not actually depends on the cooking skills of that slow girl."

"Tonight, at this time, "in front of this kitchen counter"

Dojima Gin agreed: "Yes, yes."

Donato Wutongtian didn't even cover up: "Just because Mr. Shinomiya is always like this, no woman can have a long-term relationship with him."


Gan Hinata made a big 'X' with her hands in front of her body, and then shouted: "Come on, my Xiaomei! Don't lose to that kind of dark man!"

What's rare is that he has also made quite a name for himself through this.

Shinomiya Kojiro angrily shouted: "It's so noisy!"

But Dojima Gin didn't give him a chance.

………Please give me flowers…0

After Kojiro Shinomiya graduated from Totsuki, he went to Gaul alone and opened a restaurant in Paris, a hotly contested area for gourmet food.

Nakiri Erina couldn't help but shake her head: "There is no chance of winning."

Dojima Gin said calmly: "This competition that should not have been established in the first place was started through my mediation, so you should obey my conditions."

"Then, Shikamaru—start the war!"

Liu Pleiades disagreed: “As long as you don’t give up, there is no difficulty that cannot be overcome.

To face such a successful senior in the industry, one can imagine the pressure that Tian Sohui feels.

Dojima Gin held down the stove with one hand, and looked at Toda Yoe with calm eyes.

"The fact that she is your follower will not change in any way. Sooner or later she will be eliminated in other subjects, right?"

When Dojima Gin said this, Tadokoro was scared out of the original painting!

Opening a store is actually nothing.

He pointed at Hinatako: "By the way, Hinatako, you are such a weak soul, when will you give me the rope..."

Fuyumi Mizuhara also chimed in in a low voice: "I think Shinomiya's character is really bad!"

"Whether the talents are able to stay here or not, it is up to you to demonstrate this."

Shinomiya Kojiro's forehead was full of veins: "Shut up, everyone watching!"

Xingping Soma still wanted to argue: "But..."

"In Totsuki Academy, your worth must be proven by your own ability."

"Are you going to have to come to her rescue in the future?"

As he spoke, he walked towards his stove with the ingredients.

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