Yuanyue Sariao Cuisine Academy implements elite education. At this time, there are only 980 students participating in residential training.

Just on the first day, I brushed up a lot.

Because Nakiri Erina is one of the Totsuki Ten Heroes, and with the permission of the top management, she can be exempted from the assessment.

The secretary who has been by her side—

Nito Hisako.

There is no convenience like her.

Xiao Yichen and the others did not disturb the students' intense trials and just wandered around the resort.

Only Liu Pleiades was specially invited to exchange cooking skills with some graduates.

Although it may seem impolite to ask guests for discussion, Liu Pleiades is very positive about it.

The three Mengmeng sisters were not with Xiao Yichen.

When they came to the new world, they were very interested in the creatures, environment, technology and other things here.

So we went together to explore the surroundings and enjoy the scenery.

the next day.

Totsuki dispatched all the top ten from the second grade to serve as guides, and led them to visit the residential training.

Xiao Yichen, Dimit, and Mio were led by Nakiri Erina.

"...Tasoko Hui, dropped out of school" 873

As a result, I just walked around and encountered the plot.

They stopped together and stopped to watch.

Along the way, most of the examination rooms were quite normal.

Although some candidates have lost their qualifications, the number is actually not very large.

Only here, several people have left dejectedly.

Nakiri Erina asked: "Want to go in and take a look?"

Xiao Yichen shook his head: "No, it's the teacher who is evaluating the students' performance now. It's not appropriate for us to go in and interfere."

Nakiri Erina looked at him with a slightly strange look.

Xiao Yichen chuckled: "So you think I should be compassionate to you?"

Demeter said with a smile: "It seems that Erina-chan has some misunderstandings about Chen-kun. He actually abides by principles. As long as there are no problems with the procedures and reasons, then even if he doesn't like it, he won't object."

This is a sign of maturity.

It would be too impulsive to directly oppose something just because it doesn't suit one's wishes.

It's like seeing a disabled person having trouble crossing the road, but the people around him ignore him.

Such a scene is certainly unpleasant, but who is qualified to say that those people did something wrong (cgaf)?

Or maybe if you see a policeman chasing a criminal, it shouldn’t be a problem if you don’t help, right?

Another example is the current situation where teachers evaluate students. As long as they are not so mean as to be completely unreasonable, it is acceptable.

Most of the time when teachers teach students, their original intention is to hope that students can make progress.

Even though Shinomiya Kojiro was a little harsh, he actually didn't go out of his way.

The reason why he prescribed Tazoe was that the other party had changed his recipe.

It does seem a bit outrageous to say this.

After all, the reason why Tadokoro changed the recipe was because there was something wrong with the ingredients she got.

That's why I had to make adjustments to harmonize the taste.

In fact, taste is no longer important. When Tadokoro was forced to get only the last poor ingredients, her end was already doomed.

The core of the education policy of Totsuki Saryo Cooking School lies in the word "struggle".

The result of not wanting to compete with others is naturally being eliminated.

From this point of view, Tadokoro, who has a gentle and considerate personality, is actually not suitable for this school.

If she was really fired at this time, it wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing.

Nakiri Erina hurriedly explained: "I didn't mean that, I just..."

Xiao Yichen waved his hand: "Don't be nervous, it's normal for me to leave such an impression on others. After all, I am indeed addicted to beauty."

Demeter was speechless: "It's best not for Freya and Ishtar to hear what you said, otherwise they will definitely be very angry!"

The strength of Xiao Yichen's concentration depends on the situation.

Call him weak in concentration, but he continuously withstood the charm of the two beauties Freya and Ishtar.

He is said to have strong concentration, but from time to time he adds someone to his family.

This means Demeter is easy to talk to, otherwise he would definitely have to be taught what it means to be a family younger brother.

Xiao Yichen glanced at Xing Ping Soma, who was already arguing with Shinomiya Kojiro, turned around and said, "Let's go, let's go see other places."

Dojima Gin, who had been staring at this place for a long time, came over at this moment: "Why don't we go in together? Totsuki's students are all elites gathered from all over the country. You can also try their skills.

Demeter responded accordingly: "Then let's go in and take a look."

Naturally, Xiao Yichen would not go against her, and instead walked towards the classroom again.

.....I'm sorry, I have no intention of accepting this competition. "

"No matter how hard you struggle, Yusuke's decision to drop out of school is a sure thing."

In the classroom, Shinomiya Kojiro was speaking very villain-like lines.

However, he was interrupted by Dojima Gin: "Don't be so hasty to draw conclusions, it looks like things are getting interesting, Shinomiya.

Following him, he began to understand the details of the incident knowingly.

Miki Hinata, who came with him, invited Xiao Yichen and others to taste the dishes made by Tian Moshi.


"Isn't Tadokoro Mei-san's cooking delicious?"

"At this level, it doesn't matter even if she passes, right?"

"Shinomiya-senpai, this stubborn, big-headed, narcissist, knows how to be cool,

Then, Hinatako was taught a lesson by Shinomiya Kojiro who couldn't bear it anymore.

Her lively and out-of-the-box personality is very cute, but it always makes people feel weird when paired with her age.

Dojima Gin had a hearty smile on his face: "How do the three guests feel?"

Mio tilted her head and didn't answer.

Demeter said: "It's a pity."

Xiao Yichen nodded: "It is indeed a pity. This classmate's cuisine is a bit bland to me, but it is indeed delicious. But it can be seen from this cuisine that she is not suitable for your school."

Dojima Gin was startled for a moment: "Oh?"

Nakiri Erina put down her knife and fork and gave a fair judgment: "She is too gentle. This gentleness combined with her potential allows her to go far in the cooking field. But, this is Totsuki!"

Totsuki needs to be a student who is not gifted.

In fact, among the students who can get into Yuanyue, which one has no talent?

What Yuanyue needs are students who can turn this talent into strength as soon as possible and continue to expand territory for Yuanyue.

Obviously, Tadokoro, who prefers to stay at home, is not suitable here, at least for now.

Maybe she will change after tonight's fight with Shinomiya Kojiro?

However, that is already a story for later.

Nakiri Erina is also growing up. If it were before, she probably wouldn't be able to make this kind of judgment. .

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