Greek Mythology: The Spiritual Dominator

Chapter 191 Pandora and the Eye of Odin

A sculpture, a sculpture of a woman. She was exquisite, like a real living creature. When she was placed in the center of the hall, the gods couldn't help but fall in love with her.

"This is."

Keenly aware of the difference in this statue, Hera felt the touch of authority.

Zeus had not told him about this so-called gift, and she did not know about the existence of this sculpture beforehand, if she was really a sculpture.

As the god in charge of fertility, the Queen felt similar power in her body. If nothing else, it is reproduction and the source of new life.

And a dead thing shouldn't have this kind of power.

"She is the gift I prepared. I asked the Cyclops to carve her carefully, and let our new friends, the embodiment of love and beauty, give her peerless beauty. And I gave her a beautiful heart - to Everything is done with a desire to explore and learn, which I guess isn’t a bad thing, right.”

With a smile on his face, Zeus looked at the gods present.

"Prometheus created man, so today we will create woman. And you, Epimetheus, you will be the beginning of it all."

"You will awaken her yourself, and then marry her under the witness of Hera and I."

"Thank you for your gift, Your Majesty."

Giving a creature to a god as a wife is not really a reward, but considering that Epimetheus and his brother always like to be with humans, it doesn't seem to be an insult.

In short, the late-minded Fool seemed to be satisfied with this. He bent slightly and thanked the God King.

"As long as you're satisfied, then, who comes first?"

Nodding, Zeus first looked at his sister, who was also his wife.

She looked at Zeus, and although Hera was dissatisfied with his previous concealment, she still didn't say anything.

After all, the God King has always been like this, at least this sculpture is not prepared for himself. Just feeling Aphrodite's blessing, Hera couldn't help but become wary of that goddess.

Zeus actually told Aphrodite about this in private before today. This is what Hera really cares about. Although she is very confident in her beauty, the other person is the embodiment of love and beauty.

Regardless of her own appearance, the artifact belt accompanying Aphrodite alone can make the wearer the focus of all male eyes. Hera does not want Zeus to have another child.

"I wish her a happy and faithful marriage and that she will never be betrayed."

In a pun, the Queen took the lead in blessing the statue of the girl.

With the first one, the remaining gods also sent their own unique gifts.

Demeter gave her youthful vitality, and flowers bloomed everywhere she passed; Hestia gave her shelter and warmth, and from then on, few things in the world could hurt her; Poseidon, whose true form had not yet arrived, also used his authority to give her Thanks to her different gifts, he made her walk flat on the water and stopped the waves.

Finally, when each god has given his blessing, the god king is also ready to give her an additional gift-wisdom. Because he discovered that extraordinary wisdom may not necessarily be a good thing, but it can breed arrogance and arrogance.

But just when he stretched out his hand, Zeus's expression suddenly changed.

"What's wrong?"

Noticing something was wrong with the people around her, Hera couldn't help but ask.

".Nothing, I just have a little headache."

With a forced smile, Zeus withdrew his hand as if nothing had happened. The gods present did not pay attention to this little incident, except for Hera, who looked a little suspicious.

Just now, she felt a very strange aura on Zeus's body, just like when her sister was pregnant.

After Demeter gave birth to her daughter, she hid it in an unknown valley and let her grow up there instead of coming to Olympus. Hera knew that the other party was on guard against her, but she knew about it early on.

It would be ridiculous if, as a god in charge of fertility, he didn’t even know about the children born to his two closest people. But considering that she was just a weak goddess, she just pretended not to know.

"Where is His Majesty Pluto? Do we need to wait for him?"

The gods completed the blessing, but as if they noticed something, a god reminded him.

Just like every time in the past, Hades did not come to Olympus, he was still alone in the underworld.

"That's not necessary."

Shaking his head slightly, Zeus had suppressed the previous discomfort.

"Although Hades did not come in person, he has long been grateful to the man who created man. He and the gods of the underworld worked together to create a treasure, let it be a gift for your marriage."

After speaking, a beautiful ornate clay pot appeared in Zeus's hand, covered with a copper top and inlaid with gorgeous gems.

Yes, a jar, not a box, that's what it is. It was only in the dissemination and translation of later generations that its image gradually changed. Holding it up with his right hand, Zeus handed it to Epimetheus.

"This is a gift from Pluto to you. All the gods in Hades have contributed. It can absorb all disasters and misfortunes that come close to you. However, Pluto has specifically warned you not to open this lid."

"Otherwise, he might have to come and collect extra payment."

With a slight smile, Zeus stretched out his hand to signal.

"Now, it's up to you to give life to your future wife. She was born because of you and will also be your other half."

".As you command, Your Majesty."

Looking at the clay pot in his hand with his clear eyes, Epimetheus responded respectfully.

It was time to end everything for today, and he approached the sculpture standing on the ground.

Cutting his palm open, Epimetheus let his blood stain the stone statue. Visible to the naked eye, the girl gradually gained life from a dead object.

Her skin became rosy and blood-colored, her heartbeat began to beat, and finally, when her eyes began to move, she was completely alive.

The newly born woman blinked her big bright eyes. She looked at the god standing in front of her and said her first words:

"Who are you, who am I, and who are they?"

"You are Pandora, 'the woman with all gifts.' I am Epimetheus, your creator and your future husband; and they are the gods, the masters of this world."

The God of Beauty's blessing took effect more completely. Looking at the girl in front of him, Epimetheus couldn't help but feel moved for a moment. Facing the girl's questions, he patiently answered them.

"Then why did you create me?"

Pandora continued to ask.

"For my brother and I created man, and now there should be woman. You are the first woman and you will be my wife."

After stroking the clay pot in his hand, Epimetheus handed it to Pandora.

"The gods have given you all their blessings, but only Pluto's share has been transformed into this clay pot. Now, I give it to you as a witness of all this."

After speaking, Epimetheus turned around. With such a beautiful wife, he seemed a little impatient.

"Do you have any other orders, Your Majesty?"

"No, enjoy your wedding."

If you exclude the wisdom that gave you failure before, everything today makes Zeus very satisfied. He waved his hand, indicating that Epimetheus could leave.

He didn't really 'thank' this fool for his 'contribution', and naturally he didn't mean to say more.

"Then we will-"


He was about to leave, but the next moment, a cold female voice came from outside Mount Olympus.

The gods paid attention to it, because along with the sound came the undisguised power of the person coming.

The gods looked at each other, and finally they looked at the God King on the throne. At this time, Zeus had stood up and looked seriously at the door of the hall.

"Welcome, noble goddess of the moon, I don't know why you came here today?"

The power of the God King was also released unabashedly, and Olympus was his home court after all. Zeus easily neutralized the attacker's momentum, but instead of tit for tat, he stopped at the touch of a button.

"According to the Lord's will, I am here to give her a gift."

Before the people arrive, the sound comes first. When Lyanna, wearing a purple dress, walked into the hall, all the gods present could not help but treat her seriously.

Not only because of her own strength, but also because after the previous conflict with Pluto, Olympus has re-recognized this goddess. She is now representing an existence comparable to the Earth Mother.

Moanda, the messenger of the Earth Mother, was just a nymph fairy. She was received by the ancestors of the gods and queens, not to mention the goddess of the moon in front of her. No matter what her thoughts are, the gods will welcome her arrival.

"Oh, I didn't expect that such a small thing would alarm the Lord of the Spirit World."

His right hand unconsciously grasped the armrest. Zeus's heart was tense, but a cheerful smile appeared on his face.

"This is Pandora's honor. Being able to receive the favor of the spiritual world will definitely be remembered by her for the rest of her life."


Although Pandora is the protagonist of the incident, no one really takes her seriously. She was a tool, an exquisite doll, but she was not treated as an equal by the gods. Even her future husband standing beside her thought so.

After a moment of heartbeat, Epimetheus quickly got rid of this influence. After all, the blessing of the God of Beauty is not her, and she can still be isolated if she is vigilant.

In contrast, looking at Lyanna walking into the hall, she is the protagonist of the hall at the moment. He had once had a chance encounter with this being. He had guessed the other person's identity, but he never expected to see him again on such an occasion.

He remembered that there was another person beside Lyanna last time, but when he recalled it, Epimetheus discovered with horror that he had no memory of the other person at all.

He remembered the conversation between the two parties, but he could not remember any other characteristics of the other party.

"Your name is Epimetheus, right? What is she here for?"

Asking in a low voice, Pandora noticed that Lyanna seemed to be looking at her.

But she was not afraid, because she did not know fear when she was just born, and the blessings given to her by the gods made her feel that there was nothing terrible in the world.

"She is also a god who comes to give you gifts. Just wait."

After casually dealing with the woman next to him, Epimetheus couldn't help but guess Lyanna's purpose.

These post-enlightenment people can understand that the God King wants to destroy their brother's image in the human world, and even uses his hand to give a reason to cleanse the human world. But the purpose of this uninvited goddess is unknown.

And just like Prometheus always loves to confidently judge the future, what Epimetheus hates most is this feeling of knowing nothing about what happened in the past.

"You are Pandora."

With a questioning sentence and an affirmative tone, after explaining her intention to Zeus, Lyanna didn't say much to any gods, but looked directly at the target of her trip.

This somewhat arrogant behavior made many gods frown, but the other party didn't really do anything, so they had no choice but to remain silent.

"I am."

Raising her head high, Pandora looked at the black-haired goddess in front of her and said affirmatively.

"very good."

Nodding, Lyanna didn't know what was special about the person in front of her. It asked Ryan to give a gift while he was far away from the outside world, but she just had to do it.

Stretching out her hand, an illusory star that flickered and flickered appeared in Lyanna's hand. She observed Pandora for a moment, and her eyes finally fell on the clay pot she was holding.

"Your Highness Lyanna, this is a gift from my brother. He once told me not to open it."

With a twitch in the corner of his eye, Zeus reminded him.

"It doesn't matter."

Shaking her head slightly, Lyanna could tell that what was hidden in this clay pot was not a good thing, but it had nothing to do with her. She just stretched out her hand and pointed, and the illusory star penetrated through the wall of the jar and submerged into it.

As if the blockade left by Pluto did not exist, it was easily penetrated by the power of time and space she invoked.

"What's this?"

Pandora's curiosity was aroused as her eyes widened. But she still remembered what the God King said that this jar could not be opened. But now, the gift given to her by the goddess in front of her has entered the clay pot.

"It has no name, if anything."

After considering her words, Lyanna said slowly:

"In front of it, there will no longer be an 'absolute' nor an 'impossible' in this world."

Pandora was a little surprised. She wanted to take the pot, but the one who was one step ahead of her was Epimetheus, who was on his side.

Subconsciously holding the pottery pot in mid-air, but then he seemed to realize something. Epimetheus seemed to be just doing it for his future wife, and he immediately handed the gift back to Pandora's hands.

"Does it work for everything, so that whoever holds it can have a different outcome on a given trajectory?"

Epimetheus said like a casual question.

"of course not."

Shaking her head slightly, Lyanna noticed the heated gazes of the gods around her. However, this is a gift given by the Lord, so how can it be privately possessed by others.

"Only humans can use it." Lyanna said calmly: "While it is still in the clay pot, the humans who own it will exclusively enjoy this honor, but only humans."

“This is a gift given by the Lord to His creation, and no god can possess it privately.”

"What if one of the gods gets it and lets humans use it?"

As if out of pure curiosity, Zeus asked.

“‘Whoever tries to fool fate will be fooled by fate’, these are the exact words of the Lord.”

"If you don't believe it, you can try it."

Not every god knows how to hide his emotions, Lyanna can see that some gods still seem to have ideas about this.

She didn't intend to stop it, because Ryan said that without the support of spiritual power, if others want to shake their fate, they will only reap the consequences.

"Put it away. Its final ownership depends only on you."

Finally, he said something to Pandora, which was also what Ryan explained. Lyanna turned around and walked out of the hall.

"How rude."

Coming and going in a hurry, until Lyanna left the hall, a god suddenly said.

"I don't really like the way she looks at us either."

Demeter also said that she was very familiar with that look, just like the way she looked at mortal things when she walked in the world.

"Okay, that's it. This is Pandora's gift."

He stopped the discussion of the gods with his words, and secretly warned the gods who were interested in the pottery pot. Although he was also moved, the other party still had tasks to complete.

"Go back to where you came from, Epimetheus, and together with your wife, put humanity back on track."

"I will, Your Majesty."

Bending to salute, Epimetheus pulled the still somewhat confused Pandora over and followed him out of the palace.

He could feel that when they left, many fiery eyes behind them were staring at the thing in Pandora's hand. But before the two of them complete the plan of the God King, all problems will be stopped by Zeus, and after completing the plan...

Every 'gift' will be released, whether it is given to him by Pluto or sent by the goddess of the moon. Epimetheus assured that all the gods watching all this would come to this conclusion.


"Illuminati and post-enlightenment, they both seem to like to do some clever things within the framework of rules."

Rocks, cliffs, and desolate forests, as far as the eye can see, are the scenery of Jotunheim among the nine kingdoms.

But this is not caused by an unknown disaster, because this is the case here.

As the home of mountain giants and frost giants, Jotunheim's environment is quite harsh, but this is nothing to the giants. These powerful beings who can fight against the gods live here, just like humans living on the plains.

"Xianjue and Houjue, are you talking about other gods?"

Mimir, who was floating aside, was also looking at his former home, but he was more concerned about the two names mentioned by Ryan.

"Yes, one of them is considered by the gods to be extremely wise, and is a wise man who is enlightened first. The other is considered naive and ignorant, and is a fool who is enlightened later."

Nodding, Ryan didn't mind telling Mimir about the world of Khaos.

After all, the other party couldn't run away, and Ryan didn't intend to let the other party leave.

"It sounds a bit like Heinir and I. We were both taken as hostages, but only I was beheaded and sent back to Asgard. This shows that pure intelligence may not be a good thing."

"Maybe, but I think neither they nor you are smart enough."

"I have always believed that intelligence and wisdom are not actually equal. But every so-called god of wisdom I have met seems to only have the former, which makes me a little suspicious."

Withdrawing his attention from Khaos, Ryan looked at Mimir aside.

"Show me the way. Is the fountain of wisdom that was once named after you also under the roots of the World Tree?"

"Yes, not only that, there is something there that I don't know if it still exists."

Although Ryan didn't seem to recognize his 'wisdom', Mimir wasn't very angry either. He just let out a hideous laugh, and memories showed on his old face.

"For nine nights I hung on a tree swayed by the wind, stabbed with a spear; I was sacrificed to myself as a sacrifice to Odin, on a tree unknown to anyone. No bread to satisfy my hunger, no drop of water to quench my thirst. I looked down, picked up runes, yelled as I picked them up, and dropped them from the tree."

"He sacrificed his eye, Lord Ryan, and the fallen eyeball is at the bottom of the Fountain of Wisdom, and no one cares about it yet."

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