"You haven't left yet?"

After rushing all the way back to Aurora with the lit fennel branches, what appeared in front of Prometheus was the panicked crowd in the dark and the unruly order.

When the divine king's sentence falls in the ears of God, it tells the reason why he sinned against mankind, but when it falls in the ears of mortals, this is not the case.

Maybe it's because he doesn't bother to prove anything to mortals, but more likely it's because the God King has no intention of letting them go, so all humans understand is that simple sentence.

From this day forward, take away the fire given to mankind.

They heard these words, and just as the words said, the flames of the entire human settlement were extinguished together, and they fell into darkness and cold.

"Creator, I have been waiting for your return, because I believe that you will solve all this."

In front of Prometheus's residence, facing the Creator's implicit question, Momen bent down slightly and said as cheerfully as possible.

Beside him, there were hundreds of people who came to the residence of the Creator in panic to seek enlightenment. As the former high priest, they subconsciously regarded Momen as their leader.

"Believe me? Maybe."

"Momon, no matter what you want to do, my time is running out, and you should have witnessed with your own eyes what fate Orson received."

Holding the holy fire in his hand, Prometheus felt that his spirit had never been so clear as it is now. He could tell at a glance that something was wrong with the student in front of him. His body was stained with strange blood, just like those giant beasts stained with divine blood. It's just that the aura contained in this bloodline is not like God at all, but reminds him of those silver humans.

In the past, Prometheus might have tried to explore the reason, but now, he had no extra time. The sun god should be on his way here, and when the sun rises the next day, he will be taken back to Olympus.

Human beings will eventually have to go forward on their own.

"This is the new fire, and it will no longer be taken back by any god. I will leave it here, and when I am gone, no man or god can move it, and it will protect this city forever. "

Putting the burning fennel branches on the sacred fire stand originally used to worship the gods, Prometheus looked at everyone present.

"If you want to open up new settlements in the future, or protect those we have already opened, take some away from this sacred fire. It can also help you dispel darkness and disaster. But you must remember that the true immortality is Only the first one, once the led fire is extinguished, the town where it is located will also lose its shelter."

"I will."

Mo Meng nodded respectfully, feeling a little sad at this moment. It has to be said that for a being who has faith, no matter you are a good person or a bad person, whether you are mocking him or praising him, it is difficult not to respect him.

This has nothing to do with power, just respect for ‘knowing that something is impossible and doing it’.

"I hope so. If, I mean if, even after I leave, the God King is still unwilling to let humans go, you can try to lead some people all the way to the west. If you can find Delphi, maybe see For the sake of that temple, maybe the God King will let you go."

With a complicated look on his face, Prometheus gave a final warning, but he actually didn't think it meant anything. After all, in this era, how could a mortal rely on his own strength to cross the wilderness and go to the distant ancestral land of mankind?

It should be a hope. In a disaster, it is better to have hope than not.

"There's no need to follow, I'll go by myself."

Waving his hand, Prometheus stopped everyone who wanted to say something, and then left the center of Aurora.

There was still a while before dawn, and he wanted to see the human beings he created with his own eyes again. After all, the next time might be many years later.


There was a shimmer in the sky, but the sun did not rise as promised today. Outside Aurora City, two figures are approaching here.

"Keen, did you hear that voice just now?"

Evans' tone was a little scared because of the sudden sound and the extinguished torch in his hand.

But he was not so afraid, because the voice claimed to take back the fire given to mankind, but in fact it was not the case.

The torch he held was extinguished, but the one in Cohen's hand was not. For the rest of the night, the two of them traveled by this firelight.

This made Evans wonder whether everything before was an illusion. Perhaps his torch was actually blown out by the wind, not because of the sudden sound.

"I heard, 'Take back the fire given to mankind.' That should be the voice of the God King."

Unlike Evans, who was clueless, Cohen recognized the owner of the voice. Because just a hundred years ago, he once looked up to that god at the foot of Mount Odiles, watched him challenge the previous god king with righteous words, and thus recorded his timbre.

According to what other humans say, that god is named Zeus, and he is now the third-generation god-king in the world.

"The voice of God. Then why is your fire okay?"

Evans didn't really believe it, but now he felt that maybe everything that had just happened was actually a prank made by this guy who didn't seem to laugh very much.

"Because gods are different. The god who gave me fire probably wouldn't pay attention to such a trivial matter, let alone take the fire back."

After praying silently in his heart, Cohen stretched out his hand and held the torch toward Evans.


"Your torch should be ready to light now."

As a human legend who is only one step away from self-generated divinity, Cohen clearly felt the laws of the two changes before and after.

The Bronze Humans' fire-related 'rights' were first taken away, then quickly returned.

However, in Cohen's perception, the one that came back seemed to be almost exactly the same as his own.

He reached out toward the flame, and soon, Evans' torch was lit again. Looking at the burning torch, he felt even more that this was a joke played by Cohen on him.

He was about to say something, but then a scene on a mound behind Cohen made Evans suddenly excited.

“Look, Cohen, is that the Creator—wait, who is that?”


Among the gods, Prometheus was one of the few gods who left very good memories for Cohen. He once respected and devoutly believed in this Titan god who traveled among golden humans.

Although he can no longer regain that feeling, Cohen still has a good impression of him.

Looking for the sound, Cohen saw Prometheus and a tall man wearing golden clothes next to him under the faint morning light on the horizon.

Those were two gods. This was the intuition given to Cohen by the special substance integrated into his body. If it was before, he would have saluted respectfully to God, but now, he just watched from a distance, even a little wary.

Because at the same time, the other party also looked at them. The moment the strange god saw them, his eyes showed obvious disgust.


The next moment, a golden light pierced the air and flew towards the two of them at a speed that was difficult for mortals to catch. Prometheus seemed to want to stop him, but he was not good at fighting and could not react.

However, looking at all this, Cohen just took a step forward. The blood flowing in his body gathered in his right hand, and then grabbed at the golden light.


His right foot sank into the ground, and the area of ​​nearly 100 meters sank slightly, followed by a loud noise that stirred up smoke and dust in the sky. In the dust, Cohen did not take a step back, just holding the bronze spear wrapped in golden light.

The powerful attack that could destroy a city wall was casually received, and Evans on the side was almost frightened and speechless. Looking at the being in front of him who was obviously not a mortal being, Cohen spoke to a god as an equal for the first time:

"Who are you and why are you attacking me?"

"Do you need a reason to kill an ant?"

Helios looked a little unhappy. Helios didn't expect that a demigod who appeared out of nowhere was actually dressed as a human. He hadn't recognized it before.

As for Cohen, he is a human being. What a joke. He doesn’t know when humans will be able to fight against gods on earth.

"Humph, go away, this is not the place you should come to."

He snorted coldly, admitting his mistake, but Helios would not apologize for this. He no longer paid attention to the two Cohens, but continued to look at the God of Sin who was about to be 'captured' by him.

Just because the Sun God would casually attack a mortal who carries the aura of his Father God, does not mean that he would kill a powerful demigod without reason. After all, who knows which god the other party is a descendant of, and whether it will cause him trouble.

"Why, are you scared? Prometheus, it's too late to regret it now."

Noticing that the Illuminati was still looking at the demigod aside, the Sun God couldn't help but feel a little unhappy.

"Or do you recognize him?"

"...If he is a human being, then I will recognize him."

Withdrawing his gaze, Prometheus immediately urged:

"Come on, I'm ready for the trial."

"Then let's go."

Grabbing Prometheus, Helios returned to his solar chariot in a flash. This is why the sun did not rise today.

The golden chariot that did not pull the sun was just a frame. Pulled by four Pegasus horses flowing with the blood of the gods, the sun chariot carried the two gods and moved quickly towards Mount Olympus.

On the earth, there were only two ignored humans watching all this. They didn't know yet that the scene just now was actually the last morning Prometheus stayed in the Bronze Age.

Evans, who was frightened by the golden light before, gradually recovered. A cheerful and enthusiastic person like him has a strong ability to accept this.

When the panic subsided, he looked at Cohen with a little disbelief and a little excitement.

"Cohen, you, you just..."

"I am a human, not a god."

Shaking his head slightly, Cohen did nothing until Prometheus and the god who suddenly attacked him left.

The Illuminati recognized him but didn't seem to want to talk to him, so Cohen didn't push. After all, until now, he still doesn't know what those two gods are here to do.

Just by looking at the golden car, he roughly knew who the god who attacked him was. Sun God Helios, a Titan god who once served all the previous god-kings.

The golden humans once respected every god equally, so they did not understand why the God King was higher than other gods, but Cohen now understands.

Human beings are equal because of their virtues, so even as the King of Golden Humans, Cohen does not feel that he is nobler than other human beings. However, gods rarely seem to have this virtue, so the gods are divided among themselves.

Gods don't necessarily need to have human qualities, which Cohen can understand. It is understandable, but for a god who regards himself as an ant in his talk and claims that there is no need for a reason to destroy mortals, he feels that it is even harder for him to regain the respect he once had for the gods.

After all, maybe other gods think the same way.

"Let's go. If you want to learn, I can teach you. Even though I don't know much about some of them myself."

"Now, let's go to the city and see what happened recently."

As for the Illuminati who left before, as the creator of the Bronze Humans, he should always stay in the human tribe. Cohen felt that he would be able to meet him sooner or later.

At that time, he can also ask this wise man among the gods for some questions that have troubled him for a long time.


On Mount Olympus, the gods gathered together.

After a night, they all knew what happened. Human beings deceived the gods under the guidance of Prometheus, and after the God King punished him, the creator of mankind directly disobeyed the God King's order and returned the flames to the world.

Fortunately, the sun god Helios discovered all this 'in time'. He went to the mortal world at dawn and brought back the fire thief.

Now, wearing chains, Prometheus stands in the center of the hall, accepting the belated trial.

"Why are you doing this, the gods aren't good enough for humans?"

Before Zeus could speak, among the gods, the goddess Hestia was the first to break the calm.

Among the gods, she has always been kind to humans, and she also admires Prometheus, but she did not expect that this wise man who was originally famous would do such a thing.

This made her unable to understand and disappointed her.

".I'm sorry, madam, that my arrogance has brought about all this, and I am willing to pay the price for what I have done."

Somewhat speechless, Prometheus did not look at Hestia. If there was any deity that he felt deeply sorry for, it was the Goddess of the Stove.

He took advantage of the goddess's kindness and did a stupid thing. Although he later promoted Hestia's name among humans and placed her second only to the God-King, this still made the Illuminati feel guilty.

Therefore, when faced with the goddess's questioning, he had no choice but to avoid talking.

The Kitchen Goddess wanted to say something more, but she still didn't say it. She finally just sighed and sat back down in her seat.

No matter why the other party did this, it is already a fact. He will pay the price, and this is what his brother is happy to see.

"Son of Iapetus, wise man of enlightenment, although you have committed such a crime, you can be forgiven."

When Hestia sat back down, beside the God King, the Queen wearing a golden crown spoke immediately. All the gods knew that she was speaking for the God King.

"You tried to deceive the gods, but you are also the hero of the creation of mankind. The king of gods does not need to hold you responsible, but stealing fire is different."

"If you are willing to admit your crime and bring 'fire' back to Olympus, then you can still sit with us."

Some of the gods present already understood what Hera meant, which was actually saying that as long as Prometheus was willing to personally shatter his image in the hearts of humans, everything he did could be tolerated.

They all looked at the shackled god, expecting his answer. But this time, the Illuminati raised his head and looked directly at the God-King on the throne.

"I am willing to pay the price for everything I have done, Your Majesty."

Same words, different meanings, but all the gods understood his determination. The place became quiet, and now, the God King had to respond to this.

So Zeus stood up. He looked at the sinful god in front of him who dared to look at him, and suddenly a rage ignited in his heart.

"I'm sorry. I thought you would make a wise choice, but if you still persist, for the sake of the majesty of the Divine Court, I will have to punish you."

Although he no longer wanted to see him, Zeus gave a final warning. Then just as he expected, Prometheus said nothing.

"In this case, Helios, although you begged me before, it is obvious that Prometheus has failed your 'good intentions'. Since you brought him here, you should also carry out his punishment. "

Looking at the Sun God who could no longer suppress his smile, Zeus said lightly:

"I will ask Lady Oath's two children to assist you and push this sinner under the whirlpool of the East China Sea. His brother holds up the sky in the west, so he should calm the tide in the east."

"No one is allowed to visit him, and he is left to spend his eternal life alone in the darkness and silence of the sea."

His expression changed. If possible, the last place Helios wanted to go was that huge whirlpool. Whenever he was near it, he felt as if he were dead.

But looking at the cold gaze of the God King looking at him, Helios finally did not dare to refuse.

Prometheus was taken down, but today's events were not over yet. The God King looked to the side, where Epimetheus stood there.

This famous fool among the gods had just witnessed his brother being judged, but he didn't show any anger at all, which made Zeus a little funny.

But such a god really made him feel at ease.

"Epimetheus, you are different from your brother. As the deputy in the creation of humans, you also contributed to the divine court."

"Therefore, in gratitude for your service, I will give you a gift."

"Then what will you give me, Your Majesty?"

Looking up to ask, Epimetheus's eyes were clear and happy.

"I will give you a wife, as your elder brother and your younger brother have, and so you should have, for you deserve it."

Standing in front of the throne, Zeus smiled and looked at the last obstacle before the new era.

"And today, the gods are gathered here. Every god who has benefited from mankind should thank you and do his part in this matter."

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