No matter what identity the red-haired secretly hides, whether it is a Tianlong person, a spy of the Navy headquarters, whether it is Rox's son or something else, in the eyes of Saga and today's Walding, it all doesn't matter!

The confrontation between Vardin and the World Government cannot be affected by one or two S+ sea peak-peak combat power!

He did not master ancient weapons or did not possess terrifying strength beyond S+.

Even the s+ sea-peak-peak powerhouse is just a small pawn in the decisive battle between the World Government-Government and Vardin, and it is impossible to affect the overall situation.

"so be it〃??!"

"Walding will never be a pirate'"

"The Navy Headquarters and Vardin have never been enemies!"

"It's all about justice!"

Sakanen-shen glanced at the red-haired and Marine Marshal Sengoku, and then waved his hand. Tsunade and Uno Hana Lie and others led a large number of medical personnel to quickly heal and stabilize the battlefield. Countless serious injuries were not dead. After the navy and pirates, together with the Whitebeard Pirates, go away!

Saga doesn't need to give the redhead face!

But there is no need for this war to continue.

And just when the red hair just appeared on the battlefield, next to Saga, a weak Hassan clone nodded quietly to Saga!

Esdes and others have just evacuated the entire Propulsion City!

Including a large number of legendary great pirates in the infinite hell, the black-bearded Marshall Titch who has been seriously injured and retired, and the shemale king Ivankov and the road that was taken away by Esdes because there was no Shipin. Fly and others!

The big gift package of the promotion city is still waiting for Saga to develop it slowly.

The Whitebeard Pirates, Saga and others left together, and Ace was thrown back to the Whitebeard Pirates by Saga after he was warned again by Saga!

Compared to Walding!

Ace also likes the Whitebeard Pirates.

But when Ace was both happy and sad, he was having a banquet with many pirates of the Whitebeard Pirates.

In the huge captain's room, Saga and the simple bandage, the white beard still oozing blood from the bandage, sat opposite each other!

"Cola la la,"

"Ace turns out to be your relative,"

"This time, thank you very much!"

Whitebeard proudly raised his glass and salutes Saga.

If Saga did not show up in time.

Not only will Ace die, but the Whitebeard Pirates may even be wiped out by the Navy headquarters.

"Ace is my relative, as long as he doesn't do anything wrong, I will naturally save him!"

Saga shook his head lightly, raised his wine glass, slightly touched Whitebeard's big wine glass, and then drank it.

"Is it wrong?"

"Cola la la,"

"Do you really think that Ace is not a pirate but an adventurer as you say?"

Whitebeard also drank the big bowl of wine in his hand, then laughed a few times, and asked in a deep voice.


"The government of the world is afraid that people will arrive at Ralph Drew and find out the secrets of the past!"

"But Vardin doesn't care at all!"

"The east-west of history is not that important!"

Sarah nodded calmly.

If only to circumnavigate the world and arrive at Ralph Drew without wanton looting and slaughter along the way!

For such people with dreams, Saga is not disgusted.

".? Kuala la la!"

"The world government - the government - has always thought - the historical truth to be buried can't be hidden after all!"

Whitebeard laughed again, but soon, Whitebeard's laughter suddenly stopped abruptly, and then he asked Saga very seriously,

"Can the Whitebeard Pirates also be an adventure group?"

Saga was silent for a moment, looked at Whitebeard's expectant eyes, and finally shook his head lightly,

"Perhaps the Whitebeard Group will be the most famous adventure group in the world in the future,"

"But the current Whitebeards, not!"

The crew of the headquarters of the Whitebeard Pirates is okay, and there is basically no looting and killing under the influence of Whitebeard.

But among the forty-three pirate groups under Whitebeard!

There is no shortage of beings who like looting and violence.

Not all pirates care about treasure like Ace and Whitebeard!

After Saga finished speaking, Whitebeard's tall body seemed to be hunched a little in an instant, and he didn't speak for a long time!

Whitebeard, who was old and frail and was severely injured in this war on the top of the mountain, could not live for long.

He is very clear that the future of the world government (good Li Hao) and Varding must have a battle.

That battle will decide who is the real master of this world.

Because of Ace, it is impossible for the Whitebeard Pirates to go to the World Government.

In other words, in the eyes of the world government and everyone in the world!

The Whitebeard Pirates are already inextricably linked with Vardin.

Before Whitebeard died, he wanted to find a bright future for his family.

Saga is Whitebeard's best and only choice.

But Saga didn't want to accept those rogue and predatory people in the Whitebeard Pirates.

There was a deep silence in the huge captain's room.

After a long time, Saga walked out of the captain's room with a white beard that was relieved on his face.

Then Saga, after telling Ace a few words again, flew directly into the air, took the air carrier, and went straight to St.Tin Island!And on the waters near St. Tin Island.

Estes is also leading a huge naval fleet, with countless prisoners advancing into the city, and heading towards St. Tin Island quickly.It's time to open the Promotion City spree. .

Chapter two hundred and forty-two Walding Prison

At the end of the war, the Marine Headquarters Marine Fando suffered heavy losses, and the Warring States period was busy rescuing the wounded.

In the Holy Land Mary Joa, the five old stars all turned ashen after receiving the news from Magellan that the advancing city was directly evacuated by the Walding Navy!

"What the hell does that guy want to do?"

"Let's take Ace away with nonsense on the top of the blessing of war. When did the advance city get targeted by Vardin?"

"What does Vardin want to do, is he wanting to go to war directly with the World Government?"

Several five old stars said in a low voice.

"Go to war?"

"Valding may not be ready for a full-scale war with us,"

The curly-haired five old star shook his head lightly when he heard this,

"Magellan reported that the Walding Navy entered the Advance City on the pretext of helping the Advance City to pacify the chaos!"

"Even if the Vardin Navy does not appear, Blackbeard and others who have invaded the advance city will directly break through the advance city and take away a large number of prisoners!"

"But this is by no means the reason why Vardin acted recklessly and evacuated the advance city!"

"This matter must be reported to Lord Yimu!"

"I can't let Varding continue to be so arrogant!"

The bald-headed five old star's words are full of chills, but in addition to chilling, even if he is a top five old star, he is only a puppet in the hands of Lord Yimu.



The Five Old Stars have no decision-making power over Walding.

"Who knows why?"

"Perhaps Vardin, like us, intends to recruit some top powerhouses in the advancing city to supplement his own combat power?"

"It seems difficult for the members of cpO to continue to grow during this period of time!"

The curly-haired Wu Laoxing glanced at the ugly-looking bald-headed Wu Laoxing, and said faintly.

In cpO, in addition to the loyal agents who have been promoted by the World Government-Government from other cp organizations step by step, there are also some who wear masks all the year round.

And those are all legendary pirates on the sixth floor of the promotion city who were secretly subdued by the world government and have long since disappeared into the sea!

Of course, true legends have their own firm beliefs, and even if they die, they will never easily turn to the world government!

But those who have been narrowly defeated by Whitebeard or Roger and the Golden Lion, the sea silver or bronze medalists.

Under the secret solicitation of the World Government-Government, it is not impossible to take refuge in the World Government-Government and become a secret blade of the World Government-Government.

"It doesn't matter, cpO doesn't need to replenish too many manpower in a short time, and after using that devil fruit, the new strongest shield has appeared!"

"What's more, under the watchful eyes of Lord Yimu, the Holy Land is absolutely eternal!"

"Just wait until the time of the prophecy comes, and when Lord Yimu confirms the identity of the prophecy, he will naturally erase Vardin and directly reshape the whole world!"

The blond silver dragon five old star said confidently after the curly hair five old star finished.

He has full confidence in cpO's new strongest shield and the incomparably powerful Lord Im that took the Devil Fruit.

"Reshaping the world?"

"That's really exciting!"

The curly-haired Wu Laoxing smiled slightly, which was meaningful.

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