"Is it the first swordsman of the Valdin Kingdom?"

"Betting on the throne of the world's greatest swordsman,"

"Are you coming to fight me?"

Hawkeye Mihawk felt that his blood began to boil gradually!

Since the red-haired broken arm, Hawkeye has never encountered such a powerful swordsman as Jiguoyuanyi.

Hawkeye is eager to fight with the great swordsmen, and in the battle, let himself become stronger.

But Hawkeye has not been able to meet an opponent who can match him in swordsmanship for a long time.

"The world's number one. The throne of the great swordsman?"

"Although I don't think I will lose to you,"

"But sorry, the so-called throne of the world's greatest swordsman, after she appeared, there is no suspense anymore!"

Ji Guoyuan looked at Hawkeye Mihawk full of fighting intent, and shook his head lightly, feeling the incomparably sharp sword intent on Hawkeye's body.

Compared with Uzhihua Yaqianliu, whether it is Hawkeye or today's Jiguoyuanyi, they are too tender.

After all, Uzhihua Yaqianliu has survived for countless years and is proficient in thousands of swordsmanship.


"Is there still a strong person in this world that makes you feel inferior?"

"But the black knife in my hand won't allow me to give anyone!"

Hawkeye was silent for a moment, and directly withdrew the supremely sharp black knife in his hand. Ye, said in a deep voice.

Jiguoyuan has no intention to fight.

Without Saga's order, he didn't want to start a war with Hawkeye Mihawk at will.

"In addition to the swordsman of the first pillar of the country, there are other great swordsmen who may surpass Hawkeye Mihawk?"

"How many monsters are hidden in Vardin!"

Warring States Shuang glanced at Jiguoyuanyi and Saga with a dignified look. Just about to say something, the members of the Whitebeard Pirates had gathered silently under the leadership of Whitebeard. Beside Saga and others,

"Cu la la la la,"

"Saga, King of the World,"

"Do you want to directly destroy the Navy Headquarters here?"

"It doesn't seem like a bad thing if you rule the world,"

"Cola la la la!"

Whitebeard ignored the countless wounds on his body and laughed boldly at Saga, and the countless pirate members behind Whitebeard also looked at Saga and others enthusiastically, and laughed too!

For Whitebeard, whether it is One Piece or the King of the World, none of them are as important as their own family.

And if Saga can really defeat the world government in the end, he will become a veritable king of the world.

Anyway, looking at Ace's face, Isaac's way of treating the pirates now.

After all, the Whitebeard Pirates have a way to survive.

Whitebeard knew he was getting old.

He could no longer protect his family.

But Ace and Saga may succeed him and become the new guardian of the big family of the Whitebeard Pirates!

As for whether the Whitebeard Pirates are still a pirate group, and whether the pirates in those groups will be renamed the so-called adventurers, who cares?

Whitebeard, who is not even interested in the throne and treasure of One Piece, also doesn't care about the identity of the so-called Pirate.

If it is possible, no one wants to carry the name of a pirate and wander in this sea.

From beginning to end, Whitebeard, who was usually an orphan with Ace since childhood, always wanted to be family.

As long as his sons can have a stable and bright future, Whitebeard is enough to die without regret.

Just after Whitebeard finished speaking, countless pirates who had just experienced a tragic battle waved their weapons in excitement.

They are willing to obey Whitebeard's orders unconditionally!

What's more, if they join forces with the legendary king of the world, Vardin, the destruction of the naval headquarters and even the destruction of the world government seems to be in sight.

The Whitebeard Pirates were extremely excited, and countless soldiers in the Navy Headquarters also clenched the weapons in their hands nervously after Whitebeard finished speaking!

The Whitebeard Pirates are hard enough to deal with. If you add the monsters from Vardin, can they win?

No one knew, but at this moment, none of the elites in the Navy Headquarters flinched.

Sengoku's face was ugly. After looking at Garp, he stood up directly. He just wanted to end the confrontation with Vardin and others and stop this tragic war!

But at this moment, the red-haired pirates suddenly appeared on the battlefield!

"Give me a face,"

"I'm here to stop this war,"

"Who else - if he wants to fight, let us be his opponent!"

Looking at the countless 40 navy and pirate corpses on the square, the redhead hurriedly crossed the battlefield filled with gunpowder smoke, directly blocking the central area where the Whitebeard Pirates, Walding and the others and the navy headquarters faced off!

Afterwards, the red-haired saw that the long knife had been unsheathed and the bullets had been loaded, and were eyeing the Whitebeard Pirates of the Navy Headquarters and the many elites of Vardin!

Instant Muggle!

"what's the situation?"

"Shouldn't it be the Navy Headquarters beating up the Whitebeard Pirates?"

"What happened to Vardin's sudden appearance and the tragic situation in the Navy headquarters?"

The Red Hair Pirates are collectively stunned!

They originally wanted to help the Whitebeard Pirates and at the same time find a way to maintain the balance on the sea.

But I never imagined that the Whitebeard Pirates do not seem to need their help now, but the Navy Headquarters may need timely help!

"Pirates came to help the navy?"

"How can this work?"

"My true identity can't be exposed like this!"

Shanks was embarrassed and thought to himself.

The most important thing is that the Red-haired Pirates will not be the opponents of the Whitebeard Pirates and Vardin, who have basically lost their main force today!

In the new world, he blocked the beasts Kaido and the others, and then hurriedly tried to find a way to quickly rush from the new world to the Marine Headquarters Marine Fando and others.

The redhead still doesn't know Ace's true identity. ?


Chapter [-] Whitebeard Adventure Group?

Some stupid red hair hurriedly appeared on the battlefield!

However, after the red hair appeared, the admirals and colonels of the naval headquarters who were present not only did not put down their guard because of the rhetoric of the red hair to stop the war, but stared at Saga with more vigilance and fear. Whitebeard and Redhead trio!

"Another four emperors?"

"Could it be that Marin Fando will be destroyed today?"

"No, justice never yields,"

"But Mom, I want to go home, it's scary, it's scary

Some navies are almost unable to bear the terrifying pressure of facing the two big four emperors and Vardin at the same time!

The elites of the Navy Headquarters would not think that the Red Hair Pirates would stand on the same front as them.

Pirates don't help pirates help the navy?

Is this still worth thinking about?

But Saga didn't think the Red Hair Pirates would stand firmly on the side of the pirates.

Just when Whitebeard proposed to destroy Marin Vando together with Saga, Saga had a momentary intention in his heart.

The navy above this sea represents justice, and one is enough.

As for the impact on the sea by joining forces with the Whitebeard Pirates to destroy the Navy Headquarters?

Influence phone bugs have now been shut down by -interference, not to mention that even if the news of the final demise of the Navy Headquarters gets out.

The World Government and the Roger Pirates were able to deal with Lox together in those days.

It seems that Saga and the Whitebeard Pirates are now working together to deal with the Navy Headquarters without any problem?

People are forgetful!

But that thought only flashed in Saga's mind for a moment, and was completely forgotten by Saga.

Especially after all the members of the Red Hair Pirates appeared.

Most of the navies in the Navy Headquarters are targets that Saga can strive to absorb afterward.

It is too wasteful to just die on the battlefield in vain.

What's more, the identity of the redhead is not so simple.

Maybe, if Vardin really broke his face with the Navy Headquarters, the Red-haired Pirates chose to help, but it would be the Navy Headquarters.

At least, Saga knew very well that if he wanted to quickly get to Marin Vando from the New World, unless the pirate ship of the Red Hair Pirates could fly, there was only one way to quickly reach Marin Vando.

That's the crossing of the Holy Land Mary Joa.

Otherwise, after a battle with Kaido, followed by coating and diving [-] meters across Fishman Island to reach Marin Fando!

It was simply too late.

There are only two routes for the first half of the Great Route from the New World to and from.

It is the safest and quickest to cross the Holy Land Marijoya.

Saga took a deep look at the redhead, and didn't particularly care about the identity of the redhead.

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