Saga began to bathe and change clothes again.

No matter how the storm condenses, when the time comes, the prize will still be drawn.

Of course, before the lottery, the process of bathing, changing, and washing hands should be carried out normally.

A new month has arrived. .

Chapter two hundred and eighteenth lottery, lottery

[The host currently rules the kingdom: Waldin Kingdom]

[The land area is [-] million square kilometers, including [-] square kilometers of Valdin Island and [-] square kilometers of Santin Island! 】

[The population of the kingdom is [-]-[-], the comprehensive evaluation of the strongest person in the kingdom is s+, the average evaluation of the people of the kingdom is e+, and the comprehensive evaluation of the kingdom's national strength is s.]

[Currently, the host can provide [-]-[-] points of national strength every month! 】

[In addition to the rest of last month, the host currently has a total of [-] million national strength points! 】

"Has the monthly national strength gain increased to [-]-[-] points?"

"Did the national power value and the population directly increase by nearly [-] this month?"

"If it continues to grow at this rate, I'm afraid it won't be long before the SS-level lottery is no longer a dream!"

Saga secretly sighed.

Waldingru M only controlled a small part of the first half of the Great Route, and there were only [-] million citizens who truly recognized the rule of Saga.

And the entire pirate world is divided into three major sections, the four seas, the great route, and the new world!

Among them, the Four Seas is the most essential part of the entire pirate world.

The weather in the Four Seas is relatively calm, and it will not be as fickle as the weather in the Great Route and the New World. At the same time, in the Four Seas, the sea kings and some fierce beasts in the sea are also the most rare.

Although the peaceful environment makes the average combat power of the people in the four seas far less than that of the Great Route and the New World.

However, the population and countries in the four seas are the largest among the three major sectors of the entire pirate world.

If it is the pirate world, there are more than two billion people.

So among the four seas, at least half of the population of two to one billion people.

"Unfortunately, the four seas are the basics of the World Government-Government, unless we tear up our face with the World Government and start the final battle,

"Otherwise, it would be too difficult to unify the world!"

Saga sighed slightly.

There are countless countries in the four seas and huge populations, which Saga has long coveted.

With a population of [-] million, Saga's monthly national strength can reach more than [-] million.

What if it could rule a population of [-] million?

Even if the output of the first generation of iq evolution potion cannot supply too many people, it is impossible to directly increase Saga's monthly national power value by ten times!

But it should not be difficult to simply double it once or twice.

What's more, in addition to Binz and Yamato who are constantly busy spawning iq plants, Saga has specially found several empty islands to grow iq plants.Although there is no way for the iq plants on those empty islands to ripen quickly.

But even let them grow freely.

Within a few rooms, those iq plants that were naturally necrotic were enough to increase the monthly production of the first generation of iq evolutionary medicines by at least ten times.

At that time, Saga's monthly national strength harvest can truly usher in a complete bumper harvest!

Ten million D-ranked citizens provide Saga with a monthly national strength value, which is far more than the national strength value provided by hundreds of millions of E-ranked citizens!

Unfortunately, the natural growth of iq plants takes a long time.

And before he was sure to completely crush Lord Im and the King of Heaven.

Saga didn't want to rush into the final battle with the world government.

Time has always been on Saga's side.

Over time, Vardin will only get stronger.

Saga is not greedy, as long as you are lucky, you can draw two ss-level prizes, or Walding's s+-level sea peak-peak combat power exceeds two-+ names.

Saga dared to directly confront the World Government-Government.

I don't pretend anymore, Vardin is already the strongest in the world.

What, Lord Yim and the King of Heaven, feel free to do whatever you want, I'm invincible anyway.

Saga retracted his thoughts. Although the future is bright, the most important thing now is to directly convert the national strength value into a real battle-combat strength is more realistic.

"System, give me two S-rank lottery draws!"

Sagar pressed the lottery button heavily.

Although the number of Saga lottery has been many.

But the lottery is like scratching the lottery, before the results come out.

Saga is still looking forward to the prize.

[Consumption of the host's national strength is [-] million points, and the host's remaining national strength is [-] points. 】

[Congratulations to the host for winning the s-prize, one of the twelve spells from a certain demon kingdom, the rabbit spell,

The Rabbit Charm allows the holder to have an unimaginable movement-speed-speed, and the holder can also apply the extreme speed of the Rabbit Charm to the items he wants to apply! ]

"The Rabbit Charm?"

"Superspeed-moving ability?"

Saga thoughtfully looked at the introduction of the Rabbit Charm's ability, especially when he saw that the holder could apply the Rabbit Charm's extreme speed to the item he wanted to apply, he was full of surprises!

The speed of the Rabbit Charm is not unparalleled in the world of pirates.

After all, whether it is the light fruit of the golden monkey, or the top powerhouses with extremely strong knowledge and domineering, they can surpass or restrain the speed of the rabbit charm to a certain extent.

0? Ask for flowers...

After all, the Rabbit Charm is just a prize for s.

But if the extreme speed of the Rabbit Charm can be freely applied by the user to the items he wants to apply.

Then the effect of this rabbit charm is extremely terrifying.

Ask, if a floating island with a radius of several thousand meters falls down at a supersonic speed in the high sky.

Can the world of pirates continue to exist?

In other words, if the person under Saga's command who took the target fruit, when projecting the courier, adds extreme speed to the item he projects.

How strong will this power be?

The target fruit ability person under Saga's command can not only deliver express delivery, but also deliver 'express delivery'!

The giant squid man under Saga's command has eight hands, but he has two hands - he has been wearing gloves and has never taken it off!

The Holy Land Mary Joa and the Marine Headquarters Marine Fando have been quietly marked by the great squid man Icarus Muto.

Saga was extremely satisfied with the Rabbit Charm's strategic abilities.

Afterwards, Saga decisively decided to first assign the Rabbit Charm to the Insect Pillar Butterfly Ninja.

Saga's assignment of the rabbit spell to Zongzhu Butterfly Ninja is definitely not because Butterfly Ninja is a gentle and lovely lady.

Purely the Rabbit Talisman's strategic ability is strong, but before he has torn his face with the World Government, of course, it is most beneficial to let the Insect Pillar Butterfly Ninja, who is now holding a one-shot kill Murakami, master the Rabbit Talisman.

Muramame, who can kill with one hit, is paired with the butterfly ninja, who has the speed of the rabbit charm.

Saga suddenly felt that, except for the three admirals of the navy who took the natural fruit.

Even if it is the Four Emperors, Butterfly Endure may not be able to fight.

Although the curse poison that kills Murasame in one hit cannot quickly kill the peak sea powerhouses with s+ physique, it is enough to cause a lot of damage to the sea peak powerhouses with monster-like physiques.

If you think of a way to keep these damages accumulating,

It is not impossible to drag an S+ peak sea powerhouse to death.

The Rabbit Charm was quickly thought of by Saga, and then Saga looked directly at the next prize.

The Rabbit Charm is just the beginning, Saga now guarantees two draws of S-level every month!

[Congratulations to the host for winning the S+ prize..]

"Could it be her?"

Saga looked at the second prize with a face full of surprises!righteous.

Chapter [-] - Chapter [-] The World's Most Powerful Swordsman?

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the s+ character card, the first generation of swordsmanship from a certain soul world! 】

"Uozhihualie, the first generation of Kenpachi?"

Sarah sighed softly.

As the first generation of Kenpachi, he is proficient in almost all kendos in the Soul Society. He is also the captain of the Fourth Division of Soul Soul Society. in the previous example.

"System, use the character card immediately!"

Enough Jia just finished speaking, the next moment, a figure dressed in white feather knitting, with a long black braid, and a gentle face appeared directly in front of Saga.

"Does the new world still have a body that unites spirit and flesh?"

Uzhihualie gently touched the wound under his neck that disappeared for some time, and said softly,

"It's good to be alive!"

Saga didn't disturb Unoh's feelings.

But after a while, Uzhihualie, who had survived for an unknown number of years, retracted his thoughts, bowed slightly to Saga, and then said with a gentle face,

"Eight Nine Seven"

"Your Majesty Saga, is there anything I can do for you?"

"Then, are you willing to change back to Unohwa Yachiryu again for me?"

Saga asked Mao Zhihualie in a deep voice.

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