Or rather, long before Varding appeared.

As long as the world government is willing to pay the price.

Getting rid of one or two of the Four Emperors is not difficult at all.

Wu Laoxing was silent for a moment, and then returned to Daoxian directly,

"Ace, he is most likely Roger's posthumous son!"

"One Piece's bloodline must not continue to survive in this world." ?

Chapter [-] Devil Fruit Treasure

After Wu Laoxing finished speaking, Warring States was expressionless and nodded calmly.

As for Ace's identity, Sengoku had also long speculated.

"The young d family with such great potential is likely to be the so-called promised person,"

"Although at the time of the prophecy, Lord Im will completely liquidate everything,"

"But if you can find a way to deal with the so-called promised person in advance,"

"Lord Yim and we can also free up our hands early and completely deal with the damn Vardin!"

The Five Old Stars didn't tell the Warring States of another guess about Ace's identity.

But no matter what, with Ace's identity and potential, it would be too dangerous for him to continue to survive.

After the Five Old Stars and the Warring States simply determined the date of Ace's public execution, the Warring States left the Holy Land Mary Joa directly and began to return to Marin Vando.

It's just that when the Warring States just walked out of the Holy Land Mary Joa, the warring States, who had always been very calm, suddenly cursed loudly,

"Damn bastard Garp..."

As the Marshal of the Navy Headquarters.

It was never a secret that Ace was the adopted grandson of Garp.

As a lieutenant general of the navy headquarters, he concealed the world government and the navy, and adopted the posthumous son of One Piece.

This kind of thing, probably only Karp, the always unreliable bastard, did it.

Within the Marine Headquarters Marine Fando, after the date for the public execution of Ace was determined, the Sengoku immediately issued an order to start a large-scale mobilization of naval elites from all over the world.

If you want to fight or even wipe out the Whitebeard Pirates, it is impossible to do without a large number of elites.

Although the number of Whitebeard Pirates is far less than that of the Navy Headquarters.

But as the strongest pirate group in the world, any pirate in the Whitebeard Pirates has a combat power of at least d+ or even higher.

Of the pirates who can survive in the cruel environment of the new world, none of them will be weak.

The Warring States hurriedly issued a call for the elite of the navy, and at the same time issued a mandatory call for the king to go to the sea of ​​Qiwu.

The messengers acted one after another, and the general Kizaru, who learned of the big move of publicly executing Ace and then trying to annihilate the Whitebeard Pirates, drank happily after hearing a series of summoning orders from the Warring States Period. Qing tea, while casually asked,

"Don't you just transfer Lieutenant General Garp back?"

"Ah, facing the strongest man in the world, if the naval hero was not there,"

"That's terrifying!"

As the strongest man in the world, Whitebeard is undoubtedly the top powerhouse in the entire pirate world, even if Kizaru is an admiral of the navy headquarters.

But Kizaru never thought that by himself, he could stop the white beard, the strongest man in the world!

"Oh, right,"

"It is very likely that the strongest man in the world is no longer Whitebeard but the legendary king of the world, Saga (abfh)!"

"The legendary king of the world is even more terrifying!"

"But if you really want to deal with the Whitebeard Pirates, it's not that easy!"

"Are we ready?"

Kizaru asked seriously, changing from the slander he used to be.

Facing such a terrifying opponent as the Whitebeard Pirates, even Kizaru couldn't keep it easy any longer.

"The cpO will also shoot at the critical moment, and the pacifists are now sufficient for mass production,"

"What's more, Whitebeard is old!"

Warring States replied in a deep voice.

Seeing that the Warring States were confident and made arrangements, Kizaru also changed from a serious face to a lazy face again in an instant, and even raised Erlang's legs and started drinking tea.

As long as the navy headquarters and the world government go all out to solve a Whitebeard Pirate group, it is really not a big problem.

"As for that bastard Karp,"

When the Warring States said this, 扃-W was ashen, but after a moment of silence, he sighed deeply and said solemnly,

"I will personally tell him about the public execution of Ace!"

As an old friend of Garp for many years, even Sengoku has always been annoyed by some of Garp's bastard behavior.

But really want to publicly execute Garp's grandson, and then ask Garp to help ensure the execution goes smoothly.

No matter what, the Warring States period felt a little cruel!

"We are the Navy,"

"All for justice!"

Warring States added such a sentence, then loosened his naval uniform, and then said firmly again,

"All for justice!"

"For justice?"

Kizaru crossed Erlang's legs, took another sip of tea, and was noncommittal about the justice of the Warring States Period.

Kizaru has always been ambiguous justice.

The gathering of a large number of navy elites, the conscription of the King's Qiwuhai, and some transformations and defenses of Marin Fando will take a long time.

And before you are fully prepared.

The fact that the World Government has caught Ace, the captain of the second division of the Whitebeard Pirates, and is preparing to publicly execute him, is naturally a secret.

It's just that this secret can be concealed from countless ordinary people above the sea.

But it was impossible to hide Saga, who had been paying attention to Ace, the World Government, and the Navy Headquarters.

"Have you begun to recruit a large number of elite navies?"

"Then Vardin needs to start - get started - come on!"

Saga muttered,

"At least,"

"Advance the countless precious criminals in the city, but you can't just be let go by Luffy's gang."

Advance the city has accumulated a large number of criminals that the world government-government has captured over the years.

How many of them are merely 'criminals' who anger the world government and oppressed by corrupt navies and draconians.

Advance the massive number of truly brutal Devil Fruit pirates in the city.

That was a huge fortune.

The world's largest number of Devil Fruits are gathered in the advance city.

Even though most of the fruits are relatively weak, each Devil Fruit has been developed to the extreme, and they all possess incomparably powerful power.

In Devil Fruits, there is often a trace of the rules of the world.

And once you fully grasp it, the bottom line is also an S-level powerhouse.

In other words, every Devil Fruit would theoretically give a Vardin's elite the potential to become the least S-rank combat power.

Of course, whether it can turn potential into strength is another question.

But many times, the almost fixed upper limit of potential is enough to make countless ordinary people feel utter despair.

Humans have limits!

Unless you stop being human.

Well, a certain human bald-headed demon king didn't...

But there is only one bald-headed demon king, and there are countless citizens under Saga's command, so it's impossible not to be human.

Devil fruit is a top-level treasure. Whether it is used for research or used for the elites under his command, it can greatly enhance Varding's national strength.

Of course, Saga will not let go of such a big treasure of Devil Fruit as Push City.

The navy headquarters is busy recruiting elites, and Vardin is quietly arranging his own combat power!

But Luffy and others are still happily carrying out their own great adventures.

Time passed quietly, but the whole sea was eerily calm at this time.

The first half of the Great Route has become the safest sea area under the double blow of the Walding Navy and the Navy Headquarters.

In the new world, a large number of pirates challenged the new world after the naval headquarters and the Walding navy entered the four seas.

It was also quickly absorbed or defeated by the Four Emperors.

The four emperors of the new world are still aloof and difficult to shake.

And the originally turbulent four seas?

Under the attack of the elites of the navy headquarters and the Walding navy, the calm of the past was quickly restored.

Even some of the elite naval elites distributed in the four seas began to be recalled in batches.

Aside from Garp, who is still hanging out in the East China Sea, Aokiji, Huoshaoshan and others who have already dealt with most of the pirates in the four seas have already started hurriedly riding the naval battleship and began to return to Marin Fando.

Time ticks by, and under this calm sea, a terrifying storm is condensing.

But just before the big storm was about to break out.

in the palace of Albana.

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