Saga in Vardin Island can also find a way to basically eliminate the existence of agents and spies.

But in the huge Santin Island, and now that 737 Valdin has skyrocketed to [-] million citizens, it is simply wishful thinking to completely eliminate some intelligence personnel from other forces.

"Have you started to use the ability of the fluttering fruit again?"

"However, from finding ways to increase the country's land to finding ways to control the desert, it's a bit smarter!"

"Unfortunately, in front of Lord Yimu and the mighty power of the King of Heaven, everything they do now is meaningless,"

"Lord Im will reckon the whole world,"

"Santin Island, will eventually become a dead place

Among the Holy Land Mariejoa, the five old stars with blond hair and silver dragon scoffed at the miraculous incident on Santin Island that was reported by CP agents!

The other five old stars also carefully looked at some simple information collected by the agents, and did not say much.

Although Saga couldn't put an end to the intelligence personnel of the rest of the forces in St. Ting Island, Tornado would always show his arrogance and domineering before each action, avoiding everyone.

Some ordinary intelligence personnel from the rest of the forces could not possibly avoid the domineering arrogance of Tornado.

The intelligence that those intelligence personnel can obtain is only some miracles displayed in the world after the tornado starts.

The Five Old Stars put the change of St.tin Island on the fluttering fruit ability that Vardin had already shown.

And just outside the island of Santin just as Santin is rapidly changing from a desert country to a land of fish and rice.

Luffy, Wei Wei and others, who had experienced a magical adventure again, started to go straight to Santin Island.

At the same time, Ace also started to go straight to Saintin Island with a complicated expression because he learned about the information that Blackbeard had appeared in the waters near Saintin Island. .

Chapter [-] I just want to rule the world

Luffy, led by Vivi, directly landed on St.tin Island at Rape Flower Port.

"Strange, aren't we carrying a bounty on us?"

"Why didn't those murloc soldiers stop us just now?"

"I thought we had to fight!"

"However, among the soldiers of Vardin, there are murlocs?"

Zoro took back the three generations of ghosts and Yukaku that he had just pulled out a little bit, and said strangely.

When some murloc soldiers drove some small steel warships to surround the Golden Merry - asking for inspection.

Sauron thought the battle was inevitable.

"Wouldn't it be nice to be able to avoid the fight?"

"That's Vardin, and the mighty murloc!"

Usopp and Noqigao replied excitedly as if they had escaped doom,

"I almost thought I was going to die just now!"

Princess Weiwei looked at the energetic Zoro and Nuoqigao and others, shook her head lightly, and said with a smile,

"You don't have to be too afraid of Vardin!"

"The World Government's bounty and Vardin's bounty are different!"

"The Walding Navy will only shoot at the real criminals,"

"His Majesty Saga, King of Vardin, once also carried a bounty from the World Government."

Zoro, Luffy and others can safely sail on the route controlled by the Vardin Navy, and at the same time, they do not carry the reward of the Vardin Navy. The main reason for St.tin Island.

If Luffy and the others were real pirates, even if they saved Vivi's life, Vivi would never stay on their ship forever.


"The legendary king of the world has actually carried a bounty from the world government?"

"It's great that we don't have to worry about being wanted by the Walding Navy, though!"

Noqigao and Usopp are very happy.

And Luffy suddenly got excited, put his head in front of Wei Wei, and asked in disbelief,

"Really?"? "

"Will the king of Vardin actually carry a bounty?"

"The Ten Day War,"

"Ten billion reward!"

Weiwei was still talking, and Sauron's dull voice had already sounded.

"Ten billion?"

Chopper, Nuoqigao and Usopp's eyes widened in astonishment at the sky-high price of [-] billion, and their chins almost dropped to the deck!

Even Luffy, who has always been carefree, was the boss with the same open mouth after hearing that Saga once offered a bounty of tens of billions.

"I am so sick that I cannot hear King Vardin's name,"

"—a reward of [-] billion,"

"How terrifying is the legendary King of Fauci Yujie..."

Usopp said dejectedly.

But after a moment of surprise, Luffy regained his fighting spirit and said confidently,

"I made a decision,"

"In the future, my reward must exceed that of the king of the world!"

"I'm the man who wants to be the pirate king

"Becoming the Pirate King?"

"Is that really a great goal?"

"However, His Majesty Saga is actually not that scary,"

"He just wants to re-form a new world government by himself and truly rule the whole world!"

Wei Wei covered her mouth, looked at Luffy who was full of fighting spirit and Usopp who was downcast, and snickered.

"Reorganize the world government-government, rule the world

"It's over, I'm sick now that I can't go to sea, this world is too scary?"

After Weiwei finished speaking, Usopp became even more depressed...

Luffy and his group started to continue their journey after they boarded the rapeseed port. In any case, since they arrived at Santin Island, it is impossible not to go to Albana.

Whether it was to escort Vivi, Noqigao and Usopp, they all wanted to find someone they wanted to meet in Albana.

And Luffy Zoro and Sanji, they will not stop because they are afraid of Vardin's powerful.

Luffy and the others continued to move forward, and on a patrol boat around the Golden Merry, a murloc who had just become a patrol soldier asked suspiciously,

"There is a pirate on that ship with a World Government-Government offering a reward of tens of millions. Are we just letting them enter Vardin?"

"They're not going to cause any trouble, are they?"


"Just a guy with a reward of tens of millions wants to cause trouble in Varding?"

"Don't underestimate Varding!"

"Also, how many times have I told you that as long as we Vardin don't post a bounty, it's not a criminal!"

"Don't forget, our great king and Boss Shiping were also wanted by the World Government before!"

"Hmph, damn world government, we will replace them early!"

A murloc who has joined Vardin for a long time said confidently.

After a large number of murlocs started to settle in the San Dora River Noi and lived a life of safety and happiness, free to live in the sun every day!

Many murlocs began to call themselves Vardin, and were proud of Vardin's strength.

As for the Dragon Palace Kingdom?

They are now living in the country of Valdin...?

But just after the murloc had finished talking to the new mermaid, a piercing alarm bell suddenly sounded inside the small patrol boat.

"?." Found a member of the Whitebeard Pirates with a reward of hundreds of millions,"

"Discovering the members of the Whitebeard Pirates with a reward of hundreds of millions,"

Two members of the Whitebeard Pirates with a reward of hundreds of millions? "

Once a member of the Murloc Pirates, all the members of the Murloc Pirates have a good impression of the Whitebeard Pirates who sheltered Murloc Island.

But the premise of all this is that the Whitebeard Pirates did not destroy their hard-earned dream home.

"Even the Whitebeard Pirates mustn't be wild here!"

"Here-here, it's Walding!"

After a moment of silence, the older member of the former Murloc Pirates said firmly, and then quickly controlled the small patrol boat and rushed directly to the warning point.

On the surface of the sea (Li's) not far away, Ace, who was driving his own boat and planned to enter St.tin Island quietly, smiled wryly.

He had planned to sneak into St.tin Island to confirm the news of Blackbeard.

Although Saga is his relative, Ace never thought of borrowing Vardin's terrifying power.

The matter of the Whitebeard Pirates can only be resolved by the members of the Whitebeard Pirates themselves.

Besides, Ace didn't want to cause too much trouble to Saga because of his identity.

The legendary king of the world, the great king who intends to rule the whole world in the future, should not have a sinful pirate relative.

However, what Eswan did not expect was!

Vardin's powerful troops and technology directly prevented Ace's boat from landing on St. Ting Island, and was directly inspected in the waters around St. Ting Island all the year round.

The murloc soldiers were caught and killed!

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