However, the two-color domineering and breathing method have a certain possibility to make the means of controlling the dragon roll more diverse, and at the same time, it can also enhance the flesh-body strength of the dragon roll to a certain extent.


Strength: a+

Physique: a+

Agility: s

Spirit: s+ (SS-)

Possess ability: extreme psychic power

Overall evaluation: S+

As a tornado that is respected by the Hero Association as the ultimate weapon, it is born with a terrifying psychic power, enough to easily use its psychic power to capture meteorites in the sky or crush an entire city. Continental plates, destroying the surface of the planet, may not be impossible!

Note: The psychic power possessed by Tornado has already surpassed the S-level limit and touched the SS-level domain. If Tornado's fragile body-body restricted her performance, the tornado that burst out with all its strength would even be enough to destroy a world.

"If it weren't for physical limitations, would it be enough to destroy the world's psychic power?"

Saga looked a little puffed up in front of her because her hair was messed up, her face was full of two little buns, petite and petite? They looked very immature.

The tornado, the mouth-corners twitch slightly,

"Who can believe that she can destroy the world?"

"It is really difficult to judge the strong by appearance

The tornado was angry, and he quickly sat cross-legged in the void, his eyes quickly scanning the two-color domineering and breathing information that was quickly automatically turning the page in front of him!

After the product, "Just when the dragon scroll had just finished reading the two-color domineering material, the dragon scroll closed his eyes slightly-slightly, and when he opened his eyes again, an unimaginably powerful and incomparably powerful and domineering arrogance, instantly became a dragon. It spewed out from the roll and quickly swept towards almost the entire St.tin Island!

The combat power below s- is almost unaware of the domineering arrogance that the tornado swept across most of Saintin Island, but the top combat powers of s? The god was extremely solemn, and then vaguely realized that this domineering arrogance came from the palace of Albana, the middle and rear, and he was relieved!

"I don't know what kind of character appeared this time?"

"Such strength is really terrifying!"

On the floating island above [-] meters in the sky, Orochimaru and Dr. Fashion looked at each other and said secretly.

It is no secret to Saga's summoning characters that Saga can summon some powerful people from other worlds in a magical way.

Ji Guoyuanyi clenched the long sword in his hand even harder after feeling this domineering, then silently closed his eyes and started to continue his kendo practice...

I think that Jiguo Yuanyi, who wants to protect everything, must have a powerful force that can protect everything.

Jiguo Yuanyi, who used to be the first swordsman of the Kingdom of Vardin and one of the most important defenders of Saga, now only possesses S-rank combat power.

"Powerful and domineering, and this familiar aura,"

"Is it her?"

"That little guy? The guy has also come to this world.

"It's a bit lively now!"

In a gymnasium, the martial arts master Bang Gu, who was teaching some Walding elites to learn Liushuiyan Shattering Fist, showed a mysterious smile after feeling this powerful sense of domineering.

The top powerhouses above Vardin's S- and above in St. Ting Island have all responded, and those below S, such as Bartolomeo, who is still relatively weak in a short period of time despite joining Vardin. There are Keya and others, still confused.

However, during the miss Golden Week when he joined the former Baroque working club under Saga, even if his own strength has not yet reached s, but with the emotional fruits he took and his own powerful spiritual-spiritual power, he was still domineering about what he saw and heard about Tornado. vaguely noticed.

"There are all monsters in Vardin!"

"However, Vardin, who is full of monsters, seems to be not bad,"

miss Golden Week took his beloved drawing board, and painted the orange-red inspiration on the drawing board with a few strokes, and then displayed it in front of all the Valdin soldiers who were training hard in front of his 5.3.

"I want to train, I want to train, in order to protect Vardin, in order to protect His Majesty Saga, I must train hard..."

All the Valdin soldiers who saw the inspirational orange-red drawing board displayed by miss Golden Week instantly seemed to be beaten with chicken blood. Under the influence of the emotional fruit of miss Golden Week, they started training in full swing again.

The talent of miss Golden Week, coupled with emotional fruit, is enough to do a lot of things!

Saga didn't know what happened in most of Saintin Island. Even after wearing the golden cloak of Gemini and awakening his sixth sense, Saga's arrogance was enough to cover half of Alabasta.

But almost no one will continue to use their own knowledge and domineering, well, except for a certain blind general...??

Reward share report

Chapter [-] Turn St.tin Island upside down?

"Is this the domineering look?"

"It is indeed more convenient than simply using the power of thought to perceive,"

Tornado nodded with satisfaction, and then lit up his little fist, a thin and domineering look of armed color instantly covered Tornado's white and tender little fist.

"Well, the armed color is not bad, too."

"Fupin is far from my psychic power: although it is large, it seems to be able to be used in combination with my psychic power!"

After the tornado finished speaking, he directly waved his small fist. In the next moment, a small fist mark directly penetrated the roof of the palace, and flew into the sky in an instant, sending a white cloud above the sky. , also directly breakdown.

"But if the armed color is domineering, the distance is too short,"

"There is no practical power at all

Tornado light - lightly curled his lips, the outburst of armed domineering has dissipated before it penetrated the palace in Albana. The fist that can penetrate the palace and the white clouds in the sky is all about tornadoes. mind power.

"Is this armed and domineering?"

Saga looked at the domineering armed look that Tornado had just learned, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

"High spiritual attributes are amazing..."

If you don't count the bonus of the Gemini Gold Cloth, Saga's own spiritual attributes are still far from ss-.

As for the hole in the small fist on the roof of the palace of Albana, compared with the tornado, not to mention the 28 holes of a small fist, even if the tornado directly twisted the palace into a twist!

At most, Saga pinched the little face of the swollen tornado, and then asked her to use her thought power to quickly create an identical one...

The mind power of tornadoes may not necessarily only be used for destruction.

Pulling out the tornado, Varding added another s+ peak combat power!

And as a tornado with ss-spiritual attributes, the tornado's combat power has also reached a limit in s+'s top of the sea - the peak of the strong.

Except for Whitebeard in his prime, who could fight Tornado, the rest of the four emperors, Saga, didn't think they would be Tornado's opponents at all.

The only difference is how long it takes the tornado to kill them.

After all, apart from the red-haired physique that may be slightly weaker among the Four Emperors, whether it is Kaido or Auntie, they are really rough and thick...

"But still no!"

Saga withdrew his excitement, even though Tornado had few rivals among the powerhouses of s+.

But the mysterious and unpredictable Lord Yimu and the ancient king of weapons are obviously terrifying existences that surpass S+.

"Steady, you can win, don't waver

Saga secretly encouraged himself, and then looked at the boring tornado floating in the air in front of him, and handed the tornado a difficult task.

Turn the current desert area of ​​Santin Island upside down!

The sandy fruit and the soil fruit can also make the desert on Santin Island gradually turn into soil.

But the two Valdin elites with good potential who have just taken the Shasha fruit and the Tutu fruit, even if they have taken two powerful nature-type devil fruits, they have at most just now have the equivalent of an ordinary lieutenant admiral of the Navy Headquarters. a--level combat power.

Smog has been taking the smoke fruit for many years, and after being trained by the Zefa system, he slowly gained the first-level combat power of the Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters!

A-level combat power is enough to be regarded as a master no matter in the power of the Pirate World, but if you want to rely on the natural devil fruit ability of two a- It will undoubtedly take a long time for the island to change from a barren and dead desert to a fertile farmland!

But if there is a tornado that can easily crush or lift a city out of hand.

Even if it is calculated according to the standard area of ​​a tornado turning a city a day, turning a [-]-square-kilometer desert a day, or trying to find a way to bring the desert on Santin Island into the sea to reclaim the land, and then dig the soil on the seabed. Come out to a deep sea silt cover.

It will only take a few years at most, and the tornado is enough to turn the entire Santin Island from a desert country into a real land of fish and rice.

What's more, it's not just a person who is trying to change the environment of Santin Island, and there is no need for a tornado to turn every square kilometer of desert into fertile soil!

When the area of ​​the desert is wide enough, it will continue to expand outward and erode the rest of the land, but when the area of ​​fertile soil is sufficient, it will also turn the dead desert into fertile soil little by little.


"You actually asked me to turn over the ground?"

Tornado looked at Saga in disbelief.

She never imagined that her first arduous task after coming to the new world was not to punch the Four Emperors, kick the generals, or directly kill the Holy Land Mariejoa to challenge Lord Im, but to constantly Ground work on St.tin Island..

"Well, for me, building is always more important than destroying!"

"And Vardin really doesn't have any top-level battles that require you to do it yourself!"

"I can't tell you to deal with some weak and weak fish!"

Saga said shyly.

With Vardin's current combat power, unless it is to march into the new world and declare war on the four emperors at the same time, or directly start the final battle with the world government, otherwise, there is really no battle for a while, and it is necessary to use dragons. roll.

Esdes, Admiral of Warding Admiral, and a large number of elite soldiers are enough to solve most of Varding's problems.

It is illegal to employ child labor, but fortunately, although the little tornado looks like a child, but his age is already an adult.

After Saga finished speaking, the tornado almost became a puffer fish, but under the strong request of Saga, the tornado reluctantly started his big plan that turned the world upside down.

Saga set a small goal for the tornado, first come to a million square kilometers of fertile soil...

The tornado started - started its own work.

Every day, there are countless yellow sands that are either turned over or swept into the sea, but at the same time, every day, there are also large tracts of desert that directly become fertile soil!

Fertile soil for growing food and plants.

"Is this a miracle?"

"His Majesty Saga is indeed the chosen one,"

The tornado's generosity directly shocked all the citizens of Santin Island.

Even though the tornado deliberately avoided ordinary people every time it turned over the ground or rolled up deep-sea silt to cover the yellow sand, the incredible miracle of a large area of ​​desert on Santin Island turning into fertile soil every day still shocked countless people. !

Of course, the big changes that took place on St. Tin Island have not been able to hide from the intelligence personnel of the World Government and some other forces.

St.Tin Island is too big.

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