"It's not necessary"

The Five Old Stars with Long Leizi, Huanchun, and the Five Old Stars with bald heads and blond hair, directly objected!

"It can go on and on-go,"

"Valding's strength will get stronger and stronger!"

The curly-haired Wu Laoxing said in a deep voice, he knew what the other Wu Laoxing were thinking.

But he felt that when the World Government-Government was facing the Varding crisis, it was necessary to properly strengthen the strength of the World Government-Government and the Navy.

Those collected secret skills and devil fruits can only be eaten by ashes when stored.

"For the CP organization that is loyal to us and the Tianlong People's Guards, I think it is possible to release some materials and take out some Devil Fruits as a reward,"

"But I still don't agree with the full opening of secret skills and devil fruits to the navy and the world government!"

The long-bearded five old star is light? Shaking his head lightly,

"Even if there is no spy among us, there must be Vardin's spies among the top government officials in the world!"

"Don't forget the leaked Navy Six and the death of the cpO ace Stucci!"

In addition to the breathing method, the information that Vardin has opened also includes the Navy's Sixth Form!

Moreover, the death of Stuthy, as well as the numerous information that Vardin knew, apart from the traitor who had Vardin among the top officials of the world government, the Bearded Five Old Stars could not find any other reason.


"And the strength of the navy can't grow again!"

"The strength of the navy is now enough to threaten the world government-government!"

"They can't be allowed to continue to be strong anymore."

"The current three generals are not as easy to deal with as Zefa,"

The bald-headed five old star who embraced the first generation of ghosts said coldly.

It doesn't matter whether the navy under the World Government-Government will endanger the World Government-Government or not.

The important thing is that the current navy is indeed powerful enough to threaten the world government.

Even if the World Government-Government secretly attacked Zefa, abolished Zefa, eliminated a large number of Zefa's students, made Zefa lose his mind and spirit, and at the same time it would be difficult to teach a large number of elite students!

I am afraid that the current naval headquarters, under the guidance of Zefa, has already increased its strength to the point where it is terrifying!

Today, most of the elite lieutenant generals and the third generals in the Navy Headquarters are all students of Zefa.

In terms of teaching ability, Zefa is the strongest in the world.

The world government of the navy with its own strength can not care, but if it can lead the way, and can continuously teach a large number of powerful navies, the world government has to find a way to solve it!

The information about the wife and children of the Admiral of the Navy Headquarters will be leaked to the hands of the pirates. At the same time, the wife and children of the Admiral of the Navy Headquarters will be easily killed by some pirates.

The battleship of the elite training camp led by the Admiral of the Navy Headquarters will also inexplicably collide with the powerful pirate Edward Weibull.

And most of Zefa's follow-up students were secretly excluded by the world government, and Smog, a natural devil fruit ability person, was sent to the East China Sea, and most of the remaining students were difficult to upgrade their positions.

Together, there are not so many coincidences.

"?." There's no need for that, it won't take long for Lord Yimu to completely subvert everything,"

"Now spread those secret skills out, it will be very troublesome to control the combat power of the rest of the world again at that time!"

"Lord Im would never have thought of seeing a new world that was difficult to rule!"

The five old stars with blond hair and silver dragon also spoke out against the suggestion of the five old stars with curly hair.

The World Government-Government, as the king who has ruled the world for [*] years, has collected countless secret skills, and the Sixth Naval Style is only the most conventional one!What Diweng Fist, King's Fist, Eight Chong Fist, including the combat skills of the giants and a large number of training notes of the great swordsman, are all recorded by the world government.If it is fully opened, the combat power of the world government and the naval headquarters will rapidly become stronger.

But once these secret skills are opened, it is only a matter of time before they are passed on to the members of the World Government and the Navy Headquarters and spread to the entire sea.

The world government does not want to see the weaker allied nations become stronger one after another.

The weak world is more conducive to the rule of the world government!

The curly-haired Wu Laoxing sighed, with a sullen face, shook his head lightly and left the conference room.

He is not Lord Yimu, and he has no way to make the other five old stars carry out his orders.

"Put all your hopes on the mighty power of Lord Yimu and the King of Heaven,"

"But if it's too difficult for Lord Im and the King to deal with Vardin?"

"Too short-sighted and too arrogant!"

"Walding is different from those pirates!"

"If the world government is eventually subverted, what's the use of hiding those secret skills and devil fruits?"

"Pride is the sin of destruction!"

"Like the huge kingdom eight hundred years ago, will the world government collapse in the end?

"Walding, Walding

What about the five old stars with curly hair? He muttered, in his eyes, there is a lot of meaning! .

Chapter [*] For Justice

The curly-haired Five Old Stars are unclear, but within the Navy headquarters, the Warring States Marshal and a large number of high-ranking naval officials all have solemn expressions on their faces!

If the presence of a large number of elites in the Vardin Navy just makes the World Government worry that Vardin's strength is growing too fast, it doesn't really care much about the Vardin Navy!

Then the naval headquarters suddenly appeared a large number of elites for the Walding Navy, and it was like an eel in the throat.

"Now in the first half of the Great Route, there are many countries that only know the Walding Navy and don't know our Navy Headquarters,"

"Let's go on like this, is Malin Fando going to move into the four seas, to deal with those weak and weak pirates?"

Admiral Akainu said angrily.

The appearance of the Walding Navy made the Navy Headquarters have no sense of existence in the first half of the Great Route.

"It's really troublesome, isn't it a good thing to only deal with those weak pirates?"

"In this case, wouldn't we be able to relax a lot, and the naval soldiers would also be able to reduce a lot of casualties?"

Admiral Aokiji said lazily after Akainu finished speaking.

He didn't care whether the Navy Headquarters had a presence during this period of time.

After experiencing O'Hara, Aokiji, who has always been suspicious of the position of the World Government and the Navy Headquarters, now pursues lazy justice!


"I don't think the strength of the Walding navy is a bad thing either,"

"At least during this time, hasn't the number of pirates in the first half of the great route decreased a lot?"

"Fighting pirates is justice!"

After Aokiji finished speaking, a large number of moderate naval forces said in unison.

They joined the navy only to fight against pirates to protect the justice of this world.

67 Now there are other forces that are also fighting against pirates to implement justice, and they have no reason to be hostile to Vardin.

"Are you still in the navy?"

"Has the glory of the navy been thrown at your feet by all of you?"

"We are the absolute justice that protects this world,"

Akainu interrupted the rest of the moderate navy's reply and roared angrily.

"Ah, is it absolutely fair?"

"It's really scary!"

After Akainu finished speaking, the rest of the moderate navy did not reply for the time being, only Admiral Kizaru replied indifferently.


Looking at Akainu, whose face was livid and seemed to be angry, as well as the many moderate navies who were dissatisfied with Akainu, Sengoku said directly and roared,

"Anyway, Vardin is Vardin, we are us,"

"I didn't come to you to discuss my own justice,"

"It's to solve our own problems!"

"Valding's navy is growing too fast, I don't care whether the growth of Walding's navy is a good thing or a bad thing,"

"But now the question is,"

"With the growth of the Walding Navy, the number of naval recruits we have recently recruited at the naval base in the first half of the Great Route has dropped a lot!"

"Also, many World Government member countries in the first half of the Great Route are dissatisfied with us, and are already preparing to write to the World Government to abolish some of our naval bases and reduce our military spending!"

For some allied countries in the first half of the great route, the reason why they are willing to accept the high world government-government's heavenly gold (cidi), as well as bear a large amount of military expenditures for the naval headquarters and provide land and resources to build naval bases, is to make The Navy Headquarters fights against rampant pirates while protecting the entire country.

But now they find that even without having to hand over the sky-high gold and bear a lot of naval military expenses.

The Walding Navy can also deal with a large number of rampant pirates by the way.

Not a single world government member country is willing to hand over this money obediently.

Even now the situation with Vardin and the World Government is not clear enough.

There are many World Government member countries who want to refuse to pay the heavenly gold, directly withdraw from the World Government-Government, and turn around and join the Walding Alliance.

"The naval base still has military spending that cannot be cut,"

"The naval base is about our control of the surrounding waters,"

"Military spending is related to the salary of all soldiers,"

"No one would think that their subordinates have to fight the pirates desperately, but they have to keep their clothes and food tight, and even after accidentally dying in battle, the pensions have become very few!"

After the Warring States period, the naval staff officer crane



"Will it still cut my salary?"

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